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Thomas Renz is the rector of Monken Hadley. Previously, he taught Old Testament and Hebrew at Oak Hill Theological College (1997-2009). Renz published a revision of his 1997 University of Bristol dissertation as The Rhetorical Function of... more
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"Minor Prophets
Notes on Zephaniah in the NIV ZONDERVAN STUDY BIBLE. This piece anticipates my two forthcoming commentaries on Zephaniah in Crossway's ESV EXPOSITORY COMMENTARY and the ZONDERVAN EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT.
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
Like other prophetic texts, the Book of Zephaniah enjoyed popularity and recognition by the members of the Qumran community. This is testified to by five biblical manuscripts of that book, four in Hebrew (4Q77-78, 4Q82, Mur 88) and one in... more
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      Qumranic StudiesManuscript StudiesProphetsHebrew Manuscripts
Zephaniah 2:1 calls "the nation not longing" to bundle together in submission to the Lord, and 2:3 urges "the humble of the land/earth" to seek him increasingly. The identity of these vocatives significantly affects the book's... more
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      Audience StudiesOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament TheologyAudience and Reception Studies
In the New Testament there are no citations from the Book of Zephaniah. There are only allusions which are understood as references to another work of literature thanks to which a given text uses the content of other literature to a... more
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      Hebrew BibleIntertextualityProphetsLiterary study of the Bible
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      Books of the Twelve ProphetsProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"Minor ProphetsEcological interpretations of the Bible
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      Biblical StudiesLinguistics and Biblical LanguagesJudeo-ArabicBiblical Exegesis
The chief aim of this article is to show the key features of the Aramaic version of the Book of Zephaniah, that is a part of the Targum Jonathan. The first section of the research discusses the most important aspects of the theological... more
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      TheologyHebrew BibleTargumAramaic
The author gives, first, the detailed panorama of the historical situation in Juda in VII century BCE and, second, describes the reforms of Josiah. As regards the exact dating of the life and activity of the prophet Zephaniah there are... more
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      Hebrew BibleProphetsBooks of the Twelve ProphetsAncient Israel