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Objective: To explain the illusory nature of the self and explore its implications for psychotherapy. Conclusions: Our usual experience of the self is an illusion. Rather than a discrete entity, it is a network of processes that... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryPhilosophy of MindPsychotherapy
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyFamily Therapy
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    •   452  
      PhilologyNeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal Psychology
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    •   402  
      Creative WritingNeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal Psychology
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    •   413  
      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
There are passages in Wittgenstein where he compares his method to psychotherapy and one or two where he seems to suggest that the ‘patient’ has the last word on his ‘illness’ and ‘cure’. This paper tries to take these seriously,... more
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    •   262  
      PsychoanalysisMetaphysicsAnalytic PhilosophyEpistemology
Sass, like R. D. Laing before him, wants to make sense of schizophrenic discourse.  In 'Paradoxes of delusion – Wittgenstein, Schreber and the schizophrenic mind' he uses Wittgenstein’s later work, particularly the Blue Book, to this... more
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    •   83  
      PsychoanalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphilosophyScepticism
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
The meaningful life is not only an issue in current philosophy but also in psychiatry and psy-chotherapy. For a long time, however, it has played a central role in the Existential Analysis and Logotherapy developed by psychiatrist Viktor... more
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      Meaning of LifePhilosophy and PsychotherapyViktor FranklPhilosophy and Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychology
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    •   546  
      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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    •   340  
      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
A critique of the 2014 APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
This paper explores the content of the somniloquies of Dion McGregor, the most extensive sleep talker ever recorded, and compares these with dream content from normative male dreams on the Hall and van de Castle Content Scales (1966) and... more
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      LanguagesNeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal Psychology
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    •   403  
      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
Sass, like R. D. Laing before him, wants to make sense of schizophrenic discourse.  In 'Paradoxes of delusion – Wittgenstein, Schreber and the schizophrenic mind' he uses Wittgenstein’s later work, particularly the Blue Book, to this... more
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    •   72  
      Discourse AnalysisAnalytic PhilosophyMetaphilosophyRhetoric
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    •   409  
      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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    •   345  
      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
from Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, vol 53, pg 262, 2005 reprinted in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPNOSIS 48 (2-3), 89, 2006 by Joseph P. Green, Ph.D., Arreed F. Barabasz, Ph.D., Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D., & Guy... more
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    •   301  
      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
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    •   13  
      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyHealth Psychology