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      ZooarchaeologyBird remains (Zooarchaeology)PenguinsPatagonia
Thermoregulation could represent a signicant fraction of the total energy budget of endotherms under unfavourable environmental conditions. This cost affects several traits of the ecology of an organism such as its behaviour,... more
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      Marine BiologyPhysiologyMarine EcologyEcology
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      PenguinsPatagoniaZooarqueologiaVertebrate taphonomy
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      MultidisciplinaryPenguinsMicroplastics in the OceansFibers
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      BrazilPenguinsMagellanic Penguin
Chinstrap and Adeíie penguins generate considerable pressures to propel their faeces away from the edge of the nest. The pressures involved can be approximated if the following parameters are known: (1) distance the faecal material... more
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      Water PollutionPenguinsAntarcticaLaminar Flow
Valuing objects is a distinctive human trait. It is necessary for rational behaviour. Factors that are likely to influence valuations, the difficulties of getting agreements about valuations and the limited perspective of economics as a... more
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      EcotourismConservationWildlife ConservationPenguins
It is suggested that valuing objects is a distinctive human trait. It is a prerequisite for rational behaviour. Factors that are likely to influence valuations, the difficulties of getting agreements about valuations and the limited... more
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      EcotourismConservationWildlife ConservationPenguins
La especie Spheniscus humboldti presenta una situación crítica causada por diversos factores entre los cuales la acción del hombre es uno de los principales responsables de la disminución de sus poblaciones. El presente trabajo tiene como... more
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      EthologyNational ParksPenguinsCautiverio
This article updates a paper which I wrote in 1988 about the economic value of biodiversity conservation on the Otago Peninsula and the scope for expanding wildlife tourism there. After outlining different ways to measure the economic... more
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      Tourism StudiesEcotourismConservationWildlife Conservation
Marine ecosystems are experiencing substantial disturbances due to climate change and overfishing, and plastic pollution is an additional growing threat. Microfibres are among the most pervasive pollutants in the marine environment,... more
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      PenguinsMicroplastics in the OceansFibersTextile Fibers
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    • Penguins
The modern zoo has brought about two major advances in the behavioral welfare of their exhibited animals: (a) The use of environmental enrichment to promote naturalistic behaviors and (b) the use of training to improve voluntary husbandry... more
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      Animal WelfareApplied Behavior AnalysisPenguinsBehavior Analysis
We developed a Hidden Markov mark–recapture model (R package marked) to examine sex‐specific demography in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Our model was based on 33 yr of resightings at Punta Tombo, Argentina, where we... more
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      Survival AnalysisPenguinsSexual size dimorphismSex-biased mortality
Substantial changes in bone histology accompany the secondary adaptation to life in the water. This transition is well documented in several lineages of mammals and non-avian reptiles, but has received relatively little attention in... more
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      PenguinsFossil Bone HistologyBone HistologyFlightlessness
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      PenguinsAvesFossil marine birds
Penguins are considered among the most popular animals for zoo and aquarium visitors to observe. Swimming is considered a desirable activity, both for the visitor experience and the welfare of the penguins. However, little is known about... more
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      Behavioral SciencesAnimal BehaviorAnimal WelfarePenguins
1. Nonlinear, parametric curve-fitting provides a framework for understanding diverse ecological and evolutionary trends (e.g. growth patterns and seasonal cycles). Currently, parametric curve-fitting requires a priori assumptions of... more
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      StatisticsRegression ModelsSeabirdsGrowth Models
Many birds can visualise parts of the ultraviolet (UV) range; consequently, the diversity of colours observed by birds is generally greater than humans can perceive. The colouration of feathers is diverse both between and within bird... more
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      Conservation BiologyAnimal BehaviorMate ChoicePenguins
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      Conservation BiologyConservationEcologyWildlife Conservation
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Híd folyóirat, 2017/január-február, 113-129. o.
