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¿Un hidrógeno verde Y “cooperativo”? Hoy día el hidrógeno está casi siempre rojo sangre como el oro negro, o fluorescente come la energía nuclear, pero siempre está en manos de multinacionales que dicen ser verdes.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyFuel Cell Engineering
Robotic arm is an important subset of a robot and it is defined as an electromechanical machine controlled by electronic or computer programming. They find use in tasks that are extremely hazardous or impossible for humans such as... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputer EngineeringRenewable Energy Systems and TechnologyProgramming and Embedded Systems
Un hydrogène vert ET “coopératif”? Aujourd’hui, l’hydrogène est presque toujours rouge sang comme l’or noir, ou fluorescent comme le nucléaire, mais il est toujours entre les mains de multinationales qui se disent vertes.
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      Climate ChangeSocial NetworkingSustainable DevelopmentFuel Cell Engineering
Centralized communication-based control is one of the main methods that can be implemented to achieve autonomous advanced energy management capabilities in DC microgrids. However, its major limitation is the fact that communication... more
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      Renewable EnergyMarine Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy PoliciesIntegrated Renewable Energy System
The output power produced by high concentration solar thermal and photovoltaic systems is directly related to the amount of solar energy acquired by the system. Therefore, it is necessary to track the sun's position with a high degree of... more
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    • Renewable Energy Systems and Technology
— This paper examined the power flow status of the Port Harcourt Town (Zone 4) distribution networks to improve the performance. The network consists of 18 injection substations fed from 4 different sizes of transformers with a total... more
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      Integrated Renewable Energy SystemElectric Power SystemsRenewable Energy Systems and Technology
Indian Automotive industry is under considerable strain to make their products more environmentally sound. Not only the automobile themselves, but also the whole production process has to become more sustainable to Achieve India's pledge... more
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      Renewable Energy Systems and TechnologyRenewable energy technologyRenewable energy/ Green TechnologySolar Industrial Process Heat
A green AND “cooperative” hydrogen? Today, hydrogen is almost always blood red like black gold, or fluorescent like nuclear energy, but it is always in the hands of corporations who say they are green.
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyComplexity TheoryEnvironmental Studies
Un idrogeno verde E “cooperativo”? Oggi l’idrogeno è quasi sempre rosso sangue come l’oro nero, o fluorescente come il nucleare, ma è sempre in mano a multinazionali che dicono di essere verdi.
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      Climate ChangeSustainable DevelopmentFuel Cell EngineeringFuel Cells
The Persistent power outage in the country due to faults has become alarming to the government and the body responsible for electricity generation in the country. It also creates a major problem for electricity consumers in Nigeria, there... more
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      Building Energy SimulationRenewable Energy Systems and TechnologyDisturbancesElectricity Demand Forecasting
"Although Nepal has been endowed with vast natural energy resources, such as solar, hydro, wind etc. it remains far behind in their fruitful utilization, with a per capita energy consumption of about 15 GJ only. At least 60% of her... more
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      Clean Development MechanismRenewable Energy Systems and TechnologyGreenhouse Gas EmissionsRenewable energy/ Green Technology
The Persistent power outage in the country due to faults has become alarming to the government and the body responsible for electricity generation in the country. It also creates a major problem for electricity consumers in Nigeria, there... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceBuilding Energy SimulationElectric Power Systems
Discussion of three kinds of windmills in ancient Iran, and the use of renewable energies in the past
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      History of TechnologyIranian ArchaeologyRenewable Energy Systems and Technology
RESUMEN Parte importante de las emisiones globales de CO2 –que en 2011 superaron el nivel crítico para el clima según el Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático de la ONU– proviene del transporte automotor, planteando severos... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationRenewable Energy Systems and TechnologySocio-Technical Systems
The output power produced by high concentration solar thermal and photovoltaic systems is directly related to the amount of solar energy acquired by the system. Therefore, it is necessary to track the sun’s position with a high degree of... more
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      GeographyRenewable Energy Systems and Technology
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesGlobal Warming