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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Politics
Policy Brief: The paper analyses the impact of migration on the regional Visegrad cooperation, which is one of the instruments of Czech foreign policy. Visegrad’s join position towards migration has a dual impact on the cohesion of the... more
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      MigrationEuropean UnionCzech RepublicCentral and Eastern Europe
A dolgozat középpontjában a Magyarország, Lengyelország, Csehország és Szlovákia által alkotott Visegrádi Együttműködés áll. A kutatás fő vizsgálati területe a négy ország közös érdekérvényesítési lehetőségei az Európai Unióban, valamint... more
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      European UnionCentral European StudiesVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperation
The subject of the paper is the Visegrad Cooperation, founded by Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The focus of the research are the common interests and priorities of the four countries in the European polit-ical field.... more
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      European StudiesVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperationVisegrad Group States
Political Systems of Visegrad Group Countries. Editor Wojciech Gizicki. Trnava - Lublin : University of Ss Cyril and Methodius in Trnava in international cooperation with The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 2012. Juraj... more
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      Eastern European StudiesConstitutional LawComparative PoliticsEastern Europe
This chapter explores how the EU–V4 relations have changed through the course of transformation from an external, regional domain to an internal partnership. Keeping in mind the fact that the V4 has become an integral part of the European... more
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      European UnionBrand ImagePolandRegional Integration
В статье рассматривается развитие сотрудничества государств Вышеградской группы (ВГ) в сфере безопасности и обороны с момента ее создания в 1991 г. по 2018 г. Определены причины, по которым произошло укрепление этого направления... more
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      Central and Eastern EuropeEU energy securityVisegrad GroupHybrid Threats
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      Cultural PolicyCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesHeritage Conservation
In January 2022, articles by international commentators appeared in the media about the first steps towards a new union in Europe. The United Kingdom initiated this development following the declaration about the strategic partnership... more
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      Russian NationalismPolitics of UkraineUkraineForeign Policy of Ukraine
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      NATOEuropean Security and Defence PolicyUkraineNATO-Russian Relations
The concept of “multispeed integration”is a re-occurring theme, evoked periodically by both supporters and opponents of deeper integration, when the consensus on the speed and direction of the integration was weak. This also leads to a... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperation
The aim of the publication is to analyze whether there is any Visegrad commonly shared identity or not and what could be the integrative factor of the Visegrad Group. The authors of the publication cover the following topics – historical... more
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      European StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integrationDemocratization
Pachocka M., Understanding the Visegrad Group states’ response to the migrant and refugee crises 2014+ in the European Union, „Yearbook of Polish European Studies” 2016, vol. 19, p. 101-132. At least since 2014 the European Union (EU)... more
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      European StudiesRefugee StudiesMigrationEuropean Union
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      Eastern European StudiesInternational RelationsCentral EuropeCzech & Slovak Studies
The topic of this publication is the influence of nationalism in Central Europe. Developments in the region since 1989 have confirmed that expectations of the time in which the spirit of social solidarity and ideals of civic equality... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
The setbacks of the Visegrad Group on the level of end-game negotiation as well as its absence in EU macro-regional strategy projects show that the mechanism of the “hard power”, such as economic potential or number of votes in the EU... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesEuropean integration
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean integrationState Formation
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      European StudiesRegionalismEuropeVisegrad Group
Moldova: Arena of International Influences brings international perspective to Moldova’s foreign relations since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Eighteen chapters analyze the policy toward Moldova of selected international... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Neighbourhood Policy
This collected volume presents research focusing on the interaction of domestic, foreign, and transnational actors in the process of the construction of national interests. The contributors concentrate on the extent to which the role of... more
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      European StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisCzech & Slovak StudiesCentral European Studies
Today, an Intermarium could stretch from Narva in the north to Batumi in the south. Significant parts of the populations and the majority of foreign affairs experts of the countries between the Baltic and Black seas view Putin’s Russia... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern EuropeUkrainian StudiesEuropean Security and Defence Policy
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationNationalism
EU policies aim to develop renewable energy share in both production and consumption of total energy and increase the efforts to mitigate climate change. As relatively new EU members, the Visegrad countries aimed to adopt these targets.... more
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      Renewable EnergyCO2 emissionsVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperation
Presentation prepared for 13th Annual IMISCOE conference in Prague 30.06-02.07.2016
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      European StudiesRefugee StudiesMigrationEuropean Union
