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The fact that media of modernity, especially cinema, literature and theater, soon had become the myth reservoir of modernity is not exactly a new idea to media-theoretical writings. Any way it is especially true for epic cinema such as... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisMelodramaFilm History
Le désaccord entre psychanalystes sur la nature des pensées refoulées a ouvert la porte à des critiques radicales de la théorie qui définit et fonde la psychanalyse, la théorie du refoulement. Or, la diffusion du mouvement analytique n’a... more
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      PsychoanalysisForensic PsychologySociology of LawChild abuse and neglect
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      PhilosophyEthicsEthical individualismContemporary French Philosophy
Öz Postmodern çağın önde gelen düşünürlerinden Jean Baudrillard, içinde bulunduğumuz milenyum çağının gerçekliğini kaybettiğini ve yapaylığın hâkim olduğu bir dünyada yaşadığımızı ifade eder. Baudrillard'ın simülasyon kuramı ile... more
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      Jean BaudrillardSimulationSoren KierkegaardSeduction theory
Eroticism has been the long practices in seduction. Various well known seductress have use eroticism in seduction which involves the use of eye, voice, body movement, chant, enchantment, and incense, oil and wax, paraffin, petroleum... more
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      PhilologyPsychotherapy and CounselingSexualityMarriage & Family Therapy
Como Conquistar Uma Amiga Passo-A-Passo. Esta é uma das perguntas mais recorrentes nos e-mails e comentários que recebo todos os dias. O tempo todo há um cara interessado em saber como conquistar uma amiga. Descubra agora 5 dicas... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyInterpersonal Communication
"Abstract: Ovid's "Ars Amatoria" is meant to offer a true recantation of amor, a palinode of love that includes an apology of poetry. Palinode and apology have become necessary and urgent, for Ovid, for two reasons, which offer a double... more
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      Gender StudiesAestheticsClassicsLatin Literature
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      Jean LaplanchePsychoanalysis and artEugene DelacroixSexual difference theory
L’influence sociale (ou pression sociale) est l'influence exercée par un individu ou un groupe sur chacun de ses membres, dont le résultat est d'imposer des normes dominantes en matière d'attitude et de comportement. Cette influence... more
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      InfluenceSocial InfluenceSeductionInterpersonal Communication / Persuasion / Social Influence / Language and Message Variables
This the full 84-pages booklet that was published along with the German Bluray of DON'T TORTURE A DUCKLING (1972) by Lucio Fulci, featuring essays by Marcus Stiglegger, Dominik Graf and others.
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      Italian CinemaGenres: horror and gialloGialloSeduction theory
Kritische Berichte (2015): Menschenbilder in der Populärkultur. Kunst-, Bild-, Medienwissenschaften
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      SubculturesGender TheoryBenito MussoliniSeduction theory
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      MythologyPopular CultureCaribbean StudiesGender Theory
Key words: Herodotus, Plato, Solon, Socrates, Symposium, Seduction, Eros, Happiness, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Laplanche
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyPresocratic PhilosophyPlato
The ultimate consequence of pure seduction, platonic, virulent seduction, is self destruction. Most women lack of the ability for de-structuring seduction. It involves the logical tooling of the brain by the pure forces of the heart and... more
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      PhilosophyWomenSeductionSeduction theory
From: La Vie nouvelle du cinéma. Philippe Grandrieux und die Erweiterung des Dispositivs Kino, in: Florian Mundheneke / Thomas Weber (Hrsg.): Kinoerfahrungen. Theorien, Geschichte, Persopektiven, Hamburg 2017, S. 247-264
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      Film StudiesFilm and Media StudiesCinema StudiesSeduction theory
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      PsychoanalysisAnimal StudiesMetapsychologySigmund Freud
Stiglegger M. (2015) Die Seduktionstheorie des Films: John Ford im Spiegel kontinentaler Philosophie. In: Ritzer I. (eds) Classical Hollywood und kontinentale Philosophie. Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik. Springer VS, Wiesbaden... more
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      WesternsGenre TheoryJean BaudrillardJohn Ford
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    • Seduction theory
Paper written for a conference on John Frankenheimer at Clemson University 2009.
