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According to Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophers, everything depends for its existence on something else. But what would a world devoid of fundamentalia look like? In this paper, I argue that the anti-foundationalist “neither-one-nor-many... more
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      MetaphysicsMereologyMadhyamaka SchoolMadhyamaka
This monograph includes an analysis of the Commentary on the Introduction to Reality (Tattvāvatāravṛtti) by the Indian Madhyamaka Buddhist philosopher, Śrīgupta (7th/8th century), together with a Tibetan critical edition and annotated... more
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      MereologyMadhyamaka SchoolMadhyamakaThe Two Truths Theory
<<해심밀경(解深密經)>>의 이른바 ‘삼시교판(三時敎判)’은 제2시 <<반야경(般 若經)>>와 제3시 <<해심밀경(解深密經)>>이 똑같이 공(空=무상(無相))을 주제로 하고 있다는 점을 명시하고 있다. <<해심밀경>>의 주석가 원측(圓測, 613-696)은 양자가 어 떤 지평에서 동일하게 무상으로 인식될 수 있는가 하는 물음에 답하기 위해 무상 의 이해를 둘러싸고 전개된 중관(中觀) 사상가 청변(淸辨,... more
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      Korean BuddhismNagarjunaYogacara BuddhismChinese Buddhism (Buddhist Studies)
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      The Two Truths TheoryTwo Truths TheoryYogācāraYogācārabhūmi
Longchen Rabjampa (1308–64), scholar of the Tibetan Buddhist Nyingma tradition, presents a novel doxographical taxonomy of the so-called Svātantrika branch of Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy, which designates the Indian Mādhyamika Śrīgupta... more
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      Buddhist PhilosophyMadhyamaka SchoolTibetan BuddhismThe Two Truths Theory