The presented study analyses the use of the so-called memory policies in bilateral relations between Slovakia and Hungary after 1993. Its aim is to identify the main reference points from the past brought up by Slovakia's foreign policy... more
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      HungarianState FormationNationalismCentral Europe
It is a well-known phenomenon in the European Union that small member states can hardly represent their interests on their own. Acting as a group, however, as in the framework of a regional cooperation, has already proven to be effective... more
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      Nordic StudiesSecurity StudiesCentral EuropeCentral and Eastern Europe
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesSelf and Identity
This paper presents a comparative analysis of Visegrad Group (V4) countries positions towards Ukraine and Russia since the outbreak of Ukrainian crisis at the end of 2013 till the reaching of the Minsk II agreement at Belarus talks on... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyCentral European StudiesPolish Foreign PolicyVisegrad Group
Sechter, Jan - Grzesiczak, Łukasz. Wyszehradcy euro entuzjaści. In Tomasz Stępniewski (ed.). Wyszehrad porwany. Rozmowy o Europie Środka. Lublin: Instytut Europy Środkowej 2021, pp. 46-54. ISBN: 978-83-66413-45-0
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      European UnionCentral European StudiesCzech RepublicCzech politics
The title ‘y-axis’ is metaphore, symbol and provocation. Then we should ask a question – what is the nature of Polish diplomatic actions taken on the north-south axis, in the area located between Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas (or even... more
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      NATOEuropean UnionPolish Foreign PolicyVisegrad Group
Over the past three decades, the V4 shifted from a normative conformity with the West to pursuing a counter-hegemonic strategy in relation to the EU following the adoption of the Council Decision on resettlement quotas. What becomes... more
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      European integrationEuropean PoliticsRegionalismRegionalisation
My aim in this paper is to discuss the general idea of a Central-European ethos in comparison with the values that shaped the contemporary form of Western societies. My argument is threefold. First, I briefly discuss the emergent... more
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      Intellectual HistorySocial SciencesEquality StudiesHistoricism
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      Central European StudiesPolandCentral and Eastern EuropeSoft Power and International Relations
Given that both the countries participating in the Berlin Process and the Visegrad group engage in the Western Balkans in the frame of the latter’s democratic transformation and successful integration into the EU, it makes clear the... more
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      European integrationEnlargement and Integration in the EUAlbaniaWestern Balkans
China is rapidly becoming one of the most significant trading partners of EU countries. This is as much the case for the 11 Central and Eastern European countries (CEE11) which entered the EU in 2004, 2007 and 2013 as for the older... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEconomicsInternational EconomicsInternational Relations
As for Slovakia’s perspective, the most dominant role was played by the Visegrad Four (V4) when speaking about the numerous international structures aimed at supporting the cooperation in the region of Central Europe. Moreover, the... more
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      Central EuropeCzech & Slovak StudiesCentral European StudiesCentral and Eastern Europe
Current relations between Ukraine and Visegrad Four states in the security domain are in stagnation. Even if existing obstacles removed, there is no clear vision of possible cooperation topics and joint projects to be implemented.... more
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      NATOEuropean Union (International Studies)Military and PoliticsUkraine
The Visegrad Group, which was founded in 1991, has evolved over the last eighteen years with Europe itself. However, in recent years we have witnessed how the four countries have tightened their economic and political ties with each... more
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      Visegrad GroupVisegrad cooperationVisegrad Group Statesthe Visegrad Group
Based on semi-structured interviews with regionally-assigned foreign diplomats, this study evaluates external perceptions of the strengths, weaknesses, achievements and further potential of Visegrad cooperation in the European Union since... more
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      European UnionRegionalismVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperation
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and EthnicityNationalism
Understanding the role of religious communities in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s post-Communist societies is very important for grasping the nature and history of democratic development in these two countries. A close investigation... more
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      Religion and PoliticsEuropean UnionEuropean IslamBosnia and Herzegovina
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      RegionalismCentral and Eastern EuropeComparative RegionalismVisegrad Group
The Visegrad Four has aroused the minds and hearts of political spectators and actors alike lately: From a rather innocent and inconspicuous platform for informal regional cooperation, the V4 has evolved into a perceived antithesis of the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPoliticsHungarian StudiesPostcommunist studies
The aim of this report is to assess the first half of the Czech V4 presidency and to suggest key recommendations for the remaining time of the presidency. The assessment is based on the Presidency’s own priorities, but also... more
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      Central EuropeCentral European StudiesCentral and Eastern EuropeVisegrad Group
Similar to many countries around the world, Visegrad countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic after the second half of 2020. The outbreak was handled with both success and... more
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      Visegrad GroupVisegrad cooperationEuropean EconomyVisegrad Group States
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      Hungarian PoliticsPolish Foreign PolicyVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperation