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      Landscape ArchaeologyHellenistic and Roman FortificationsDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Natural Disasters
Written for Current World Archaeology Magazine, April-May 2020 issue and detail extracted from my 2019 title Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great: the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of Macedon
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      Philip II of MacedoniaOrphismAncient DNAArchaeometry, archaeological science, ceramics
The dearth of accurately datable documents from the time (323–c. 275 BCE) of Alexander the Great’s Successors (also known as the Diadochi or Diadochoi) has contributed to uncertainty regarding the dating of key events from this time. In... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryAlexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryDiadochoi
El ensayo se centra en El rapto de Perséfone, pintura mural de la Tumba I de Vergina, y forma parte de una investigación más amplia en que me he propuesto analizar las estructuras pictóricas de las escasas obras griegas que se han... more
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      PinturaIconografía Clásica. Literatura griega. Arte griegoPerspectiva de géneroPersefone
This paper is extracted from my 2017 book titled In Search of the Lost Testament of Alexander the Great. Please see Press release for my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great for a fuller account of the Vergina... more
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      History of Ancient MacedoniaAncient Greek archaeologyPhilip II of MacedoniaHistories of Philip II and Alexander the Great
Το πρόβλημα της ταύτισης του νεκρού του λεγόμενου τάφου του Φιλίππου Β'.
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      VerginaTomb of PhilipThe tombs at Vergina
This paper focuses not on the identity of the woman buried in the antechamber of Tomb II but rather on whether she was buried as a warrior
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      Women in the ancient worldMacedonian archaeologyArgead DynastyThe tombs at Vergina
(chapter introduction precedes this…) The five-year study of the Tomb II bones by the Antikas team provided more accurate age profiling for both Tomb II occupants: the male was aged 45 +/-4 years at death, and the female 32 +/-2 years,... more
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      Alexander the GreatHistory of Ancient MacedoniaPhilip II of MacedoniaAncient DNA
Written for Ancient Origins, Spring 2020. Detail extracted from my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great" the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of Macedon.
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      Funerary ArchaeologyAlexander the GreatHerodotus, Thucydides, and HistoriographyPhilip II of Macedonia
Vergina 2013. The phase after the abandonment of the fortification. Vergina of the craftsmen and the tomb-robbers. The 2013 excavation of the Aristotle University focused once again on the eastern and southeastern part of the... more
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      PovertyHellenistic HistoryGreek EpigraphyHellenistic and Roman Fortifications
Ο τάφος ΙΙ της Μεγάλης Τούμπας της Βεργίνας ήρθε στο φως το 1977. Πρόκειται για έναν ασύλητο μακεδονικό διθάλαμο τάφο με δωρική πρόσοψη. Εντός του ταφικού μνημείου εντοπίστηκαν δύο ταφές, μία στον προθάλαμο και μία στον θάλαμο. Τόσο στην... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFunerary PracticesHellenistic periodMacedonia
Written for Popular Archaeology, Spring 2020, and extracted from my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great: the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of MAcedon
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      Alexander the GreatAncient Greek PoliticsPhilip II of MacedoniaOrphism
Written for Ancient Origins, Spring 2020, and extracted from my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great; the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of Macedon
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      Alexander the GreatDiadochoiPhilip II of MacedoniaAncient DNA
Written for Ancient Origins, Spring 2020, and extracted from my 2019 book titled Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great; the Remarkable Discovery of the Royal Tombs of Macedon
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      HomerAlexander the GreatPhilip II of MacedoniaOrphism
Το σημαντικότερο από τα μέχρι στιγμής γνωστά νεκροταφεία της εποχής του Σιδήρου στη Μακεδονία, είναι χωρίς αμφιβολία αυτό της Βεργίνας, στα βόρεια πρανή των Πιερίων. Η νεκρόπολη των τύμβων εκτείνεται βορειοανατολικά του σύγχρονου... more
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      Arms and Armor StudiesFunerary ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
In October 336 BC, statues of the twelve Olympian Gods were paraded through the ancient capital of Macedon. Following them was a thirteenth, a statue of King Philip II who was deifying himself in front of the Greek world. Moments later... more
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      Alexander the GreatScythian archaeologyHistory of Ancient MacedoniaPhilip II of Macedonia
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      Classical ArchaeologyNationalismAlexander the GreatPhilip II of Macedonia