Surgical Education
Recent papers in Surgical Education
Background: A number of tools for assessing task performance of the laparoscopic camera
The extent of surgical training given to undergraduates is variable and the decisions taken on the adequacy of the amount to be delivered are often made using little evidence. Therefore, these decisions are vulnerable to bias. Arbitrary... more
To determine if laparoscopic colectomy is safer and more effective than open colectomy in patients older than 80 years of age.
The SCORE curriculum defines surgical operations/procedures that residents are expected to be competent with by the end of the residency. The purpose of this study was to conduct a gap analysis to determine how well the operative... more
Optimal team performance in the operating room (OR) requires a combination of interactions among OR professionals and adherence to clinical guidelines. Theoretically, it is possible that OR teams could communicate very well but fail to... more
OBJECTIVES: Mentoring, for physicians and surgeons in training, is advocated as an essential adjunct in work-based learning, providing support in career and non-career related issues. The World Wide Web (WWW) has evolved, as a technology,... more
INTRODUCTION: The surgical training for endoscopic proficiency program is a collaborative project between Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons and Olympus America Inc. dedicated to providing flexible endoscopy... more
This study attempts to assess the association between surgeon personality factors (measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory (MBTI ®)) and risk tolerance (measured by the Revised Physicians' Reactions to... more
Safe surgical practice requires a combination of technical and nontechnical abilities. Both sets of skills can be impaired by intra-operative stress, compromising performance and patient safety. This systematic review aims to assess the... more
INTRODUCTION: Although the auscultation of bowel sounds is considered an essential component of an adequate physical examination, its clinical value remains largely unstudied and subjective.
BACKGROUND: The Surgical Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) conference is considered the golden hour of surgical education. However, evaluation methods for ensuring that quality M&M presentations efficiently contribute to resident education... more
Optimal team performance in the operating room (OR) requires a combination of interactions among OR professionals and adherence to clinical guidelines. Theoretically, it is possible that OR teams could communicate very well but fail to... more
We investigated these questions: Does formal team training improve team behaviors in the trauma resuscitation bay? If yes, then does improved teamwork lead to more efficiency in the trauma bay and/or improved clinical outcomes?
Background Teamwork in surgical teams is at the forefront of good practice guidelines and empirical research as an important aspect of safe surgery. We have developed a comprehensive assessment for teamwork in surgery-the Observational... more
BACKGROUND: Failures in nontechnical and teamwork skills frequently lie at the heart of harm and near-misses in the operating room (OR). The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the impact of nontechnical skills on technical... more
The first objective was to assess percutaneous renal access (PCA) skills of urology postgraduate trainees (PGTs) during the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). The second objective was to determine whether previous... more
Background Stress can impair surgical performance and may compromise patient safety. This prospective, crosssectional study describes the feasibility, reliability, and validity of the Imperial Stress Assessment Tool (ISAT) as an approach... more
PURPOSE: Surgical education is undergoing a revolution in its approach to training. Duty-hour limitations, the need for strong teamwork, and increased cross-coverage have all impacted the culture of a surgical residency. This, combined... more
OBJECTIVES The first objective was to assess percutaneous renal access (PCA) skills of urology Post-Graduate Trainees (PGTs) during Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCEs). The second objective was to determine whether previous... more
RESUMEN El síndrome de Peutz-Jeghers es una condición hereditaria autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia de pólipos hamartomatosos, más comúnmente encontrados en el intestino delgado, ocasionalmente ocurren en el estomago y... more
Accurate and legible record keeping is a crucial part of good medical practice. Surgical Hospital Audit of Record Keeping (SHARK) is a new audit and teaching tool for junior doctors. The author has designed the tool, based on the Royal... more
Background: The significant global variations in surgical oncology training paradigms can have a detrimental effect on tackling the rising global cancer burden. While some variations in training are essential to account for the... more
OBJECTIVE: Few tasks are more ingrained within the minds of practicing surgeons than the dictation of the narrative report of an operation. However, the construct of these reports varies widely among surgeons and is rarely formally taught... more
Introduction and Objectives: To evaluate the utility of the GreenLight-SIM™ (GL-SIM) simulator to assess photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) skills of urology postgraduate trainees (PGTs) during Objective Structured Clinical... more
e-Learning involves the delivery of educational content through web-based methods. Owing to work-hour restrictions and changing practice patterns in surgery, e-learning can offer an effective alternative to traditional teaching. Our aims... more
Clinical Assessment and Management Examination--Outpatient (CAMEO) is a metric for evaluating the clinical performance of surgery residents. The aim of this study was to investigate the measurement characteristics of CAMEO and propose how... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of weekly didactic grand rounds presentations. DESIGN: From 26 consecutive grand rounds presentations from July 2007 to March 2008, 2 questions were created from each lecture. A... more
Objective: To assess the effects of mental practice on surgical performance. Background: Increasing concerns for patient safety have highlighted a need for alternative training strategies outside the operating room. Mental practice (MP),... more
To determine whether a brief student survey can differentiate among third-year clerkship student's professionalism experiences and whether sharing specific feedback with surgery faculty and residents can lead to improvements.
Rationale The aim of the research that we report here was to empirically assess the cohesiveness of the multidisciplinary operating theatre (OT) team. Method We used concepts from the team performance and team mental models literature to... more