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Lietuvos filosofijos ir kultūrologijos korfėjaus prof. A. Uždavinio mintys apie demonišką postmoderizmo esmę, kosmoso desakralizaciją ir perversijos išaukštinimą Tradicijos akimis // Profesor Algis Uždavinys on demonic nature of... more
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      Perennial PhilosophyPostmodernismAntimodernismSionism
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      Martin BuberJudaismZionismJewish Art History
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      History of ReligionMissiologyIranian StudiesMissiology and Mission Theology
Prefazione alla ristampa della traduzione ed "Lo Stato Ebraico" di Theodor Herzl" (Carabba, 1917)
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      Israel StudiesZionismIsraelZionism (History)
Han transcurrido ya unos cuantos años de este tercermilenio y la brecha entre el pueblo palestino y los israelíes no solo sigue abierta sino que los más preocupantes, a la par que frustrante, es que siga sangrando. uno parece... more
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    • Sionism
Los protocolos de los sabios de Sión es un documento que pone en evidencia el plan de dominación mundial por parte de los judíos. Hubo numerosos debates sobre el origen de este documento. Varios expertos concuerdan en que fueron creados... more
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      Walter BenjaminJewish MessianismGershom ScholemMoral and Political Philosophy
On November 10, 1975, the UN General Assembly, through resolution 3379, condemned Zionism as a form of racism. Sixteen years later, on December 16, 1991, 80 countries sponsored the resolution 46/86, that repealed resolution 3379. Brazil... more
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      Israel StudiesIsraelIsrael and ZionismBrasil
Israel's Central Role in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks.
Author was an hero,  killed for promote the truth.
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      GlobalismConspiracy Theories and TransparencySionismIlluminati secret society
В статье коротко рассказывается о новом, неизвестном ранее варианте "Протоколов сионских мудрецов", обнаруженном в личном фонде известного государственного деятеля Российской империи И.И. Воронцова-Дашкова
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      Antisemitismистория РоссииSionismXIXth Century History
Published in Hokhma. Revue de réflexion théologique,
N° 106, 2014
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      PentecostalismJewish MessianismSionism
Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyusun Laporan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Individu KKN-PPM. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Individu Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN-PPM) telah dilaksanakan di... more
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    • Sionism

His author was an hero,  killed for promote the truth.
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      TerrorismGlobalismConspiracy Theories and TransparencyMasonry
Dirty Secrets. Crime, Conspiracy and Cover Up During the 20th Century -

A Compendium of the Writings of Michael Collins Piper, Interviews with the Author & Reviews of His Works

Written by  Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani
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      New World OrderSecretsConspiracySionism
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      HolocaustIudaismIstoria EvreilorSionism
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      ChristianityNationalismNew Testament and Christian OriginsSionism
La situazione della Palestina in una lettura e una prospettiva marxista
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      MarxismIsrael/PalestineHistory of Palestine and IsraelIsraeli-Palestinian conflict
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      Political PhilosophyJewish MysticismIdeologyJewish Philosophy
The paper presents the process of evolution of thought on the anti-Semitic German lands and its impact on Polish territory (West Prussia). After the establishment of the province of Pomerania in 1920, Polish anti-Semitism bears the... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)PolandGermanyXx Century
Christianus Lazarus Lauria e l’attività della London Society for the Propagation of Christianity among the Jews in Italia , in Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 34/1 (2017), pp. 199-228 The essay reconstructs both the biography of... more
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      Jewish StudiesModern Italian HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesMissionary History
Котляр Евгений. Взлеты и падения раннего «Бецалеля». Борис Шац – первый менеджер арт-иудаики // Антиквар. Журнал об антиквариате и коллекционировании. – К., 2009. – № 7-8 (33-34) июль-август. – С. 48-52. Kotlyar Eugeny. Highs and Lows of... more
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesArt TheoryIsrael Studies
Version de travail. À paraître dans la revue "Le Porche", 2017. Communication prononcée le 30 octobre 2016 dans le cadre du colloque "Péguy et la mystique d'Israël" organisé par Yves Avril et Romain Vaissermann au Couvent des sœurs de... more
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      Critical Race StudiesIsrael StudiesNationalismIsrael
Anti-Semitism in the Islamic world is a controversial topic. While there has been no anti-Semitism in Islamic territory until 19th century, anti-Semitism was exported from West, and it found itself a base with Islamic references.... more
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      SociologyColonialismIslamic StudiesAnti-Semitism
En este libro se recoge la obra Trajikomedia o lyorar i reir que el líder sionista Nahun Sokolov dirigió al periodista sefardí David Fresko y en el que defiende vehementemente los principios del sionismo frente al nacionalismo-patriotismo... more
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      Sefardic studiesSionismImperio Otomano
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      HistoryInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational Studies
Vaad edilmiş topraklar olarak kabul edilen Filistin'de bir devlet kurmaya çalışan Siyonizm'in Yahudi Kimliği'ne etkisini konu alan bir makaledir.
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
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      Collective BehaviorCultural StudiesIsrael StudiesRefugee Studies
El capítulo analiza la acción desplegada por el movimiento sionista para movilizar el apoyo de los gobiernos del mundo libre para la creación de un Estado Judío en Palestina, en el marco del reordenamiento de posguerra. Desde esta óptica,... more
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      Mexican StudiesIsrael/PalestineSionism
Haçlı Seferleri, Tapınak Şövalyeleri, Merovenjler, Benjaminler, Prieuré de Sion, Kral Arthur, Kutsal Kan Bağı ve bunlarla ilgili konular.
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      BenjaminTarihThe MerovingiansArthurian Legend
Abraham Isaac Kuk nació en 1865 en Daugavplis, actual Letonia, y a lo largo de su vida fue roš yešiva y rabino en diferentes ciudades, hasta que, finalmente, en 1921, fue nombrado Rabino Mayor en el Mandato Británico de Palestina. A día... more
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      VegetarianismRabinic LiteratureBiblical ExegesisVeganism
Riccardo Pasqualin, L’aristocrazia veneziana nel pensiero di Theodor Herzl, in «Strenna 2021», a cura dell’Associazione Culturale “Amici del Museo Storico della Terza Armata”, Padova 2021, pp. 57-65.
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      Republic of VeniceVeneziaAustro-Hungarian HistoryEbraismo
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      French culture of the interwar periodInterwar period, 1919 - 1939JuifsInterwar Europe
A Country Eyewitness Accounts of the Attack on the USS Liberty.

