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      Medieval PhilosophyPlatoAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
Eredità platonica e, a maggior ragione, pitagorica, è quella che impone nella tarda antichità latina una concezione cosmologica che inquadra l’universo come una divina dispositio. Le testimonianze più importanti in tal senso sono quelle -... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyLate AntiquityPythagoreanismLate Antique Religion
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      AristotleHistory of ScienceStoicismAncient Philosophy
This book focuses on the development of Platonic philosophy at the hands of Roman writers between the first century BCE and the early fifth century CE. It discusses the interpretation of Plato's Timaeus by Cicero, Apuleius, Calcidius, and... more
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      Translation StudiesEarly ChristianityCiceroApuleius
The following research explores the possibility of identifying a theory of vision in Marsilio Ficino's works through the study of three groups of texts: 1) the early work of Marsilio Ficino (two letters from 1454), 2) Marsilio Ficino's... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyTheories of VisionMarsilio FicinoItalian Philosophy
Michel Huglo, 'La reception de Calcidius et des Commentarii de Macrobe a l'epoque carolingienne,' Scriptorium 44 (1990): 3-10. Addenda and errata by Michel Huglo, 1991. PDF.
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval MusicMacrobiusCarolingian History
(eds.), Plato latinus. Aspects de la transmission de Platon dans l'Antiquité, Philosophie hellénistique et romaine 8, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, 339 pp., ISBN: 9782503577890. Cloth: €95 Reseñado por CLELIA CRIALESI Pontifical Institute of... more
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      SenecaAugustineLate AntiquityCicero
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      Philosophical LogicPhilosophical MethodologyPatristics and Late AntiquityMiddle Platonism
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