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Daha önce Cicero’dan Devlet Üzerine çevirisini yayımladığımız C. Cengiz Çevik, bu çalışmada Roma’nın cumhuriyet döneminde (İÖ 509-İÖ 27) siyaset ve felsefe ilişkisinin şekillenişini inceliyor. Alanında Türkçede bir ilk olan ve birincil... more
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      Political PhilosophyRoman HistoryRoman LawPolitical Science
Protected by Rome, Carthage regained much prosperity under a relatively open political system, while the grasping Masinissa of Numidia was thwarted repeatedly from annexing Punic territory. But Rome's attitude changed after 167, to his... more
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      Roman RepublicPolybiusCarthage (History)Roman imperialism
Book is divided in two parts. First part is about events during tiranny in Athens 404/403 BC, a second part is about life of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and his tribunate at 133 BC. Knjiga „Revolucije stare Helade i Rimske Republike“ je... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPolitical PhilosophyClassics
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawRoman Republic
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      Political PhilosophyStoicismRoman StoicismGracchi
The paper focuses on the individual case of Scipio Aemilianus to demonstrate how a Roman aristocrat internalized Roman norms through socialization and education. It discusses, secondly, how an individual reproduced and strengthened the... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicSocial NormsRoman social history
Historija ne bi trebalo da bude samo puko podsjećanje na prošle događaje ili samo ispisivanje informacija minulih vremena. Historija u svome znanstvenom obličju prevashodno može i mora da služi sadašnjim i budućim generacijama kao jedna... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Reseña de la monografía
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaHispania romanaPrerromanoScipio Africanus
Cet ouvrage croise les compétences de spécialistes de l’histoire du droit, de l’histoire politique, militaire, intellectuelle, culturelle, sociale et religieuse, afin de faire émerger les lieux et les instances de production des normes... more
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      Military HistoryCultural HistoryPhilosophyPoetry
In forma di 'Appunti per uno studio sulla politica romana nel II sec. a.C.', viene presentata una ricognizione delle principali interpretazioni dell'imperialismo romano (da Mommsen a Nicolet), seguita da possibili riscontri nella... more
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    • Scipio Aemilianus
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
Anmerkungen zu einem Machtkampf zwischen Scipio Aemilianus und der gracchischen Ackerkommission. Abstract Da die lex Papiria de tribunis reficiendis bislang nur als Randepisode der Gracchen-Zeit wahrgenommen wurde, steht ihre historische... more
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      Late Roman RepublicScipio Aemilianus
El conflicto que las fuentes romanas denominan bellum Numantinum, por el protagonismo de la ciudad arévaca, marca el cenit de la intervención militar romana en Hispania. Es la llamada convencionalmente Tercera Guerra Celtibérica (143-133... more
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      Roman HistoryCeltiberian HistoryRoman imperialismCeltiberian
In 129 B.C. Scipio Aemilianus once again stood in the centre of the quarrels of domestic politics, which above all were shaped by the aftermaths of the Gracchan Agrarian Bill and the unrests linked with it. At that time Scipio... more
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      Late Roman RepublicScipio Aemilianus
A provincial command was a determining chapter in the political career of a Roman citizen during the Republic: for a praetor or consul, it was the best opportunity to obtain notoriety and glory thanks to a military campaign or to improve... more
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      Military HistoryRoman RepublicRoman EmpireRoman provinces
Los cambios en las representaciones de los Escipiones en las tragedias fundacionales La Sofonisba (1524) de Gian Giorgio Trissino y La Numancia (1582-98) de Miguel de Cervantes se relacionan con la evolución de los valores alegóricos de... more
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      Miguel de CervantesCervantesTragedyComedia Nueva
The End of Scipio Aemilianus between Natural Death and Poltical Assassination. (in Arabic)
مجلة بحوث كلية الآداب جامعة المنوفية ، العدد 110، المجلد الثاني يوليو 2017م، ص 1093-1107.
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      Roman HistoryLate Roman RepublicAncient RomeScipio Aemilianus
Los conflictos en torno a la ciudad de Numancia produjeron una grave crisis en Roma y tuvieron múltiples consecuencias: rupturas políticas y sociales; manipulaciones literarias e incluso, según Hostilio Mancino, la ruptura de la Pax... more
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      ProphecyCeltiberianTiberius GracchusScipio Aemilianus
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      Visual RhetoricCiceroPlutarchWinckelmann
Die letzten Lebensjahre des Scipio Aemilianus seit seiner siegreichen Rückkehr aus Numantia 132 v.Chr. werden von der modernen Altertumsforschung klar negativ be­urteilt: Besonders durch seinen Widerstand gegen die gracchische... more
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      Late Roman RepublicScipio AemilianusThe GracchiBce
Conflict in Greece and Rome: The Definitive Political, Social, and Military Encyclopedia, ed. Sara Phang, Douglas Kelly, Peter Londey, and Iain Spence, ABC-CLIO. 2016.
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
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      Roman RepublicWarfare in the Ancient WorldAncient RomeLucius Cornelius Sulla
Expensive jewelry was overtly considered in ancient Rome a symbol of female integration in society. Excluded from public offices, women never rebelled. The only time they protested was in 195 BCE when they supported the repeal of the lex... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryGender Equality
El bellum pium y la conservación de la pax deorum eran un asunto de vital importancia para la civitas romana. La guerra podía provocar fácilmente la ira de los dioses. Con el fin de evitarla, se desarrolló el ius fetiale. En este artículo... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman RepublicCiceroLivy
El trabajo propone una revisión cronológica de una serie de hechos relacionados con la campaña de Lépido contra Pallantia: la victoria de Décimo Bruto sobre los galaicos; el sitio de Pallantia por Lépido y Bruto; la entrega de Mancino a... more
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      Celtiberian HistoryArchaeoastronomy, Cultural AstronomyVacceosScipio Aemilianus
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      Roman HistoryPolybiusAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
Knjiga “Liberalna frakcija rimskog nobiliteta. – Gaj Lelije i Scipion Emilijan” se bavi odnosom jednoga dijela liberalne struje u visokoj rimskoj politici prema demokratskim procesima u rimsko - italskom svijetu u periodu 140. – 119. god.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical Philosophy
Da die lex Papiria de tribunis reficiendis bislang nur als Randepisode der Gracchen-Zeit wahrgenommen wurde, steht ihre historische Beurteilung noch aus. Ziel der vorliegenden Abhandlung ist neben der Einordnung dieser tribunizischen... more
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      Late Roman RepublicScipio AemilianusThe Gracchitribunicia potestas
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      PolybiusHostagesScipio Aemilianus
This paper is an attempt to describe Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus as censor, despite the scarcity of sources available on his term in the office. He was the first in his family line to be elected censor and, viewed in... more
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      CensorshipRoman politicsTiberius GracchusScipio Aemilianus
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural StudiesClassicsRoman History
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      Classical rhetoricSenecaScipio AfricanusScipio Aemilianus
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      Roman Republican HistoryScipio AemilianusThe Gracchi
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      Roman RepublicHostagesScipio AemilianusPolibio