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This is the lecture that I gave regarding Hasidism at the European Congress of Jewish Studies in Krakow, July 2018. In it I discuss the influence of R. Kalonymus Kalman Epstein's "Meor V'Shemesh" on the Hasidic works of his great great... more
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      Jewish MysticismHasidismMystical TechniquesPiaseczner Rebbe
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      HasidismKalonymus ShapiroחסידותHasidut
פורסם בעלון שבת 'קרוב אליך', פרשת נח תש"ף, כתבת שער, עמ' 1, 14-15; 18; 20-21.
סיפורים חדשים מהמסע בעקבות הרבי, חשיפת פרטים ביוגרפיים לא מוכרים, וקטע ממכתב שלא פורסם מעולם.
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      HasidismKalonymus ShapiroחסידותHasidut
In this lecture I teach one of the first texts penned by the Piaseczner and demonstrate how it contains many of the fundamental principles for Hasidic service that he would go on to develop in his later works. These include service... more
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      Jewish MysticismHasidismKalonymus ShapiroPolish Jewish history
Based upon the 2018 Warsaw conference marking 75 years since the Rebbe's martyrdom. Publication: June 2021.
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      Jewish MysticismTheodicyHolocaust StudiesJewish Philosophy
This Hebrew article, based upon a lecture at the Pardes Conference at the Michlala of Jerusalem in 2017, appears in Michlol-Pardes, Vol.2, 2018. In it I discuss the Piaseczner Rebbe's educational theory and program in connection with the... more
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      Religious EducationJewish MysticismJewish HistoryEducational Philosophy
התפרסם בכתב העת אסיף ד תנ"ך ומחשבה עמ' 171-204
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      HasidismKalonymus ShapiroחסידותHasidut
This is the second edition (with additions and corrections) of my notes to the Piaseczner Rebbe's early work Bnei Machshava Tova.
For now I am only publishing it online. Please feel free to distribute.
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      SpiritualityJewish MysticismPrayerKabbalah
עיון פילולוגי בכתב היד של דרשות האדמו"ר מפיאסצנה, ר' קלונימוס קלמן שפירא (1889-1943), שנכתבו על ידו בזמן השואה בגטו וורשה, מעלה תובנות חדשות שלא ידועות עד כה למחקר, ואף מטלטל את המחקר הקיים. ככל הידוע לי, כל החוקרים שהתייחסו לספרו זה של... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish HistoryMysticism
מאמר העוסק בעניין לימוד התורה בזמן השואה במשנתו של האדמו"ר מפיאסצנה. [לא מוגה]
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      HasidismKalonymus Shapiroחסידותשואה
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      Abraham abulafiaJewish MeditationJewish spiritualityRebbe Nachman of Breslov
Hasidic Messianism - an audio recording of a lecture that I gave at Shivtei Yisrael Congregation in Raanana in March 2019 as part of a series on Messianism. In it I focus on the Baal Shem Tov and Rebbe Nachman, with brief mentions of... more
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      Jewish MysticismKabbalahHasidismJewish Messianism
This is an updated version of an earlier internet article. I deal with the visualization meditations of the Piaseczner Rebbe and Reb Menachem Ekstein, both of whom were martyred in the Holocasut.
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      SpiritualityJewish MysticismKabbalahHasidism
This Hebrew article deals with a famous and controversial passage in the Piaseczner Rebbe's first work, Bnai Machshava Tova. In it he recommends the visualization of God during prayer as a temporary measure to help achieve a higher level... more
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      Jewish MysticismHasidismProphecyElliot Wolfson
מחקר בנושא כתיבה מהזיכרון בכתביו של האדמו"ר מפיאסצנה. המאמר באמצעות השוואה דקדקנית בין ציטוטיו של האדמו"ר לבין מקורותיו, מראה כי האדמו"ר השתמש בעיקר בזיכרונו כאשר הפנה למקורות או כתב וציטט מקורות בכתביו, לא רק בדרשותיו משנות הזעם, אלא... more
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      HasidismKalonymus Shapiroחסידותשואה
This is my 2002 M.A. thesis from Touro College (Jerusalem), in which I began to map out and explore the major topics in the Rebbe's pre-Holocaust writings. Most of these themes were later expanded upon in my PhD dissertation, "between... more
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      SpiritualityJewish MysticismHolocaust StudiesHasidism
This Hebrew booklet contains my notes on the work Bnei Machshava Tova of the Piaseczner Rebbe. It is primarily cross references to his other works with additional notes and references. I can also be read online in book form here:... more
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      Jewish MysticismKabbalahHasidismMeditation
In this paper we demonstrate Rabbi Nachman's hidden influence upon the Piaseczner Rebbe regarding the Hitbodedut technique of meditation.
