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In recent years online broadcasting has accelerated through online broadcasting platform Netflix. Therefore the generation Z that defined as digital natives has a differenciaty viewing habit. It is defined as binge watch and binge racer... more
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      Uses-And-Gratification TheoryNetflixBinge Watching
ÖZET İnternetin tüm dünyaya yayılması ile beraber, toplumların yapısı ve bireylerin gündelik yaşam pratikleri içerisinde internete ilişkin teknolojiler ve web uygulamaları etkin bir araç olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İnternet ağlarının... more
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      Social MediaCommunication ResearchUses-And-Gratification Theory
Changes in consumer behavior enabled by social networking technologies is leading to a transformation in e-commerce. Consumers’ use of social media sites and relevant technologies for different aspects of shopping has become an issue of... more
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      Social MediaEcommerceUses And GratificationsSocial Media Marketing
As products of post-modernity, mass media remain twofold phenomena. They can be used as instruments for good projects and, to some, for evil activities. This paper discussed the above assertion by evaluating the role of the media in... more
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      GlobalizationTerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPostmodernism
Günümüzde gelişen teknolojik imkânlar, hem yeni kitle iletişim araçları ve ortamları sağlamış hem de geleneksel kitle iletişim araçlarına yenilikler katmıştır. Bu araçlar içeriklerini, fiziksel özelliklerini, hitap ettiği kitleyi... more
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      CommunicationTelevisionMotivationMass Comunication
Answering the questions of how and why people engage with videogames or why they enjoy certain videogames more than the others has been a perennial effort in videogame studies. On the one hand, designers and developers strive to discover... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Self-Determination TheoryVideo GamesVideo Game Design
Let’s waste some time is a qualitative, inductive, autoethnographic study about procrastination. The author’s own procrastinating behaviour during a particular assignment (this one, in fact) is (very) critically explored from three... more
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      Creative WritingSelf and IdentitySocial Research Methods and MethodologyHigher Education
How typical are your three main texts of their genre? (Media A2 Level Paper)
TV Industry Texts: ITV’s ‘Coronation Street’, Channel 4’s ‘The Undateables’, and ABC’s ‘Breaking Bad’
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      IconographyMedia StudiesGenre studiesDigital Media
Gelişen iletişim teknolojileri ve kullanıcılar arasında artan mobil iletişim ihtiyacı nedeniyle mobil iletişim sektöründe son yıllarda hızlı bir gelişme yaşandığı görülmektedir. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri sosyal yaşam içinde önemi... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourTechnology AcceptanceUses And GratificationsTheory of Planned Behavior
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 The current study is aimed at examining the use of social media for political communication and its impact on the political polarization of youths in Uganda. The study specifically focuses on... more
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      Political communicationInternational PoliticsSocial Media and PoliticsSocial Networking & Social Media
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    • Uses-And-Gratification Theory
People have become more mobile with advances in transportation technologies. This has led to higher use of cyberspace and social network sites, and people have started socializing over cyberspace instead of meeting in physical spaces.... more
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      CyberpsychologySocial Networking Sites (SNS)CyberspaceSense of belonging
This study aimed at identifying the uses and gratifications realized by Libyan- Bahraini Youth through the Facebook Site. It is also interested in finding out the motives, uses and gratifications realized by Libyan Bahraini Youth through... more
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      Facebook StudiesUses-And-Gratification TheoryUses and Gratifications of Traditional Media and New MediaBahraini youth
Within scholarly communication, social media such as social networking sites or microblogging services like Twitter facilitates more divers and flexible forms of academic communication, community development, and networking. In light of... more
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      Computer ScienceCommunity DevelopmentSocial InteractionGender