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      early Middle AgesAustriaCemeteryCarantania
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      Roman roadsArchaeology of Roman RaetiaTabula PeutingerianaRoman Archaeology
Since the Swedish concession begun work in 2012 the an- ARCE 68th Annual Meeting 71 cient site of Gebel el-Silsila has been divided into 104 individual quarries, 52 on respective side of the Nile, each one studied within their... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
'Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca.... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGeophysicsLandscape Archaeology
Der vorliegende Katalog der Römerstraßen und Römerwege im Wienerwald ist eines der Ergebnisse von 40 Jahre Forschung gemeinsam mit meiner Gattin Lieselotte. Dank gebührt auch dem Münzsammler Hrn. Andreas De Groot, der uns mit seinen... more
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman provincesArchaeology of Roman ProvincesRoman streets
Архитектурата и инфраструктурата се рефлексија на едно општество и предмет на постојана промена и еволуција. Секоја позначајна промена во општествениот, политичкиот и стопанскиот живот, секогаш се манифестирала врз средината во којашто се... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Roman Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyAerial ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Roman military archaeology
Différentes missions d’inspection menées entre 2009 et 2013 dans le nord ouest de la Tunisie ont donné lieu à la découverte de nouvelles bornes milliaires et à la redécouverte de bornes milliaires anciennes signalées entre la fin du... more
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      Roman HistoryEpigraphy (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy
Les voies romaines du territoire de Simitthus d'après les données épigraphiques, archéologiques et topographiques
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyRoman Marble trade and distribution
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      Roman Settlements in North-West NoricumRoman Infrastructure
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman ArchaeologyRoman Infrastructure
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyRoman VillaeEneolithic
Die Erforschung der römischen Villenlandschaft der Steiermark, bzw. des südöstlichen Noricum, ist seit vielen Jahren ein Schwerpunkt des Instituts für Archäologie der Universität Graz, und viele der ergiebigsten steirischen Fundorte... more
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      Roman VillaeRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman agricultureRoman Architecture
This paper is a result of research regarding the chronology of the aqueduct and the spatial distribution of the intramural water supply facilities discovered in Heraclea Lynkestis, a town in the late Roman province of Macedonia Prima. The... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Roman Archaeology
Although both the urban and rural landscapes of Roman Italy have received due attention in current debates on the Roman economy, this is less true for the highly variable group of intermediate sites, here conveniently labelled as ‘minor... more
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      ArchaeologyGeophysicsPottery (Archaeology)Landscape Archaeology
This paper is a result of research regarding the chronology, the development and the functionality of the water supply system of Stobi in Macedonia II. Also, the identification of other interventions on the existing water supply... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Roman Archaeology
Highlights - We re-investigated the timbers of three Roman ships excavated along the Dutch limes. - We used the content of the tree-ring repository DCCD to determine wood provenance. - We created a natural distribution map of oak to... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeological ScienceInland Navigation
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      ArchaeologyRoman EconomyAncient ShipwrecksShipwrecks
The necropolis of Krungl is situated in the Austrian Alps (district of Liezen, federal province of Styria). The first excavations were carried out by Otto Fischbach in 1896. Today, 279 graves are known, of which 201 have been documented.... more
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      early Middle AgesAustriaCemeteryCarantania
The paper discusses the hydraulic engineering and water management of the civil town of Carnuntum (Roman province of Pannonia – Austria). The actual state of research, which is primarily based on excavation results, is presented.... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Archaeological Prospection
The present paper focuses on hydraulic engineering, fresh water and wastewater management in the civil town of Carnuntum (Pannonia). The state of research based on excavations is summarised and discussed alongside with recent geophysical... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological ProspectionArchaeology of Roman PannoniaRoman Provincial Archaeology
En A. Santiago, A. Martínez y J. Mayoral (eds.). Actas del I Congreso Andaluz de Espeleología. Sevilla, pp. 39-46.
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      Colonia Augusta Firma AstigiRoman Infrastructure
Der vorliegende Katalog der Römerstraßen und Römerwege im Wienerwald ist eines der Ergebnisse von 40 Jahre Forschung gemeinsam mit meiner Gattin Lieselotte. Dank gebührt auch dem Münzsammler Hrn. Andreas De Groot, der uns mit seinen... more
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman provincesArchaeology of Roman ProvincesRoman streets
The amber road was primarily a via publica, maintained by colonies as well as municipia, which were each subject to different rights of intervention by the governor and thus the imperial house in questions of infrastructure. It was a via... more
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      Roman military archaeologyRoman Road systemRoman ArchaeologyRoman Infrastructure
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      Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman ArchaeologyRoman Infrastructure
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      ArchaeologyRitualCultureEarly Medieval Archaeology
The article discusses the results of surface surveys conducted in March 2014 around the Roman settlements of Forum Appii and Ad Medias (Lazio, Central Italy) within the framework of the Minor Centres Project. This project, constituting... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Landscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
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      Roman HistoryNorth Africa StudiesTunisian HistoryRoman Army
In this paper we assess the role of so-called minor centres (a container term for a wide variety of site types such as fora, stationes, mutationes) in local and regional settlement systems by discussing the results of an integrated... more
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      Roman HistorySettlement PatternsBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman roads
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      Roman roadsEbro ValleyRoman HarboursRoman Infrastructure