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      Prague UniversityMedieval MagicHistory of magicFifteenth and Sixteenth century culture
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      Theory of ReligionThelemaMalcolm LowryAleister Crowley
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      MagicAncient magicJewish MagicTheory of magic
Drawing on some theories and concepts from symbolic anthropology and ritual studies, recent scholarship on early Christian meal practices has paid considerable attention to their function by formation of early Christian identities. The... more
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      Theory of magicEucharistic OriginsCognitive Ritual Theories
Der Aufsatz rekonstruiert Tommaso Campanellas Theorie einer physiologischen Wirkung des Metrums über den spiritus animalis, wie sie in der "Philosophia rationalis" (1638) entfaltet wird.
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      Tommaso CampanellaRenaissance Music TheoryTheory of magicGeschichte der Musiktheorie
Magic, as perceived through the linguistic lenses of Indo-European *mag(h)-, Sanskrit māyā and Pharaonic Egyptian heka, is semantically bound to the notions of ability, effectiveness and power. This complex operates upon an... more
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      ImaginationAncient magicTheory of magic
In " Revue en ligne de sciences humaines et sociales", n. 21, 2010
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      AnthropologyHistory of AnthropologyMagicMethod and Theory in the Study of Religion