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What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Holocaust denial (negationism)Pierre-Vidal Naquet
Recensione a P. Vidal-Naquet, Atlantide. Breve storia di un mito, Torino, Einaudi 2006 (trad. it. di Id., L’Atlantide. Petite histoire d’un mythe platonicienne, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2005). Recensione pubblicata in «RCCM» 50, 2,... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyClassicsGreek Literature
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      PlatoClassical MythologyAtlantis MythPierre-Vidal Naquet
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      GeographyClassical ArchaeologyRomanticismPlato
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      LiminalityRites of PassageVictor TurnerAncient Sparta
NAQUET, Pierre Vidal. O mundo de Homero.
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      Historia AntigaHistóriaHomeroPierre-Vidal Naquet
This article describes the first endeavours of Simon Bar Giora in Palestine (66-67 AD). This is followed by an analysis of the paradigmatic tales from JOS. BJ 4. 518-528: in the first, Simon unsuccessfully pleads to the inhabitants of... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolybiusJosephusTreason
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      MarxismHistoriographyPierre-Vidal NaquetAsiatic mode of production
A lo largo de su historia, la democracia ateniense encontró diversos modos de oposición que pusieron, en mayor o menor medida, en peligro su persistencia. Frente a esas amenazas reales, potenciales y, en algunos casos, imaginarias, la... more
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      Ancient HistoryEmotionClassical ArchaeologyMythology
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      French LiteratureJewish StudiesContinental PhilosophyContemporary French Philosophy
Is there something like a french classical Greece? Is there a specific french way to study, to explain and to understand ancient Greece? Many french scholars seem to think, or to believe, there is, as they say, a "Grèce à la française".... more
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      Michel FoucaultPierre BourdieuBourdieuJean-Pierre Vernant
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      HistoriographyPierre-Vidal Naquet
The motivation behind the Danaïds’ flight from marriage to their cousins in Aeschylus’ Supplices has long been debated. For more than a century, prominent classicists have entertained the notion that the Danaïds consider such a marriage... more
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      Greek TragedyConceptual Metaphor TheoryVergilAeneid
Πρόκειται για μια προσπάθεια συνδυασμού της ιστορίας των θεατρικών και πολιτικών θεσμών στην αρχαία Αθήνα του Κλεισθένη και της σημειολογικής ανάλυσης του θεατρικού χώρου από την Anne Ubersfeld. Με αφετηρία τις αναλύσεις του Pierre... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance StudiesPerformance Art
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      HistoriographyHistory of SlaveryAncient Greek HistoryAncient Slavery