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      RhetoricNature and Wildlife FilmsRoland BarthesSocial Constructionism/ Constructivism
Improving husbandry parameters of Bird of Paradise, utilizing state of the art medical equipment to evaluate the health of the Little Penguins and employing aviculture techniques developed at the Bronx Zoo to augment field research are... more
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      Avian BiologyPenguinsBird ConservationAvian medicine
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      Evolutionary BiologyOrnithologySeabirdsPenguins
The penguins (Aves: Sphenisciformes) are the most derived group of diving seabirds. Exclusive to the Southern Hemisphere, ten of the seventeen extant species can be found in South America. South America has been recognised as one of the... more
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      Latin American StudiesPaleontologyPenguinsLatin America
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      GeographyClimate ChangeClimate variabilityMigration
The present review aims to improve the scope and coverage of the phylogenetic matrices currently in use, as well as explore some aspects of the relationships among Paleogene penguins, using two key skeletal elements, the humerus and... more
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      PhylogeneticsPenguinsMorphological PhylogeneticsCenozoic
A comparison between the Paleogene and Neogene marine assemblages in South America suggests a major turnover among penguins by the late Miocene, with the disappearance of the stem Sphenisciformes and the rise of the modern penguins.... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyPenguinsMioceneAvian taxonomy
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      Political PhilosophyHobbesSeventeenth CenturyThomas Hobbes
This is a story about penguins and passing grades, about the practices and ethics of informal exchange in 1980s Leningrad and St. Petersburg 30 years later, and about things' incommensurability spurring stories. It is, specifically ,... more
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      Creative NonfictionEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesAnthropology
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      TaphonomyPenguinsFossil recordVertebrate taphonomy
Australia has a fossil record of penguins reaching back to the Eocene, yet today is inhabited by just one breeding species, the little penguin Eudyptula minor. The description of recently collected penguin fossils from the re-dated upper... more
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Visible light on Earth largely comes from the sun, including light reflected from the moon. Predation risk is strongly determined by light conditions, and some animals are nocturnal to reduce predation. Artificial lights and its... more
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      OrnithologyAnimal BehaviorAustraliaSeabirds
Land-breeding marine animals such as penguins, flying seabirds and pinnipeds are important components of marine ecosystems, and their abundance has been used extensively as an indication of ecosystem status and change. Until recently,... more
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      OrnithologyMathematical ModellingSeabirdsEcological Modelling
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      Conservation BiologyPenguinsSeabirdRockhopper Penguin
New penguin fossils from the Eocene of Peru force a reevaluation of previous hypotheses regarding the causal role of climate change in penguin evolution. Repeatedly it has been proposed that penguins originated in high southern latitudes... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyPenguinsCladistics (Systematic Biology)Avian Paleontology
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      Oxidative StressPenguinsDivingSeals
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      PenguinsMagellanic Penguin
During the last decade, new Neogene fossil assemblages from South America have revealed important clues about the evolution of seabird faunas in one of the major upwelling systems of the world: the Humboldt Current. However, most of this... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyPenguinsPlioceneNeogene
Sustainability has emerged as an important field of research with an emphasis on studying tourism impacts and defining the limits of growth in tourism. However, the conceptual foundation of sustainability and the limits to growth have... more
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      Sustainable TourismPenguinsLimits to GrowthSustainable/Responsible Tourism
A group of zoo-housed little penguins (Eudyptula minor) was diagnosed with mycobacteriosis. While undergoing multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) imaging for an unrelated research project, pulmonary lesions were detected in multiple... more
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    • Penguins
This study evaluates a modern natural deposit of Magellanic penguin remains in the coast of the Pampas region, and discusses the regional availability of this resource for prehistoric hunter-gatherer populations, as well as the potential... more
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      SeabirdsPenguinsAvian conservationAvian Physiology
No-take zones may protect populations of targeted marine species and restore the integrity of marine ecosystems, but it is unclear whether they benefit top predators that rely on mobile pelagic fish. In South Africa, foraging effort of... more
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      Marine Protected AreasPenguins
Se presentan los primeros restos diagnósticos asignables a Spheniscus megaramphus procedentes del Miembro Bonebed de la Formación Bahía Inglesa (Mioceno tardío), consistentes en tres rostros aislados pertenecientes a la colección del... more
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      SeabirdsVertebrate PaleontologyPenguinsMiocene
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      Bird remains (Zooarchaeology)PenguinsPatagoniaVertebrate taphonomy
Sex-biased mortality can increase the risk of extinction of threatened populations. Numbers of the Endangered African penguins Spheniscus demersus are decreasing rapidly and the smaller size of females associated with their higher... more
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      PenguinsSex-biased mortalityAdult Sex Ratio
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      GeologyVertebrate PaleontologyPenguinsMiocene