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Доцент д-р Теодор Седларски е преподавател в катедра Икономика към Стопанския факултет на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски”. От 2012 г. е ръководител на Центъра за икономически теории и стопански политики към СУ... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtHistory of EconomicsSchools of economic thought
It is widely accepted that inequality has increased sharply recently in developed countries, but no consensus exists so far about the importance of inequality in the financial crisis of 2007-2009. The aim of this article is to outline and... more
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      Income inequalityFinancial CrisisCrisis theoryMarxian Crisis Theory
In most universities in the UK history of economic thought, when it is taught, is taught either as a specialist or an optional module in the second and third year of the degree. This contribution argues in favour of introducing elements... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtPluralism in EconomicsSchools of economic thought
In this paper, we comparatively analyze the views and role of labor in Marxian, mainstream and Islamic economics. We argue that Marxian view of labor undermines the role of entrepreneur. Indeed, the slave trade, industrialization and... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIslamic EconomicsSocioeconomicsLabor Economics