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Todo proceso de apropiación de los recursos naturales involucra la interacción de distintos agentes sociales a partir de la ejecución de determinadas prácticas de apropiación, entendidas éstas últimas como los usos, formas de acceso y... more
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      Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Community based forest managementCommunity Forest Mangement
Este documento revisa una gran variedad de instrumentos que se pueden usar para inducir cambios en los usos de recursos naturales con el fin de alinear los intereses de actores locales con otros intereses que también son afectados por... more
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      ConservationSustainable DevelopmentLatin AmericaPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Market-based conservation instruments, such as Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), have become a dominant paradigm for environmental policies. Despite their broad endorsement, the implementation of PES schemes often rests on... more
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      Ecological EconomicsGame/Simulation use in educationPower relationsPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Background and purpose: Croatia is one of the countries with a long practice of payments for environmental forests’ services (PES). Following the implementation of green tax in Croatia and present European trends, the aim of this... more
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      ForestrySustainable forestry managementForest PolicyPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Ecuador has experienced one of the highest rates of deforestation in South America over the turn of the century with consequent threats to the provision of essential life-supporting environmental services. The Ecuadorian government... more
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      Impact EvaluationPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Socio Bosque ProgramForest Owner Typology
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) is still in its formative years in India. While the creation of markets for ecosystem services has been theoretically recognized and experimented on pilot basis, the concept is still not envisaged in... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesPayment for Ecosystem ServicesPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
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      Ecosystem ServicesSustainability IndicatorsEconomic valuation of natural resourcesPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Payment for ecosystem services (PES) is a new approach that has seen growing interest in conservation. The definition of PES in this report is given by Wunder (2005, p. 3) as “a voluntary transaction where a well-defined environmental... more
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    • Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Concern over social equity dominates current debates about payments for ecosystem services and reduced deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Yet, despite the apprehension that these initiatives may undermine equity, the term is... more
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      EquityREDD+Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Neoliberal conservation describes a dynamic wherein prominent organizations around the world concerned with biodiversity protection have increasingly adopted strategies and mechanisms that seek to reconcile conservation with economic... more
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      Conservation BiologyNeoliberalismAuthoritarianismPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
Un nuovo paradigma che ponga l’ambiente come fattore propulsivo dello sviluppo richiede di essere “messo alla prova” nelle aree rurali, che per prime hanno subito gli effetti ambientali negativi del processo di industrializzazione. La... more
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      AgroecologyRural DevelopmentAgroecologiaSviluppo rurale
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) defines ecosystem services as the benefits that humans receive from the nature, such as clean water, food, fiber, wood, timber, medicinal herbs, leaf-litters, bush meat, groundwater recharge,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental ManagementPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Community based forest management
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are increasingly employed to address a range of environmental issues, including biodiversity conservation, watershed protection, and climate change mitigation. PES initiatives have gained momentum... more
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangePolitical EcologyCommunity Based Natural Resources Management
Seagrass ecosystems provide numerous ecosystem services that support coastal communities around the world. They sustain abundant marine life as well as commercial and artisanal fisheries, and help protect shorelines from coastal erosion.... more
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      Coastal ManagementClimate ChangeEcosystem ServicesConservation Biology
This Continuous Assessment (CA) is part of module Global Transaction, Banking and Payment Systems (Duane, 2015). The topic chosen for this CA is ‘Ripple protocol’ and its role in developing a banking payment system in regards to other... more
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsFinancial SystemsBanking
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEcosystems Ecology
Citação: Bustamante, M.M.C.; Metzger J.P.; Scariot A.; Bager A.; Turra A.; Barbieri A.; Neves A.; Boesing A.L.; Agostinho A.A.; Marques A.C.; Dias B.; Grelle C.E.V.; Caixeta D.; Sawyer D.; Scarano F.R.; Sousa F.D.R.; Fernandes G.W.;... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesBrazilEnvironmental SustainabilityPayment for Environmental Services
En este estudio se evaluaron las principales condiciones económicas y legal-institucionales para que el PSA sea viable a los usuarios de la tierra en la Amazonia peruana. Económicamente PSA son viables cuando los beneficiarios de... more
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      REDD+Valoración de Servicios EcosistémicosPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Peruvian Amazon
Ecosystem service valuation (ESV) attempts to transform the opposition of human economic necessity and ecological conservation by valuing the latter in terms of the services rendered by the former. However, despite a number of... more
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      Critical TheoryPragmatismEcosystem ServicesPolitical Ecology
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      Environmental LawSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceSustainable Water Resources Management
Perkembangan teknologi tak di pungkiri ikut mengubah kebiasaan masyarakat, termasuk dalam aktivitas keuangan. Dengan teknologi saat ini, masyarakat bisa memilih beragam layanan keuangan yang mudah dan cepat. Bahkan cukup memakai alat... more
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      Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Epayment,s, MicropaymentsGerakan Nasional Non Tunai
Concept of ecosystem services has been gaining enormous popularity after the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), 2005. Identification of ecosystem services is crucial to estimate economic values of ecosystems and calculate monetary... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Valuation (Economics)
