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      European HistoryFrench HistoryFrench RevolutionHistoriography of the French Revolution
As a postmodern novel, Toni Morrison’s Sula (1973) defies the concept of the “self” presented by the Enlightenment thinkers – a comprehensible, integrated being, since its protagonist is an inexplicable, splintered figure. Unlike the... more
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      The SelfPostmodernismToni MorrisonThe Enlightenment
ادموند برک (۱۷۹۷-۱۷۲۹)، سیاستمدار و فیلسوف انگلیسی، دین مسیحیت را میراث کهن و گرانبهای سنت اروپا می‌داند. دلبستگی او به نظم و نظام کهن اروپا با رخداد انقلاب فرانسه نه تنها کم نشد، بلکه او را بیش از پیش به حقانیت دوران گذشته باورمند ساخت.... more
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      ChristianityReligion and PoliticsEdmund BurkePolitics and Religion
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      HistoryHistoriographyEnlightenmentJesuit history
An intellectual and cultural movement advocating a radical enhancement of human performance via technoscientific and biomedical advances, transhumanism has grown in notoriety in recent years. Grouping engineers, philosophers,... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of IdeasPosthumanism
In their attempts to revive “true religion,” Locke and several English deists, such as Toland, Tindal, Chubb, Morgan, and Annet, focused on the relationship between the Law of Nature, the Law of Moses, and Christ’s teaching. However,... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophyEnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment
The emergence of the early Enlightenment ideas among Serbian intellectuals can be seen from the twenties of the 18th century when the closer ties are established between Serbian Orthodox Church and pietistic center in Halle. The idea of... more
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      IntellectualsPietismAugust Hermann FranckeThe Enlightenment
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      AbsolutismCatherine the Great18th CenturyPhilosophy of the Enlightenment
" CONTENTS 1. Hasidism as Imaged in Haskalah Literature: The Polemics of the Galician Maskilim...............31 2. Joseph Perl’s Archive in Jerusalem and its Vicissitudes......53 3. Hidden Polemical Letters about the Essence of... more
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      British LiteratureGnosticismCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      PlatoPlayEnlightenmentAncient Greek Philosophy
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      Critical TheoryMichel FoucaultFrankfurt SchoolThe Enlightenment
Derrière le schéma classique d'une substitution de l'anthropologie à la métaphysique caractérisant les Lumières, les études réunies dans ce volume montrent l'évolution du champ de la métaphysique, sa redéfinition, ses... more
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      MetaphysicsEnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentEuropean Enlightenment
Locke & Chess ~ Tools for Patriots who would ride with me in restoring Natural Law & our American Republic #UMN #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #College #GenZ #Teen #FFA #HighSchool #HomeSchool #VoTech #Military #Militia #Republican... more
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      American HistoryHuman RightsNatural LawEnlightenment