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      DialectologySemanticsSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and Change
The so-called Unnacusative Hypothesis or Split Intransitivity entails the existence of two kinds of intransitive verbs (unergative and unnacusative), a gradual semantic distinction, associated to features of telicity or agentivity and... more
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      LatinArgument StructureLatin linguisticsSplit Intransitivity
Split-intransitive systems of argument marking provide an excellent opportunity to study the structure of the lexical-semantic representations that underlie argument structure alternations and argument linking rules. Yukatek Maya has a... more
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      Lexical SemanticsArgument StructureYucatec MayaSplit Intransitivity
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      Latin linguisticsSplit IntransitivityMiddle VoiceUnaccusativity
This presentation demonstrates that Popoloca (Popolocan, Otomanguean; Mexico) has three-way split intransitivity in which both agentivity and lexical aspect are relevant. First I classify the non-derived verbs to establish the semantic... more
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      MorphosyntaxMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Otomanguean LinguisticsSplit Intransitivity
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      Papuan linguisticsPapuan LanguagesSplit IntransitivityNon-canonical subjects
The western variety of Peninsular Spanish possesses a type of causative construction in which an intransitive lexeme is used transitively. This phenomenon , called lability, is attested in three specific verbs: caer ('to fall'), quedar... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologySemanticsLanguage Variation and Change
This paper provides a discussion of non-canonical postverbal subjects in the context of an in-depth description of split intransitivity in Yukuna (Arawak, Colombia). In this language, the S argument of an intransitive clause is encoded... more
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      Morphology and SyntaxWord orderLinguistic TypologyAlignment
The Guaykuruan language family consists of four living languages – Kadiwéu, Toba, Pilagá and Mocoví – and Abipon, which is now extinct. All these languages are (or were, in the case of Abipon) spoken in the South American Gran Chaco... more
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      Comparative LinguisticsSouth American indigenous languagesArgument StructureDescriptive Linguistics
Presentation of a would-be lecture class at TyLex 2017 (never delivered due to family reasons).
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      Linguistic TypologyGrammatical RelationsSplit Intransitivity
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      Japanese LinguisticsRyukyuanLanguage TypologyLinguistic Typology
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      Argument StructureLinguistic TypologySplit Intransitivity
The article discusses how split intransitivity phenomenon is observed in Turkish in terms of aspectual notions such as agentivity and telicity; different grammatical constructions such as impersonal passives and adjectival passives, and... more
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      Split IntransitivityAgentivityTelicityUnaccusative
RESUMO: Neste artigo, exploramos o alinhamento morfossintático do Chiquitano Migueleño. Seguindo a análise de Sans (2013), consideramos as três principais classes verbais e chegamos à conclusão de que uma dessas classes compreende... more
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      MorphosyntaxSouth American indigenous languagesSplit IntransitivityChiquitano
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsMultidimensional ScalingSyntax
Como es sabido, las lenguas distinguen dos tipos fundamentales de verbos intransitivos, inergativos e inacusativos, según que el sujeto sea Agente (luchar, bailar, saltar) o Paciente (morir, caer, llegar), respectivamente. Se trata de... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsLatin Language and LiteratureCollocationsSplit Intransitivity
This article compares the alignments of the languages from the Arawakan family, one of the largest linguistic families of South America; in other words, how these languages encode the arguments of intransitive and transitive predicates.... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Case and AgreementAlignmentArawakan Languages
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      PsychologySenecaIroquoian linguisticsGrammatical Relations
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      Latin linguisticsSplit IntransitivityMiddle VoiceUnaccusativity