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) are increasingly popular market driven conservation strategies which involve a willing buyer and willing provider of ecosystem services coming together for mutual benefits through market or... more
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      Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Fictitious CapitalCommoditizationCommoditization of Nature
In 2002, Nature, Wealth, and Power: Emerging Best Practice for Revitalizing Rural Africa (NWP1) was published as a flexible framework for improving rural development through better integration of biophysical, economic, and governance... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesSustainable DevelopmentCoral Reef EcosystemsEnvironmental Management
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsScience Policy
This article identifies an emerging faultline in critical geography and political ecology scholarship by reviewing recent debates on three neoliberal environmental governance initiatives: Payments for Ecosystem Services, the United... more
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      Critical TheoryGeographyHuman GeographyDevelopment Studies
From local governance regimes to policies and markets, diverse institutions are crucial for ensuring effective natural resource management. Payments for Ecosystems Services (PES) are being adopted globally as a potential strategy for... more
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      Environmental EconomicsForestryLebanonMediterranean Studies
The PES Sourcebook was developed to provide potential managers of PES projects with basic background material on PES that is required to effectively design, implement, and manage PES programs. The Sourcebook uses a broad perspective on... more
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      Environmental EconomicsPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Payment for environmental services in the Reserve of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere by assessing the change in density of forest coverMarket Based Instruments
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      ForestryNational ParksPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
This paper responds to a recent call for geographers to engage with the ecosystem services concept which is an increasingly dominant global model for environmental policy and management. We focus on its economic exchange mechanism,... more
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      Cultural GeographyIndigenous PeoplesThe Ethics of CarePayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
This study explores the governance options available to the Dutch government for the promotion of the sustainable use and maintenance of ecosystem services in tropical timber value chains with Dutch links and how ecosystem services can be... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceTimber Supply (Forestry Economics)Value Chain
This article outlines a novel framework for investigating complex intersections among divergent approaches to enacting environmental governance. I term this the study of ‘‘diverse ecologies.’’ The framework builds on J.K. Gibson-Graham’s... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEnvironmental PoliticsNeoliberalism
Political racialization has shaped the route to political power in Guyana from the mid-1950s, cementing ethnic insecurity and patronage politics. The 22-year rule of the East Indian-dominated Party is threatened by disaffection with... more
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      Climate change policyGovernanceIndigenous PeoplesGuyana
Forest and water protection once relied primarily on regulatory means to achieve conservation ends, but an explosion of market-based and neoliberal approaches to environmental policy now depend instead on the creation and harnessing of... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental StudiesNeoliberalismPayment for Environmental Services
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      Ecosystem ServicesPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviatiuon
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      Environmental Valuation (Economics)Payment for Environmental ServicesEconomic valuation of natural resourcesPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
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      Environmental LawBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesInternational Environmental Law
Brexit presents both risks and opportunities. The European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been subject to piecemeal reforms, but Brexit offers an altogether more far reaching opportunity to redesign the UK’s... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesAgroecologyAgricultural PolicyLand management
Les Paiements pour Services Environnementaux, ou PSE, sont de nouveaux outils d'incitation économique pour réduire la dégradation des ressources naturelles. Il s'agit de rémunérer les propriétaires, les usagers, ou les gestionnaires des... more
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      Land tenurePayment for Environmental ServicesMadagascarPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
The Caucasus region has been identified by international conservation organizations as a “global hotspot” for biodiversity. Among the nations of the South Caucasus, the environment of the Republic of Armenia faces widespread degradation... more
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      Green EconomicsForestryEcosystem ServicesArmenia
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceTimber Supply (Forestry Economics)Value Chain
This study assesses the effectiveness of climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) practices in terms of cost–benefits, and prioritizes the activities involved. It was carried out in the Udayapur district of Nepal, where the application of CRA... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgriculturePayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
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      Ecosystem ServicesBiodiversityIndigenous PeoplesNatural Resource Management (Forest, land issues)
A B S T R A C T The Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) concept is mainly based on Coasean economics theory that emphasizes the creation of a voluntary or market-based transaction for ecosystem services. Alternatively, many PES practiced... more
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      Payment for Environmental ServicesPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Community Forestry
The concept of Payments for Ecosystem or Environmental Services (PES) has attracted growing attention in both academic and policy circles. The main premise of this approach is appealing: land users, who tend to be poorly, if at all,... more
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      Ecological EconomicsCarbon TradingBiodiversity ConservationNicaragua
Payments for Environmental Services (PES) has become a popular means to neoliberalize biodiversity conservation throughout the world. Yet research on PES is increasingly focused on debating exactly how neoliberal programmes really are,... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationNeoliberalismEnvironmental Sustainability
The study explores the differences between households and commercial water user’s willingness to pay (WTP) and their reasons for WTP for improved water supply. Random sample of water user from local water district were interviewed about... more
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      Protected areasContingent valuationPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Willingness to Pay
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    • Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)