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      History of HistoriographyClassical Reception StudiesRenaissance antiquarianismReception of Antiquity
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryPatristicsLate Antiquity
Edition Mommsen, 1894; English translation Bouke Procee, 2014.
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      Early ChristianityEarly Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityTheodoricus monachus
Lo studio esamina le torri aggiunte al Castrum Praetorium, caserma della guardia imperiale, posteriormente all’epoca della costruzione voluta da Tiberio. La pianta pentagonale delle torri, comune in età ellenistica quando era raccomandata... more
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      Architectural HistoryLate AntiquityTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman Army
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyLate AntiquityEarly Middle Ages (History)Cassiodorus
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryLate AntiquityLate Roman Empire
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriography
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityChurch HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)
Współautorkami były: Anna Nosal i Katarzyna Motyka

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III Studencka Konferencja Starożytnicza - Religie w świecie antycznym
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, 10-12 maja 2007
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The excavation of the archaelogical site which takes its name from the Ostrogothic king Theodoric, were conducted from 1998 to 2016 by the University of Bologna, assisted, as from 2016, by the University of Parma which undertook the sole... more
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      ArchaeologyLate AntiquityArcheologiaLate antique mosaics
The purpose of this paper was to show to what extent, if any, the images placed onto the aforementioned objects could have had any connection with the then political and religious situation of the country which Theodoric the Great ruled.... more
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"Veritas Imaginum". The image od Theodoric the Great on the basis of selected numismatic specimens. summary The paper presents iconographic images of selected coins emitted by Theodoric the Great, the Ostrogothic king of Italy.... more
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Dans l’imaginaire populaire, le Romain voit le Barbare comme un être dépourvu de raffinement. Sidoine Apollinaire quant à lui n’était peut-être pas de cet avis. Le portrait qu'il dresse du personnage de Théodoric, roi des Wisigoths, dans... more
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Presentazione del Libro presso l'Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani.
Interventi di Paolo Sommella, Ludovico Gatto, Licia Vlad Borrelli, Maria Grazia Turco
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Sesja naukowa Koła Naukowego Archeologów Chrześcijańskich UPJP2 w Krakowie - Kult Męczenników Cesarstwa Rzymskiego
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 23 kwietnia 2010
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