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The article presents the results of soil and archaeological study of the pedo-sedimentation sequence formed in the floodplain of the Derkul River (West Kazakhstan). The aim of the study was to reconstruct the stages of the alluvial... more
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    • Phytoliths
Los fitolitos son microrrestos silíceos de origen vegetal. El ácido monosilícico (Si (OH)4) es absorbido a través de las raíces y transportado a las partes aéreas de la planta, donde se solidifica adoptando la morfología de las células.... more
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    • Phytoliths
This chapter examines two distinct but related issues. First, is the historical and archaeological question of the movement of the practice of maize agriculture, and maize itself, into the American Southeast during prehistoric times.... more
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      ArchaeologyPhytolith AnalysisSoutheastern Archaeology (Archaeology in North America)Phytoliths
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      Plant EcologyC4 PhotosynthesisPhytolithsC4 grasses
Investigating plants used for building and craft activities is important for understanding how environments surrounding archaeological settlements were exploited, as well as for considering the social practices involved in the creation... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyAnatolian ArchaeologyPhytolith Analysis
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      Soils (Geography)Phytoliths
The relationship between climate change at the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary (ca. 12,600-10,200 cal B.P.) and cultural responses to attendant shifts in the environment remains a vexing issue for archaeologists. This study compiles and... more
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeology
"Two parallel ethnoarchaeological inquiries were undertaken, one in western Nepal and the other in Vendée (western France), in order to reconstitute the sequence of operations traditionally employed for processing millet (Panicum... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyArchaeobotanyEnvironmental ArchaeologyPalynology
Cooking installations are among the most abundant features in Bronze and Iron Age archaeological sites in the southern Levant, yet until now their study has been mostly descriptive. We present a study of 11 purported archaeological... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelLevantine ArchaeologyTaphonomyPhytoliths
Archaeobotanical evidences for the presence of wild plants at Fremont archaeological sites are numerous. However, little can be positively argued for why those plants are present, if they were used by site inhabitants, and how they were... more
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      PaleobotanyPhytolithsFremont archaeologyGreat Basin
The St. Lawrence River valley was home to the northernmost case of plant cultivation in Northeastern North America prior to the arrival of the first Europeans. Recent analyses of phytoliths recovered from ancient pottery vessels in this... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleobotanyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)
In Micronesia, and more broadly in the Pacific Islands, human-introduced plants, especially vegetatively-propagated root/tuber and tree crops, form a large part of local diets. Archaeobotanists working in the region often employ phytolith... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyOceania (Archaeology)Paleoethnobotany
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      ArchaeobotanySouthwestern ArchaeologyPhytolithsEarly Agriculture
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyCeramics (Ceramics)Phytolith AnalysisCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
RESUMO: A região cárstica de Lagoa Santa (Minas Gerais) contém dezenas de sítios arqueológicos, cujos mais antigos datam do Holoceno Inicial (período entre 10.000 e 7000 anos A.P.), com coleções numerosas de remanescentes esqueletais... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPhytolith AnalysisStarch
Phytolith reference collections of plants and surface soils are a critical part of studies that use these micro-botanical remains for archaeological and paleoecological reconstruction. In the archaeologically-rich region of the Upper... more
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      PaleoecologyAmazonian ArchaeologyPhytoliths
"Se presentan los resultados del análisis fitolítico realizado sobre artefactos de molienda pertenecientes a la localidad arqueológica Tapera Moreira, ubicada a 38° 33’ de latitud sur y 65° 33’ de longitud oeste (departamento de Lihué... more
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      ArchaeobotanyPhytolithsHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
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      HistoryBotanyLandscape EcologyArchaeology
Opaline phytoliths are important microfossils used for paleoecological and archaeological reconstructions that are primarily based on relative ratios of specific morphotypes. Recent studies have shown that phytolith assemblages are prone... more
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    • Phytoliths
Workshop and training program in Environmental Archaeology 28.02.-06.03.2022, with online lectures in Archaeological Science and practical courses in Archaeobotany (macro-remains and micro-remains), and Physical Anthropology to be held in... more
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      ZooarchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisBioarchaeologyArchaeobotany
Little is known about the introduction of domesticated crops in Sudan. Substantial early evidence of the cereals wheat and barley has, until recently, been mainly restricted to the post-Neolithic, third millennium BC pre-Kerma site on Sai... more
