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      Utopian StudiesAristophanic comedyPlato's RepublicPlato's Dialogues
Nehamas (1999) emphatically stresses that Socrates is “not a teacher of arête,” but as educators know well, it is undeniably the case that Socrates is often “perceived as a teacher,” and beyond, held up as a paragon of pedagogy to be... more
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      Learning and TeachingReflective TeachingPlato's DialoguesVirtues Ethics
An outline of my holistic understanding of Plato's dialogues.  Some chapters from the late group have already been published on Academia.Edu
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      PhilosophyHistory of IdeasPlatoAncient Greek Philosophy
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.10.09 of Debra Nails' monograph the People of Plato
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      PlatoProsopographyPlato and PlatonismPlato's Dialogues
In this essay, I muse upon aporia’s value as a pedagogical technique in the philosophy classroom using as a guide examples of aporia that are found in Plato’s Socratic dialogues. The word aporia, translated as “without passage” or... more
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      PhilosophyEducationChristian EducationPlato
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      PlatoPlato's Dialogues
That i) there is a somehow determined chronology of Plato's dialogues among all the chronologies of the last century and ii) this theory is subject to many objections, are points this article intends to discuss. Almost all the main... more
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      PlatoDialogueChronologyPlato's Dialogues
**OBSOLETE** Regardless, the author analyzes in detail the two (2) separate settings provided by Platon in his staging of the Symposium (the date of the gathering itself vs. the date of its recollection) and argues that the date of... more
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      PlatoSocratesAncient Athenian religionAthenian Law
This book is a quest for the real Plato, forever hiding behind the veil of drama. The quest, as the subtitle indicates, is Cartesian in that it looks for Plato independently of the prevailing paradigms on where we are supposed to find... more
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      PlatoHistory Of Platonic TraditionPlato and PlatonismPhaedo
This paper aims to suggest a new arrangement of Plato's dialogues based on a different theory of the ontological as well as epistemological development of his philosophy. In this new arrangement, which proposes essential changes in the... more
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      PlatoPlato's dialogue formPlato's Dialogues
"""Resumo: O artigo apresenta uma série de argumentos que apontam para a inexistência de uma “teoria” das idéias stricto sensu na obra escrita de Platão, sugerindo que, mais do que a obtenção de certezas, o objetivo dos diálogos é mostrar... more
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      Ancient PhilosophyPlato's DialoguesPlato's Theory of Forms
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      PlatoPlato's Dialogues
I have been compiling this list for my own use, having failed to find a comparable tool anywhere, and with an eye toward lowering one small barrier to speakers of non-European languages entering the conversation in Platonic Studies.... more
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      Translation StudiesDigital HumanitiesPlatoEurocentrism
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      PlatoSocratesPlato's DialoguesPhilosophical Fiction
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      MetaphysicsPlatoAncient PhilosophyPlato's Dialogues
At the publisher's request, I am uploading only a few pages of my article. In a paper read in the conference in Bar Ilan University on Plato and his legacy, I present some conclusions based on my previously published analyses of... more
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      PlatoMimesisPlato's RepublicPlato's Dialogues
This is chapter 5 from my section on Plato's late group of dialogues. It follows my posted chapters on the Phaedrus and Theatetus. I have completed but not yet posted my work on the early and middle groups. This chapter sees the... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoAncient Greek PhilosophyPlato's Dialogues
This paper compares cultic traditions surrounding Asclepius, whereby the cultic mention of the god must be preceded by his father Apollo, with Plato's Phaedo, which parallels this cultic tradition by having an Apollinean opening... more
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This gives a quick overview of the whole of my section on Plato's late group dialogues, some of which have already been posted on Academia.Edu. The Sophist, Politicus, and Philebus have been written but not yet posted. A chapter on... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoAncient Greek PhilosophyPlato's Dialogues
The Platonic dialogues are designed for reading. The audience they presuppose and to which they are addressed is, fundamentally, a reading public. In order to be performed as a dramatic work, the Platonic dialogue therefore demands a... more