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      Jewish MysticismHasidismMeditationRebbe Nachman of Breslov
This is the Hebrew translation of my article "Flipping into Ecstasy" (Studia Judaica 17.1, 2014). The article (Daat # 90, 2020) was translated from English by Shalom (Matan) Shalom and I updated the footnotes.
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      Jewish MysticismShamanismSufismKabbalah
The new  softcover edition is out (Jan. 2022!). See the attached flier for a discount code, 30% off till May and 50% for the rest of this month when you order directly from the publisher!
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      ReligionJewish StudiesHistory of ReligionJewish Mysticism
Rather than chart some steadily evolving theology which R. Kalonymous Kalman Shapira’s Warsaw Ghetto sermons phenomenologically defy, I note six critical theological junctures and one overarching juncture. Each is accompanied by new... more
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      TheodicyHasidismHolocaust LiteratureHolocaust
This is a brief post from the Times of Israel in honor of the 75th Yarzeit of the Piaseczner Rebbe, 4 Cheshvan 5778. A gathering will be held in his memory tonight at the Horev Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
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      Jewish MysticismHolocaust StudiesHasidismJewish Education
Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, the Piaseczner Rebbe, spent his last years theologizing, sermonizing, and writing in the Warsaw Ghetto. Like Franz Rosenzweig before him, who wrote much of the Star of Redemption, his philosophical magnum opus,... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheodicyJudaismHasidism
Don Seeman and Daniel Reiser are hosting an international conference/workshop on the teachings of R. Kalonymos Shapira, author of the last known work of traditional Jewish scholarship written on Polish soil, in the Warsaw Ghetto. Our... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionJewish Studies
Eulogy for Rabbi Natan Siegel z"l. This is the eulogy that I gave at the funeral of my beloved friend Rav Natan z"l, in Efrat August 27, 2017. My his memory be for a blessing.
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      HasidismPiaseczner Rebbe
This is my article on the Piaseczner Rebbe's Bnei Machshava Tova mystical fraternities, in comparison with earlier mystical fraternities. The focus is upon the influence of mystical groups in Safed, Jerusalem and Tiberias. This is a... more
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      Jewish HistoryKabbalahHasidismJewish Mysticism/Kababalah
In this lecture (and source sheet) at the Women's Bet Midrash of Efrat (February 2017) I discuss the Piaseczner Rebbe's mystical technique of imaging God, as it appears in his early work Bnei Machshava Tova. I also address the related... more
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      Jewish MysticismJewish PhilosophyKabbalahHasidism
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsEmotionPsychological Anthropology
This is my introduction to the book "Jewish Spiritual Growth: The Step-by-step Guide of a Hasidic Master", 2016 (place of publication not listed). The book is the English translation of Yaacov David Shulman of the Piaseczner Rebbe's work... more
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      Jewish MysticismHasidismNeo HasidismPiaseczner Rebbe
התפרסם באסיף ז תשפ"א, עמ' 485-460 במאמר זה אציג את תפיסתו של הרבי מפיאסצנה אודות מידת הכעס. הרבי עסק במידה זו, גורמי התהוותה, תוצאותיה, ודרכי ההתמודדות עמה פעמים רבות. מעניין לציין כי כאשר האדמו"ר עוסק במידות, הוא מרבה להדגים את הדברים... more
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התפרסם באסופת המאמרים 'והאר עינינו' לרגל כנס 'יחד בקדושה' סיום הש"ס של איגוד ישיבות ההסדר, עמ' 105-134. המאמר עוסק ביחס שבין שני הערכים לימוד התורה והדבקות - וסוקר את השיטות השונות (בעש"ט, מגיד ממעזריטש, ר' חיים מוולוז'ין, בעל התניא,... more
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פורסם באסיף ו' עמ' 629-642. המאמר מתאר שתי סיטואציות בהן עוסק האדמו"ר אשר גורם חיצוני מקנטר על החניך החסידי ועוסק שתי דרכי ההתמודדות שונות אשר מציע האדמו"ר: השתקה ושתיקה. במאמר מתבאר שלמעשה שתיהן נובעות מאותה נקודה ולמעשה בשתיהן החניך... more
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      HasidismKalonymus ShapiroחסידותHasidut
English Shiur I gave at the Piaseczner Rebbe's 75th Yarzheit event in Jerusalem in 2018. It can be viewed here:
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      KabbalahHasidismPolish Jewish historyJewish Meditation
Roim Kolot - Seeing Voices: A film from the National Library of Israel featuring a Shiur for Shavuot based upon Kabbalistic and Hasidic texts.
