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“Water resources economy: from internalisation of externalities towards integrated water management. The example of the Audomarois water basin”. Evidence relating to the scarcity of water, in terms of both quantity and quality, has made... more
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      WaterWater resourcesConventionsSustainable Water Resources Management
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      China and AfricaWater ConflictNile River Basin
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictWater resourcesConflict Resolution
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      Water ConflictsTransboundary WaterWater Conflict ManagementTransboundary Waters
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      Water-Energy NexusWater and EnergyWater ConflictsTransboundary Water
The Middle East has been a subject of interest to me ever since my first travels to this region (Syria, Jordan and Turkey) when I was nine. I found it extremely interesting how water, this indispensable element of life, can be a hindrance... more
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      GeographyMiddle East StudiesWater resourcesIsrael/Palestine
The Mozambican village of Canhane has been frequently cited as a successful case of 'community development'. This is the result of the implementation of a 'community-based' tourism venture, which began in 2004. However, this positive... more
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      AnthropologyMozambiqueDevelopmentWater Conflict
Das Säbelrasseln Ägyptens in der Nilwasserfrage stößt an seine Grenzen, meint Tobias von Lossow. Da die Notwendigkeit zu kooperieren stetig zunimmt, müssen Ägypten und Äthiopien ihre politischen Absichtserklärungen endlich glaubhaft mit... more
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      Water ConflictsTransboundary WaterWater Conflict ManagementTransboundary Waters
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementWater ConflictsWater Conflict ManagementCooperation and Conflict Over Water
The conflict between the two southern most states of India, Kerala and Tamil Nadu over Mullaperiyar dam issue is for safety and water. The waters of Mullaperiyar of Kerala were diverted to irrigate the drought prone districts of Tamil... more
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      WaterWater resourcesTamil NaduWater Conflict