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      PortraitsArt HistoryPaintingPortraiture
The Hermitage Museum has the only firmly attributed - and signed - pastel by Anna Dorothea Terbusch-Lisiewska. The author places this within the context of the artist's images of women of the demi-monde.
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      German drawingsHermitage Museum18th Century Drawings CollectingCatherine II of Russia
Cette étude porte – pour la première fois dans l’historiographie de l’art en Roumanie – sur la vie et l’œuvre de l’artiste italo-française Elvezia Paini (1862-1953). Admirée par André Breton et Théophile Briant pour ses écrits... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryVisual ArtsOil painting
in Impressione e verità nella pittura tra De Nittis, Patini e i Palizzi. Dalla Puglia a Parigi attraverso la Via degli Abruzzi, catalogo della mostra (Pescara, Fondazione Museo Paparella-Treccia Devlet, 10 marzo-2 settembre 2018), a cura... more
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      PortraitureCollecting and CollectionsJames McNeill WhistlerFrench Impressionism
Rezension von Christoph Orth, in: Frühneuzeit-Info, Jg. 34/2023. <> Letzter Zugriff 30.04.2024.. OUT NOW!... more
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      AestheticsReception StudiesArt TheoryColour Theory
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryFrench StudiesContemporary Art
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      Renaissance StudiesDrawingLeonardo da VinciDucato di Milano
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      PastelsPittura a Pastello
Accompanying the exhibition at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Legion of Honor, 2021-22), this essay offers a fresh understanding of the history and art of pastel. With the appearance of a painting, the immediacy of a drawing, and... more
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      Museum StudiesPortraitureDrawingLandscape
In Drawing: The Invention of a Modern Medium, edited by Ewa Lajer-Burcharth and Elizabeth M. Rudy, Cambridge: Harvard Art Museums, 2017.
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      Art History19th century FrancePortraitureDrawing
À la fin du XIXe siècle, la technique du pastel connaît un regain d'intérêt en particulier chez les artistes de la tendance symboliste. Par sa fragilité et son caractère diffus, le pastel permet alors de répondre au souhait des artistes... more
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      Symbolism (Art History)Symbolisme FrançaisPastelsMusée D'Orsay
Ces travaux ont pour origine une étude menée par Rebeca Zea, pour son mémoire de master 2 en histoire de l’art et patrimoine, spécialité recherche, matériaux du patrimoine culturel et archéométrie à l’université Michel de Montaigne... more
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      Restauration and ConservationPastelsatrt graphique
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      Materiality of ArtOdilon RedonAmbiguityPastels
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      Venetian art and architectural historyVenetian 18th century painting and drawing xPastelsRosalba Carriera
Extract from: “Brushes, pens, pastels, pencils, became noble tools, expressive of thought, no less than chalk and blackboard or the alphabet itself, so radically cannibalised anew with each word one reads.” - George Elliott Clarke... more
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      Contemporary ArtCraft KnowledgeDesign thinkingMemoir and Autobiography
The quintessence of works of this kind can be comprehended if the viewer is willing to enter into the specific spirit of the work, not rationally, but rather in a more nearly intuitive manner. Thus, for example, he might encounter a storm... more
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      ArtContemporary ArtAbstract ArtPainting
Catalogue of the exhibition published by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco with Schiffer Publishing on the occsion of the same exhibition at the FAMSF - Legion of Honor, San Francisco, October 2021 to February 2022.
