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This paper presents a multi-criteria analysis of potential sites intended for the construction of a petroleum export port along the North-Western shores of the Persian Gulf, with particular attention to sediment transport considerations... more
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      Site SelectionSedimentationWave ModelingPort and Habour Planning
This paper presents a novel initiative for reliable high-resolution forecasts on prevailing sea states at 50 important ports worldwide (Accu-Waves; Its goal is to support safe navigation, unhampered vessel... more
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      Wave Structure InteractionCostal OceanographyPort EngineeringWater Wave Modeling, Ocean Engineering
Many practical seismic applications such as reverse time migration (RTM) and full-waveform inversion (FWI) are usually computation and memory intensive. To perform crosscorrelation in RTM or build the gradient for FWI, it is mandatory to... more
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      Wave ModelingReverse Time MigrationFull Waveform Inversion
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      OceanographyRemote SensingNumerical AnalysisMarine Science
In this paper we present the evolvement of an integrated numerical model (WAVE-L) for the simulation of wave propagation and transformation in areas around and inside ports and harbors. WAVE-L is a high-resolution phase-resolving wave... more
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      Coastal EngineeringPorts and HarboursPorts and ShippingWater Wave Modeling, Ocean Engineering
Forecast of wave agitation inside port basins and consequent downtime of berth positions are of utmost importance to make a port "smarter" by efficiently managing its infrastructure. Within Accu-Waves project (, a... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical ModelingForecastingNumerical Modelling
With the launch of Oceansat-I (IRS-P4), it became a reality to carry out validations of third generation wave model 3g-WAM in the North Indian Ocean region using the IRS-P4 analyzed wind fields provided by the National Centre for Medium... more
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      Wave ModelingWAM Validation