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Part Number: 2831

Justice Acquisition Regulation


Authority: 28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j) and 0.76(j).

Source: 87 FR 47118, Aug. 2, 2022, unless otherwise noted.

      Subpart 2831.1 - Applicability

           2831.101 Objectives.

           2831.109 Advance agreements.

      Subpart 2831.2 - Contracts With Commercial Organizations

           2831.205 Selected costs.

           2831.205-6 Compensation for personal services.

Subpart 2831.1 - Applicability

2831.101 Objectives.

(a) The SPE is the official authorized to grant individual deviations from the cost principles of FAR part 31.

(b) Requests for class deviations from the cost principles set forth in FAR part 31 will be forwarded through the SPE prior to submission to the CAAC.

2831.109 Advance agreements.

(a) DOJ and bureau contracting officers are encouraged to negotiate advance agreements concerning the treatment of special or unusual costs to avoid possible subsequent disputes or disallowance of costs based upon unreasonableness or nonallowability. All such agreements shall be negotiated in accordance with FAR 31.109, prior to the contractor incurring such costs.

(b) All determinations required by this subpart shall be reviewed and approved at a level above the contracting officer prior to negotiation of the proposed agreement. The approved determination shall be placed in the contract file.

(c) Advance agreements will be signed by both the contractor and the contracting officer, and made a part of the contract file. Copies of executed advance agreements will be distributed to the cognizant audit office, when applicable.

Subpart 2831.2 - Contracts With Commercial Organizations

2831.205 Selected costs.

2831.205-6 Compensation for personal services.

The HCA or designee is the agency head for the purposes FAR 31.205-6(g)(6).