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      DrawingMateriality of ArtPost-ImpressionismFrench Impressionism
At the fin-de-siècle, the use of pastels underwent something of a revival and many young British artists adopted the medium as a new means of expression. This surge in popularity was marked by three large-scale pastel exhibitions held at... more
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      EphemeralityHistory of ExhibitionsPastelsWilliam Stott of Oldham
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      Nineteenth-century ArtPastelsWilliam Stott of Oldham
Iris Brahms (Hg.) Colour is not the first thing associated with drawings. But there are countless techniques on paper. In my contribution I trace the origins of chalks and pastels and highlight special features and innovations in their... more
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPractice theoryColour Vision
This study deals – for the first time in the historiography of art in Romania – with the life and work of the Italian-French artist Elvezia Paini (1862-1953). Praised by André Breton and Théophile Briant for her esoteric writings, she... more
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      Romanian Art HistoryPastelsXIXth Century Painting
«Le vrai peintre du soleil» di «quadri senza soggetto e senza mascherate» e di «quadri “a soggetto”» «avec la complicité de la lumière» (e autore di Notes et souvenirs?): il doppio talento di Giuseppe De Nittis tra la Puglia e Parigi
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      PortraitsGilded Age and Progressive EraPortraitureArt Market
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    • Pastels
exam paper
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    • Pastels
In the late nineteenth century, the use of pastels underwent a major revival across Europe and America. This surge in popularity was most pervasive amongst a generation of young artists who were striving for new styles and techniques... more
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      PastelsScottish ArtWilliam Stott of OldhamJames Guthrie
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      Artistic ResearchMateriality of ArtPastels
In spring, when the winter sky finally gives way to a clear blue sky covered with a few clouds, some Lauragais hills adorn themselves with a glittering yellow clothing with lush green stitching. Reminiscence of yesteryear, evocation of a... more
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      Science EducationRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceLandscape Photography
Felicita Sartori, in: Dolce amistà. Fatti d'amore in Friuli. Pubblicato da Pier Carlo Begotti, Giuseppe Bergamini, Pierluigi Cappello, Udine 2013, P. 42-44.
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      Women in ArtDonneVeneziaEuropean fine and decorative art 1400-1700
(ITALIANO) Dopo cinquant'anni di silenzio questo studio torna sui bellissimi disegni delle "Teste di Cristo e degli apostoli" tratte dal "Cenacolo" di Leonardo del Musée de la Ville de Strasbourg, riaprendo il dibattito su una delle... more
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      Art HistoryDrawingLeonardo da VinciCopies
Robert NANTEUIL, ca. 1623-1678 . Par Audrey Adamczak, préface de Maxime Préaud . Paris, ARTHENA, 2011, 368 p., 451 ill., 91 coul. (96 euros) - Robert Nanteuil a été l’un des portraitistes les plus sollicités du Grand Siècle.... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryFrench StudiesPortraiture
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      DrawingHistory of ExhibitionsPastelsWilliam Stott of Oldham
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Ressam, gezgin ve yazar olan Jean-Étienne Liotard'ın İstanbul deneyimlerini konu edinen bu yazıda, İsviçreli sanatçının yapıtlarından dolayı "Türk Ressam" olarak anılmasının nedenlerine ve Fransa'da ortaya çıkan Turqueirie (Türköri) sanat... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of Ottoman Art and Architecture18th Century Art
Réalisées initialement pour la salle à manger du château d’Hermenches près de Moudon, les boiseries peintes du château de Mézery forment un cycle de dix-neuf scènes illustrant la vie menée par David-Louis Constant (1722-1785), seigneur... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryTheatre StudiesTheatre History
En intitulant son recueil de poèmes en prose "Pastels in prose", Stuart Merrill révèle la vision particulière que cette technique revêt aux yeux des poètes et artistes symbolistes : une fragilité propre à incarner l'expression d... more
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      Symbolism (Art History)Symbolisme Artistique Au 19ème SièclePaul VerlainePastels
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    • Pastels
Charles-Henri Duparc (1848-1933), surtout connu pour son œuvre musicale, et notamment ses Mélodies, explore le langage des couleurs et de la peinture afin d’exprimer sa quête de sens ; une quête de sens qui au contact du paysage et de... more
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      MusicMysticismCharles BaudelairePaysage
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      18th Century French ArtArt TreatisesPastelsRelationship Between Art Theory and Practice
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      French ImpressionismPugliaConservation- restoration mural and canvas paintingIconografia
Exhibition Catalogue, The National Gallery, London The Burrell Collection in Glasgow houses more than twenty paintings, pastels, and drawings by Edgar Degas (1834-1917) that include his most recognisable motifs: ballet dancers,... more
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      French ImpressionismEdgar DegasPastels
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At the fin-de-siècle, the use of pastels underwent a revival and many young British artists adopted the medium as a new means of expression. This surge in popularity was marked by three largely forgotten pastel exhibitions held at the... more
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      Nineteenth-century ArtPastelsWilliam Stott of Oldham
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