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      AfricaNeolithic ArchaeologyPhytoliths
and Keywords The banana (Musa) is one of the world's most important crops and the most valuable fruit in the global market. In the search for varieties that are more pest-and disease-resistant plant breeders are increasingly looking to... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyAndean Archaeology
The combination of phytolith and FTIR analyses is a powerful tool to investigate the use of fire by past human populations. Here, we apply these methods to study the hearths of the subunit Xb at the Middle Palaeolithic site of El Salt, in... more
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      FTIR spectroscopyNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)PhytolithsMiddle Paleolithic
Changing rice and millet arable systems were closely linked to social and environmental changes in Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in Central China. Two methods are used here to distinguish between rainfed millet farming and rice farming,... more
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      BotanyArchaeologyConservation BiologyEcology
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      ArchaeobotanyAmazonian ArchaeologyPhytoliths
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    • Phytoliths
Advances in areas of archaeological science with a strong geological, sedimentological or pedological component have significantly furthered the understanding of formation processes, improved interpretations and helped develop site... more
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      GeologyPedologyGeoarchaeologyArchaeological Science
In an effort to identify a distinctive phytolith morphotype recovered from archaeological sites in North America that resembled that described by Chandler-Ezell et al. (2006) as being diagnostic for Calathea allouia (Marantaceae), an... more
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      PaleoethnobotanyPhytolithsStarch analysis (Archaeology)
Morphological and chemical characterization of phytoliths from aerial and underground parts of Arundo donax L. and Phragmites karka (Retz.) Trin. ex Steud. was undertaken to substantiate their taxonomic demarcation with reference to one... more
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    • Phytoliths
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      Phytolith AnalysisBrick and tile (Archaeology)PhytolithsBrick and Tile
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"Recent excavations at Althiburos, northern Tunisia, have shown the existence of permanent pre-roman occupations in the central area of the urban settlement. Significantly, the site has been found to contain one of the most complete... more
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      PhytolithsAnimal HusbandryFaecal Spherulite
The production of alcoholic beverages is connected to a wide range of activities associated with growing social complexity. Beer production has a long history in the southern Levant, where the first evidence appeared during the later... more
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      ArchaeologyStarchArchaeology of Beer and Cereal FermentationPhytoliths
Recently, Agnihorti et al. reported on the unique discovery of seven 'organic rich balls' from the Early-Mature Harappan period site of 4MSR (Binjor). Using a combination of microbotanical, geochemical and isotopic analysis they argued... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyArchaeological ScienceStable Isotopes
Phytolith studies are now an established subbranch of archaeobotanical studies. However, there is a very limited number of phytolith studies focused on Anatolia. Kinet Höyük is one of the eligible sites since extensive archaeobotanical... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyAnatolian ArchaeologyPhytoliths
The Natufian culture was a critical junction in human subsistence, marking the first steps towards sedentism and the domestication of cereals and pulses. The Natufians are known to have collected large seeded grasses (wild barley and... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeobotany
This paper examines evidence on animal diet through the study of dung and its contents in order to discuss animal-related mobility and the use of ecological resources at Neolithic Koutroulou Magoula in central Greece. Micromorphological... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyArchaeological Science
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyAndean Archaeology
The mosaic ecology of the Late Pleistocene Levant has been referred to by many authors investigating Epipaleolithic use of wild cereals as a prelude to cultivation, but it has rarely been the focus of studies investigating hunter-gatherer... more
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      PhytolithsWetland ArchaeologyHuman-Environment InteractionsHunter-Gatherer Archaeology
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      PalaeoenvironmentArchaeobotanyPhytolith AnalysisStarch
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyPhytolithsNeolithic
Human dental calculus is an excellent target for examining the plant component of ancient diets. Mi- crofossils become imbedded within dental calculus throughout life, providing an overall picture of plant foods available (at least those... more
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      StarchPhytolithsEaster Island ArchaeologyMicrofossils
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      Experimental ArchaeologyResidue and Use-Wear AnalysisPhytolithsQuerns and Millstones
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The Early Rice Project, at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, is clarifying the origins of Asian rice agriculture. In the Lower Yangtze region of China, we have found the tipping point when domesticated forms first outnumber wild types c.... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyArchaeologyAnthropology