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      International LawHuman RightsGenderPolice
The aim of this document is to provide some explanations and provides a professional contribution to the development of public debate related to the verification of security. Security clearance process is among the most important pillars... more
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Vetting refers to “processes for assessing an individual’s integrity as a means of determining his or her suitability for public employment.” Vetting may be applied to people who already hold public service positions, typically in... more
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      International DevelopmentCivil ServiceVettingPublic Service
in Dov Jacobs (ed.) Research Handbook on Transitional Justice (E. Elgar, 2017).
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      Transitional JusticeVettingLustration
Cyber security in the maritime industry has been emphasised due to both academic researches and incidents. There are academic studies that show vulnerabilities in various navigation equipments such as GPS, ECDIS, AIS and ARPA-Radar.... more
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      CybersecurityVettingCyber SecurityMaritime Cybersecurity
Measurement issues, such as the creation of generalizable, transitional justice variables, are a first order priority if transitional justice questions are to be more integrally embedded in larger democratization and peace-building... more
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      Transitional JusticeVettingLustrationPurges
Paraprakisht më duhet të pohoj se, kjo analizë ka për qëllim të vetëm, të dëftejë « problemet strukturore » që ka procesi i rivlerësimit kalimtar në raport me KEDNJ-në, në mënyrë të tillë, që këto të meta të ndreqen në kohë, dhe të kenë... more
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      Constitutional LawRule of LawVettingEuropean Convention on Human Rights
A technical report intended for publication is considered more credible if it has been subjected to peer review. peer review is considered and intended results are compared to actual results. An alternative approach known as vetting is... more
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      ParapsychologyEthicsMediaPeer Review
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      Public Sector Human ResourcesTransitional JusticeEast German HistoryVetting
Six years after the Revolution, the demands for purification of the first months of post-Ben Ali Tunisia are now only a distant memory. Now present in the same government resulting from the 2014 elections, Ennahda and Nidaa Tounes do not... more
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      Transitional JusticeTunisiaPolitical ExclusionVetting
Për këtë qëllim, unë do të analizoj pajtueshmërinë, ose jo, të dispozitës kushtetuese që kufizon pjesërisht « barrën e provës », me KEDNJ. Arsyetimi im do të jetë sistematik.
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      European Convention of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsVettingJudges
The paper describes the main features of the reform of Albanian justice system, basically articulated in a constitutional law, approved by the Parliament on 22 July 2016, and seven laws entered into force between August and November of... more
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      AlbaniaVettingUnione EuropeaGiustiza
Nuk e di si ndodhi kjo. Si u prishën punët. Se i kishim terezitur aq mirë. Ndoshta ishte për shkak të insistimit të madh të Amerikanëve. Por sa para bën. Tani jam këtu. Dhe më duhet të zbraz barkun. Dhe do ta zbraz. Çfarë thuhet... more
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Ustawy lustracyjne, które uchwalone zostały niemal we wszystkich krajach byłego bloku wschodniego, były pierwotnie postrzegane jako środek nadzwyczajny, konieczny w fazie konsolidacji systemu demokratycznego. Ponad dwadzieścia pięć lat po... more
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      DemocratizationTransitional JusticeVettingPost-Communist Studies
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      Critical PedagogyPoliticsHistory of IranPedagogy
The objective of this practice is to establish a meaningful measure which can be used by readers to rate paranormalist community media. It gives people a way to tell future experiencers what to expect by assigning a rating on a five-star... more
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      ParapsychologyResearch MethodologyParanormalResearch
Many of the world's conflicts today are self-sustaining and ongoing, making the application of transitional justice measures difficult. Particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, namely Georgia and Ukraine, both of which have experienced... more
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      Transitional JusticeGeorgiaCentral and Eastern EuropeUkraine
Në këtë artikull unë do të analizoj në qoftë se KPA dhe KPK plotësojnë kushtet, e vendosura në jurisprudencën e GJEDNJ-së, për të qënë realisht “gjykata” sipas Artikullit 6§1 të KËDNJ-së, e prandaj do të përdor disa prej pjesëve të saj,... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsEuropean Convention of Human RightsVetting
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Progress and Challenges of the Vetting System The democratic oversight and governance of the security sector represents one of the Kosovo’s criteria in its path to the European Union (EU). The EU annual progress report is one of the main... more
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      SecurityGovernanceSecurity StudiesKosovo
Temporal assumptions associated with personnel reforms, such as lustration and public disclosure programs, both prescribe the optimal timing for the onset of measures and proscribe a long duration for such measures. In the context of the... more
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      International Human Rights LawTransitional JusticeCentral and Eastern EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights
Përpara një javë në disa media të shkruara dhe vizive disa gazetarë (as të tillë nuk e kanë emrin por diletantë shpirtëzi) kanë raportuar emrat e disa gjyqtarëve të Shqipërisë të cilët epitetizohen në mënyra më ofenduese si " gjyqtarët që... more
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      VettingKorrupsioniGjykatat Administrative
Paper analysing of the state of affairs in the field of security vetting in Serbia complemented with good practice examples from other countries and specific recommendations for improving the situation.
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      National SecurityVetting