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Photoionization of an ambient gas by a tightly focused, femtosecond, weakly relativistic laser pulse leaves behind the pulse a column of electron density (a "filament"). At the column surface, the density drops to zero within a thin... more
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      Laser Wakefield AccelerationTHz GenrationLaser wakefield diagnosticsSecondary radiation sources
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      GyrotronsTHz Genration
Compact and tunable semiconductor terahertz sources providing direct electrical control, efficient operation at room temperatures and device integration opportunities are of great interest at the present time. One of the most... more
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      Terahertz PhotonicsTerahertz ElectronicsTerahertz Photonic SystemsQuantum Dots
Finite-bandwidth resonances of high-order axial modes (HOAM) in an open gyrotron cavity are studied numerically using the problem-oriented software package GYROSIM for modelling, simulation and computer-aided design (CAD) of gyrotron tubes.
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      Electrical EngineeringAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationElectromagnetic metamaterialsComputational Electromagnetics
Finite-bandwidth resonances of high-order axial modes (HOAM) in an open gyrotron cavity are studied numerically using the problem-oriented software package GYROSIM for modelling, simulation and computer-aided design (CAD) of gyrotron tubes.
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      MicrowaveComputational ElectromagneticsGyrotronsMicrowave and Millimetre Wave Radar and Imaging
Photoionization of an ambient gas by a weakly relativistic, femtosecond laser pulse leaves behind the pulse a flat-top plasma column. The uniform-density core of the column is surrounded by a micron-thin shell, within which the density of... more
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      Laser Wakefield AccelerationTHz GenrationRelativistic Langmuir wavesLaser wakefield diagnostics