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An undecorated sarcophagus was found in 2013 during infrastructure works in the Gelincik district of Sinop, where the western necropolis of ancient Sinope was once located. Rescue excavations conducted by the Sinop Museum documented... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek Religion
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      Athenian Vase PaintingRelief Ceramic
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      IconographyAncient Greek ReligionHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorHellenistic Pottery
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Roman PotteryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
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    • Relief Ceramic
2020 yılında Nevşehir ili ve İlçelerinde sürdürülen yüzey araştırmasında, Avanos’a bağlı Çalış Beldesinin 10 km kuzeydoğusunda, Belkuyu mevkiinde yeni bir nekropol alanı tespit edilmiştir. Nekropolün hemen yanında onunla ilişki bir de... more
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      Roman PeriodRed slip wareRoman NecropolisUnguentarium
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      Terracotta FigurinesCeramicKnidosHellenistic lamps
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsArchaic Poetry
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyEast Greek PotteryBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
Opis historycznej technologii szklarsko-ceramicznej, techniki prasowania szkła i zdobienia go inkrustacjami ceramicznymi, ze szkła zamąconego lub emalią. Artykuł zawiera również opis specyficznych właściwości reliefów ceramicznych... more
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      GlassCeramicsHistory of glass companiesHistorical glass
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Pottery TechnologyPottery decoration