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      Jewish MysticismKabbalahHasidismZohar
The Last Drasha from the Warsaw Ghetto. The Piaseczner Rebbe zt"l. Shabbat Chazon 1942. A National Library of Israel Zoom Lecture, July 2020.
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      Jewish MysticismJewish HistoryTheodicyHolocaust Studies
This brief English Shiur explores the Piaseczner Rebbe's radical reading of the death of Miriam and the conclusions he draws regarding the Divine Service of Women
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      Spirituality & MysticismJewish PhilosophyKabbalahHasidism
This is the abstract for the Hebrew article on the educational philosophy of R. Kalonymus Kalmish Shapira of Piaseczna and how it relates to the secularization among Polish Jewish youth in the interwar period.
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      Jewish MysticismJewish HistoryHasidismJewish Education
In this recent interview with Yad Vashem I discuss the Piaseczner Rebbe as an educator and his educational philosophy. We discuss both the interwar context in which spiritual education was marshaled also to combat secularization as well... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHasidismJewish EducationSpirituality and Education
This paper was published in "Asif" 4, February 2017, the journal of the Association of Yeshivot Hesder in Israel (pp. 148-170). In it I explore the radical approach to "service through corporeality" in the writings of Piaseczner Rebbe. I... more
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      Jewish MysticismMysticismHasidismPiaseczner Rebbe
In this early paper I begin to briefly map out the Piaseczner Rebbe's approach to education and spiritual work in response the growing secularism in inter-war Poland and briefly theorize about its relevance in Israeli "National-Religious"... more
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      HasidismJewish EducationKabbalah and Jewish PhilosophyPiaseczner Rebbe
This is the source sheet for the audio lecture which was given in the Women's Bet Midrash of Efrat in November 2016. It was an introductory lecture on the Piaseczner Rebbe, including biographical and bibliographical background. The main... more
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      Jewish MysticismJewish HistoryHasidismJewish Education
World wide zoom to mark teh Rebbe's 77th Yarzeit in October 2020. My talk on the role of emotions in the Rebbe's writings begins at 2 hours and 29 minutes.... more
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      Jewish MysticismJewish HistoryHasidismPolish-Jewish Relations
These are words spoken in memory of Avraham David Moses HYD, who was murdered in the terrorist attack at Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav in 2008. I spoke at the Moses home at Seuda Shlishit on Purim Meshulash some two weeks after the attack.
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      Jewish MysticismMartyrdomHasidismPurim
This post from the blog of the National Library of Israel was actually authored by my colleague Chen Malul with me advising him as to content. It details the publication history of the Piaseczner's first work "Bnei Machshava Tova" and... more
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      SpiritualityJewish MysticismJewish HistoryHasidism
In this lecture (with source sheet) at the Women's Bet Midrash in Efrat (June 2017) I explore the Piaseczner Rebbe's Holocaust theology as expressed in his sermons from the Warsaw Ghetto (generally known as Esh Kodesh). We discuss his... more
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      Jewish MysticismHolocaust StudiesJewish PhilosophyKabbalah
This is a Zoom Class I did with the Women's Bet Midrash of Efrat in March 2020. It is the Piaseczner Rebbe's meditation on the Exodus, a sort of "Bibliodrama".  It is from Hachsharat HaAvreichim, chapter 7.
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      KabbalahHasidismJewish MeditationJewish spirituality
This coming Thursday 3 Cheshvan (October 31) we will mark the 76th Yarzheit of the Piaseczner Rebbe zt"l in Jerusalem. All are welcome.
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      Holocaust StudiesKabbalahHasidismJewish Education
מאמר הדן באפשרות של תפילה גם ללא מענה או נוכחות אלוהית, מתוך חוויה אישית ומתוך עיון בכתבי האדמור מפיאסצנה וזלמן גרדובסקי
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      Holocaust StudiesHassidismJudaismZonderkomando
The Shem Olam Institute, together with the Chavurat Lomdei Piaseczna, present *An Evening of Study and Farbrengen marking 75 years since the martyrdom of Rebbe Kalonymus Kalmish of Piaseczna HY"D* *Thursday evening, 2 Cheshvan... more
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      Jewish MysticismHolocaust StudiesHasidismPiaseczner Rebbe
In Poland between the World Wars Traditional Judaism was faced with a growing trend of secularization, especially among young people. This (Hebrew) lecture and the accompanying source sheet explores the educational philosophy of the... more
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      Jewish HistoryHasidismJewish EducationPiaseczner Rebbe