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      Medical LawChild LawBeginning Of Life (Medical Law)Wrongful Life
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      Wrongful LifeWrongful BirthWrongful Conception
Il danno da procreazione costituisce una fattispecie giuridica che da qualche decennio impegna molti tribunali di Paesi occidentali. Il testo affronta la questione dal punto di vista filosofico, analizzando il concetto stesso di danno da... more
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      EthicsBioethicsDisability StudiesDisability
In this article we analyze the problem of whether a person who considers his own life as damage may file a complaint against who allowed his birth (wrongful life). The dominant doctrine argues that the award of such compensation would... more
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      Medical liabilityWrongful LifeWrongful BirthRigh Not to Be Born
""Con la sentenza 16754/2012 la Corte di Cassazione torna ad occuparsi del risarcimento per nascita indesiderata, con particolare riferimento all'attribuzione del risarcimento direttamente al bambino nato malformato. Con un'argomentazione... more
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      Medical LawNegligence (Medical Law)Medical liabilityWrongful Life
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      BioethicsMedical EthicsReproductive Technologies & LawUtilitarianism
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      BiolawMedical liabilityWrongful LifeWrongful Birth
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      Tort LawWrongful BirthDerecho de DañosDaño Moral
The boundaries of recovery for personal injury, property damage, psychiatric damage and pure economic loss have been the subject of extensive judicial discussion. However, the courts are constantly asked to consider whether to expand... more
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      Private lawRemedies (Law)Tort LawWrongful Life
La autora analiza las acciones denominadas wrongful birth y wrongful life. Para ello se remonta a los orígenes de estas, desarrolla los presupuestos para su accionar, identifica los elementos de la responsabilidad civil aplicable y... more
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      Wrongful BirthDERECHO CIVILResponsabilidade CivilWrongful life - diritto a non nascere - bioetica
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      Wrongful LifeWrongful Birth
En el presente trabajo se examina la posibilidad, en el ordenamiento jurídico chileno, de indemnizar los perjuicios producidos en virtud de los polémicos supuestos de wrongful life, wrongful birth y wrongful conception. Una vez estudiadas... more
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      Wrongful LifeWrongful BirthDerecho de DañosWrongful Conception
This article reconsiders the House of Lords decision in Rees v. Darlington Memorial Hospital NHS Trust (2003) and the decision to award a conventional award of £15,000 in all cases of failed sterilisation resulting in the birth of an... more
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      Wrongful LifeWrongful BirthDerecho de nacer sano
En este artículo se examina la aceptabilidad de las acciones "wrongful birth" (WB) a partir de la teoría discursiva del derecho de Jürgen Habermas. Inicialmente, se describe el alcance que tienen hoy diversas pruebas genéticas para... more
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      Jurgen HabermasWrongful BirthLegitimidadpruebas geneticas
Si può essere moralmente e anche giuridicamente colpevoli mettendo al mondo qualcuno? Intendo chiedere se si possa esserlo – in particolari circostanze – con questo stesso atto, senza il bisogno di aggiungervi altri atti. Ogni atto... more
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      BioethicsPhilosophy Of LawMedical EthicsPhilosophy of Criminal Law
When the doctor recognizes a deformities of the foetus just near the birth, the mother can claim damages for violation of the right to abortion provided that there has been causation between the breach of contract and the wrongful birth.... more
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      Medical NegligenceSelfdeterminationWrongful BirthNon pecuniary losses
El presente artículo pretende resolver la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿en casos de nacimientos con enfermedades congénitas que involucran una discapacidad física o mental, inadvertidas oportunamente debido a un error de... more
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      Wrongful BirthInterrupción voluntaria del embarazodaño resarcibleError de diagnóstico prenatal
An examination of the High Court's recent wrongful life and wrongful birth decisions.
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      Wrongful LifeWrongful Birth
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      AutobiographyWrongful BirthLonelinessSuffering
The essay focuses on the question of the compensation for damages suffered by a child before his birth. Most notably, the Author tries to demonstrate how legal action to compensate the damage caused before birth does not at all imply what... more
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      Political ScienceVulnerabilityWrongful LifeWrongful Birth
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      Medical liabilityWrongful LifeWrongful BirthWrongful Conception
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthInternational LawInternational Human Rights LawWrongful Life
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione – 2. Wrongful pregnancy come lesione dell’autodeterminazione concezionale – 3. Wrongful birth: tra diritto all’autodeterminazione riproduttiva e diritto alla salute – 3.1.1 La nascita indesiderata di un figlio... more
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      Wrongful LifeWrongful BirthDiritto CivileDiritto Privato
本論文は、「誕生肯定」の概念について哲学的に考察するものである。「誕生肯定」とは、私が2007年の論文「生命学とは何か」において導入した概念である。発表から4年が経過したが、その間の思索において、この概念が「生命の哲学」の根幹をなし得ることが明瞭になってきたので、ここでその全体像を記しておくことにする。全体の見取り図を与えることを優先するので、細部においては未消化の議論が多くあるが、それらの点については次回の課題にしたいと考えている。私はいま、「誕生肯定」の概念を土台として、... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese PhilosophyJapanese ReligionsJapanese Buddhism
μελέτη που εξετάζει τα ιδιαίτερα ακανθώδη ζητήματα της ιατρικής ευθύνης του γενετιστή ή μαιευτήρα για «ζημιογόνο ζωή» και «ζημιογόνο τεκνοποίηση». Συγκεκριμένα, σε αρκετές χώρες, και ιδιαίτερα στις ΗΠΑ έχει τεθεί στην κρίση των... more
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      Wrongful Birthιατρική ευθύνη