Author was a hero. Murdered for promote the truth.
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismGlobalismJews
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      Cognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyInternational RelationsBehavioral Sciences
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      European HistoryWar StudiesPetroleumIsrael/Palestine
Some steps has been made by forcing Germany and by the initiative of Talat Pasha in order to gain the support of the sionist circles in the first world war. Talat Pasha commissioned one of the important names within the Committee of Union... more
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      First World WarJews and World War ISionismJews in the Ottoman Empire
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      JerusalemSionSionismHoly City
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      Second Temple JudaismKnights TemplarIsraelite ReligionIsrael and Zionism
À la suite de l'Affaire Dreyfus, un nombre croissant de Juifs français ont commencé à remettre en question la définition de leur judaïté dans une société où ils bénéficiaient d'une émancipation politique complète. L'auteur explore cet... more
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إن كان العريسي استشهد بصوتٍ عالٍ، فقد ترك أيضاً وصيته بصوتٍ عالٍ، فظلت تؤرق سبات الأتراك حتى أخرجتهم من بلاد العرب. ما يلفت في عبد الغني العريسي، هذه الغزارة الفكرية، المنطلقة من أرومة عربية، والمواجهة لكل اشكال الاستبداد، والداعية الى... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryNewspaper HistoryChildren Studies, Ottoman History, Young Turks
This monograph deals with a complicated complex of problems concerning the relationship between the outstanding Ukrainian writer and public leader Ivan Franko (1856-1916) and Jews, and his project to solve the Jewish question in Galicia... more
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      DiscoursePolish JewryGaliciaSionism
Las contribuciones al tema monográfico de este número 4 de constelaciones giran en torno a estas cuestiones: la teoría crítica del antisemitismo, la génesis y las teorías del antisemitismo moderno, funcionalidad del antisemitismo en las... more
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      Critical TheoryMax HorkheimerAntisemitism (Prejudice)Walter Benjamin
Disponibile Ottobre 2016
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      HistoryContemporary HistoryPolitical ScienceItalian Cultural Studies
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      Critical TheoryViolenceSionism
Ottanta anni fa nasceva una patria per gli ebrei. All'insegna della Stella Rossa.
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      Soviet HistoryCommunismHistory of the JewsSoviet Union (History)
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismJean Paul SartreAlbert Camus
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      EthicsDeconstructionÉmmanuel LévinasPostmodernism
Juriste, écrivain, philosophe, homme politique, André Chouraqui est avant tout à considérer comme un penseur exceptionnel dont le captivant itinéraire ne pouvait s’épanouir qu’en Terre d’Israël. Les trois grandes étapes de sa vie en... more
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      Histoire des idées et de la penséeSionism
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