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      Film StudiesGenre studiesGenreFilm Analysis
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      SexualitySigmund FreudMasochismJean Laplanche
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      French LiteratureFlaubertJean BaudrillardMadame Bovary
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismEducation
Der Endzeitfilm MELANCHOLIA liefert einen eindrücklichen filmischen Beweis für Lars von Triers Gespür, einen Film exakt zwischen der persönlichen Exzentrik des europäischen Autorenfilms und der exaltierten Melodramatik des Hollywoodkinos... more
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      Film StudiesApocalypticismScience Fiction FilmLars von Trier
This book is dedicated to the elusive category of the Hitchcock Touch, a quality which becomes manifest in Alfred Hitchcock’s own films yet which cannot be limited to the realm of Hitchcockian cinema alone. While the first section focuses... more
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      Film Music And SoundQueer TheoryGraham GreeneJean Baudrillard
The following book (a selection of essays) has been reviewed by me:

Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction ed. by Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz, Barbara Natalie Nagel, Lauren Shizuko Stone
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      Gender StudiesLiterary CriticismSeduction theoryFlirtation
The Seductions of Pilgrimage explores the simultaneously attractive and repellent, beguiling and alluring forms of seduction in pilgrimage. It focuses on the varied discursive, imaginative, and practical mechanisms of seduction that draw... more
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      Sociology of ReligionAnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Pilgrimage
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      Maurice Merleau-PontyTheory (Anthropology)René GirardJean Baudrillard
Das Medium Film arbeitet entweder mit Variationen klassischer Mythen (Orpheus, Ödipus, Sündenfall usw.) oder erschafft – im Sinne von Barthes – seine eigenen, medienspezifischen Mythen – oft verkörpert durch charismatische Protagonisten... more
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      MythologyMedia StudiesFilm StudiesViolence
Más allá del fárrago de los círculos psicoanalíticos y de los intentos poco cuidadosos por diferenciar al niño del agua de la bañera, es importante señalar la especificidad del trayecto freudiano. El aporte del psicoanálisis a la... more
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      PsychoanalysisJean LaplanchePsicoanálisisSeduction theory
Foreword, Jas' Elsner Introduction: pilgrimage and seduction in the Abrahamic tradition, Michael A. Di Giovine and David Picard Purity as danger? Seduction and sexuality at Walsingham, Simon Coleman The seductions of guiding:... more
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      HistorySociology of ReligionAnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      SociologySeductionSeduction theorySeducción
El amor es un elemento importante, aunque no primordial, en la poesía de Horacio. Concretamente, en la primera obra compuesta por Horacio, las Sátiras o Sermones, documentamos una postura contraria al amor y a la seducción, en línea con... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityHoracePhilosophy of Love
Che cosa significa osservare gli eventi minimi, le cose apparentemente di poco conto? Ogni giorno sentiamo l'esigenza di chiarire e di dare nuovo significato agli eventi ordinari che in qualche modo ci coinvolgono. Il libro penetra nei... more
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      Cultural StudiesWomen's StudiesChildren and FamiliesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
The starting point for this interview with Jean Laplanche is a question regarding the place of infantile sexuality within psychoanalysis today. Laplanche begins by underscoring the audaciousness of Freud's characterization of infantile... more
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      Gender and SexualitySigmund FreudJean LaplancheSeduction theory
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      Spatial Analysis18th Century French LiteratureLibertinageSeduction theory
The Seductions of Pilgrimage explores the simultaneously attractive and repellent, beguiling and alluring forms of seduction in pilgrimage. It focuses on the varied discursive, imaginative, and practical mechanisms of seduction that draw... more
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      HistorySociology of ReligionAnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
El amor es un elemento importante, aunque no primordial, en la poesía de Horacio. Concretamente, en la primera obra compuesta por Horacio, las Sátiras o Sermones, documentamos una postura contraria al amor y a la seducción, en línea con... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityHoracePhilosophy of Love
The current research proposal offers a comparative approach to pedagogical practices with a diffuse erotic context, mostly presented by the female perspective –in this case by Sappho- in contrast to the male one. More specifically, the... more
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      PlatoGender and SexualityFreud and Feminist PsychoanalysisSappho
From: Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF e.V. / Deutsches Filmmuseum (Hg.) Eva Lenhardt / Andreas Rauscher (Ed.) Films and Games Interactions 256 pages, 281 photos, color Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm Artikelnummer 978-3-86505-242-1 Publication date... more
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      Film TheoryVideo GamesSeduction theoryInteractive cinema
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      SeductionSeduction theory
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyArchitectureAdvertising
After a previous analysis of the glances, words and gestures in seduction,the author now reflects on the effects of time and distance, the latter being understood as space. Time does not go by for seduction, or rather time produces... more
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      SeductionSeduction theorySeducción
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      Speculative RealismMaterialitySeductionSeduction theory
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      Sigmund FreudJean LaplanchePeter GreenawaySeduction theory
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      Sigmund FreudJean LaplanchePeter GreenawaySeduction theory
This book presents a new account of the complex relationship between psychoanalytic theory and the key tragic dramas by Sophocles and Shakespeare in which it has often sought exemplars and prototypes. Examining the close historical and... more
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      ShakespeareSigmund FreudPsychoanalysis And LiteratureSophocles
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      PsychoanalysisMetapsychologySigmund FreudJean Laplanche
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      Theory of the Novel18th Century French LiteratureTheory of FictionLibertinage