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Background: Rana Plaza building collapse is the worst industrial disaster of Bangladesh so far. The 9-storied structure collapsed suddenly on April 24, 2013, with more than 4000 people inside. Bangladesh Armed Forces played a key role in... more
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      Military MedicineInjuriesMass Casulity ManagmentWounds
The race towards new building heights confronts numerous challenges. The main challenge that controls the design of a tall slender structure is the building drift. Another challenge confronting the designer is probably the robustness... more
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      Structural RobustnessProgressive Collapse AnalysisProgressive collapse of structuresProgressive Collapse Mitigation of RC and Steel Structures
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    • Progressive collapse of structures
Robustness, structural integrity and prevention risk of progressive collapse (PC) are among main design objectives for structures. After the (PC) of many remarkable structures, the need for better designing techniques has motivated... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (FEA)Structural RobustnessProgressive collapse of structuresAlternate Load Path
This work investigates the response of two reinforced concrete (RC) plane frames after the loss of a column and their potential resistance for progressive collapse. Nonlinear dynamic analysis is performed using a multilayered... more
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      Reinforced Concrete StructuresProgressive CollapseNonlinear mechanics of reinforced concrete and fiber-reinforced concreteProgressive collapse of structures
Robustness, structural integrity and prevention risk of progressive collapse (PC) are among main design objectives for structures. After the (PC) of many remarkable structures, the need for better designing techniques has motivated... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (FEA)Structural RobustnessProgressive CollapseStructural Robustness Analysis
Robustness, structural integrity and prevention risk of progressive collapse (PC) are among main design objectives for structures. After the (PC) of many remarkable structures, the need for better designing techniques has motivated... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (FEA)Structural RobustnessProgressive CollapseStructural Robustness Analysis
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      Reinforced Concrete StructuresProgressive CollapseProgressive collapse of structures
Robustness, structural integrity and prevention risk of progressive collapse (PC) are among main design objectives for structures. After the (PC) of many remarkable structures, the need for better designing techniques has motivated... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (FEA)Structural RobustnessProgressive CollapseStructural Robustness Analysis
Given the catastrophic consequences following progressive collapse, designs to mitigate such events are of great interest to both the academic and engineering communities. This has led to the development of numerous design guidelines... more
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      Progressive CollapseProgressive collapse of structures