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      PlatoMimesisReception of AntiquityPlato's dialogue form
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      PlatoPolitical SciencePlato and PlatonismPlato's Laws
Through a study of nature and paternal power, this paper sheds light on the neglected theme of the relation between language and justice in Plato's Cratylus. The dialogue inquires after the correctness of names, and it turns out that no... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEthicsPlatoDeconstruction
The author argues that the accurate description of the Βενδίδεια's first celebration provided by Platon in the Republic's opening, when compared (and added) to the epigraphic evidence supplied by IG I3 136 and IG II2 1283 shows Athenians... more
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      PlatoAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Epigraphy
Resumo: As relações de Platão com o gênero cômico, quase sempre mencionadas por seus biógrafos e comentadores tardios – Diógenes Laércio, Olimpiodoro, Apuleio, Albinus –, estão enunciadas e circunstanciadas em vários diálogos – no... more
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      Plato and PlatonismPlato's RepublicPlato's DialoguesAncient Greek Philosphy
The author argues the evidence presented by Platon concerning Sokrates' time during the Siege and Battles of Poteidaia, presented in both the Symposium and Charmides, does not conflict and that the Charmides indeed has a precise and... more
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      PlatoSocratesThucydidesAncient Greek History
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      PlatoProsopographySocratesPlato and Platonism
Riassunto e commento del Menesseno, un'opera di dubbia attribuzione
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      PlatoPlato's DialoguesPlatoneDialoghi platonici
revista eletrônica re-produção / Casa Guilherme de Almeida
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      Translation StudiesPlato's Dialogues
**DRAFT** UPDATED 23 January 2024. PREVIOUS VERSION COMPLETELY OBSOLETE. Excerpt from The Athenian Year Primer Volume II. 2nd of 3 Chapters on the Apatouria. Previous Chapter, I argued the Apatouria played a fundamental role for Athenian... more
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      Ancient HistoryPlatoClassical philologyAncient Greek History
This paper analyzes the etymology of the name erōs (e[ rw") in Phaedrus (238c3-4, 252b8-9) and studies the function of the etymology in close relation to the Platonic theory of language. Its aim is to evaluate its function, in order to... more
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      PlatoFilosofíaEtimologyPlato's Dialogues
The first three chapters of Plato's "Sophist", ancient Greek original text along with my translation into New Greek.
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      PlatoPlato's DialoguesPlatonic dialoguesPlato's Late Dialectic Sophist Metaphysics Predication
An introduction to Plato's Dialogues, with special attention to what it takes to be honest and sincere in the search for truth
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      EthicsPlatoSocratesClinical Reasoning
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      PlatoSocratesPlato and PlatonismPlato's Dialogues
Many of the questions of the Republic are aired in a short space attending to the problem of how to reach a dimensional world.
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      PhilosophyRhetoricComposition and RhetoricDialectic
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      Good faithPlato's DialoguesAbigail L. Rosenthal's A Good Look at EvilPast life regression
Love of wisdom allows for the creation of that space where ethical and loving life is possible. This means that eros must remain to any understanding of the self, world, and politeia. It also means, however, that the energy of love be... more
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      AristophanesPlatoPhilosophy of LoveGreek Myth
Plato's Phaedrus is a work of strong contrasts: in the form and in the content. Thus, of the two parts mío which it is divided, one consists of discourses and the other of a dialogue; one is practical and the other theoretical; one is... more
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      PlatoPlato's DialoguesAncient Greek LitteraturePalton
This is the first chapter of the first section of my unpublished 1980s PhD thesis. It outlines the textual evidence for a new framework for understanding Plato's dialogues. The second chapter, to follow, examines what the dialogues say... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoHermeneuticsAncient Greek Philosophy
The elenchus (gr. ἔλεγχος, literally “argument of disproof”, “refutation”, “cross-examining”) is the core of the Socratic method represented by Plato in his early dialogues. This enquiring technique, employed by Socrates to question his... more
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      PlatoSocratic MethodDialecticPlato's Dialogues
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      PlatoPlato and PlatonismPlato's TimaeusPlato's Dialogues
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      PhilosophyClassicsPlatonismPlato and Aristotle
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      PlatoPlato's Dialogues