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We show how one can measure the speed of gravity only using gravitational phenomena. Our approach offers several ways to measure the speed of gravity (light) and checks existing assumptions about light (gravity) in new types of... more
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      GravitySpeed of LightSpeed of Gravity
Readers are advised that an up-to-date discussion of the author's fundamental thesis (’The Idea’), on the origin, operation, and destiny of the World, is now found at the top of the main page under the rubric, Thematic Evolution and... more
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      ReligionPhysiologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsPaleoanthropology
We have determined the relativistic light deflection of the quasar J0842+1835 as Jupiter passed within 3.7 arcminutes on 2002 September 8, by measuring the time delay using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Effelsberg radio... more
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      General RelativitySpeed of GravityTesting Einstein's General Theory of RelativitySpeed of Gravitation
It is shown that the finite speed of gravity affects very long baseline interferometric observations of quasars during the time of their line-of-sight close angular encounter with Jupiter. The next such event will take place in 2002... more
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      Gravitational AstronomyExperimental Gravitational Wave PhysicsAstronomy: Gravitational WaveSpeed of Gravity
We present a method by which we can determine directly the propagation speed of the sun gravitational field. We propose as to attain this objective, to compare the lengthiness of two cosmic distances through direct measurements. The... more
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      GravitationSpeed of Gravity
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      Organic ChemistryGravitational AstronomyAstrophysical PlasmaGravitation