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This book approach the Olympism and Peace.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeaceSportOlympic Games
The Olympic Legacies have become one of the main reasons to justify hosting the Olympic Games, but it is not easy or simple to evaluate the performance of these legacies because it requires a methodology that is capable of evaluating the... more
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      Performance ManagementSportsOlympic GamesConceptual Framework
Como parte de una política desafiante y contestataria ante los organismos occidentales, el presidente Sukarno de Indonesia concibió y llevo a cabo los "Juegos de las Nuevas Fuerzas Emergentes" en Yakarta, 1963. Se analiza el contexto y... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndonesiaJakartaOlympic Games
The aim of this study is to evaluate the Ottoman State period in the history of the development of olympism and the olympic movement in Turkey. The Ottoman State, which was in contact with the olympics in the diplomatic and political... more
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      Sports HistoryOlympic GamesOlympicsHistory of Sports
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      Olympic Social LegaciesOlympics and OlympismOlympic HistoryOlympic Games
Koncepcja dziedzictwa masowych wydarzeń sportowych zarysowała się w latach 90 XX w. Wtedy też zrodziły się pierwsze pytania o plusy i minusy organizacji tego typu imprez, nie tylko w aspekcie gospodarczym, ale także ekologicznym i... more
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      Olympics and OlympismOlympic HistorySport politicsOlympic Games
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesSports ManagementUnited Nations
Today, one of the most important aspects in international sport contracts is how to resolve disputes with regards to understanding the inter-operation or acting agreement provision. Sport disputes influence speed, privacy information,... more
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      International ArbitrationMediationAlternative Dispute ResolutionSports Arbitration
This paper examines the collaborative-intergenerational efforts, conflict resolution curricula, projects and training activities of non-profit organizations and NGOs— that reflect the values of Olympism—striving to eliminate racism and... more
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      Race and EthnicityGenderRacismEthnicity
This paper examines the collaborative-intergenerational efforts, conflict resolution curricula, projects and training activities of non-profit organizations and NGOs— that reflect the values of Olympism—striving to eliminate racism and... more
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      Race and EthnicityGenderRacismEthnicity
This paper examines the Olympic Movement in Turkey during the late Ottoman State (1896–1921). The Ottoman Empire had diplomatic and political links with Olympism from the first Games of the Modern era. From the start of the 20th century... more
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      History of SportsOlympismOlympic MovementSelim Sırrı Tarcan
Gli ultimi trent'anni di storia dello sport ci hanno proiettato in una nuova dimensione del fenomeno sportivo che si collega agli obiettivi del sistema Nazioni Unite portando in dote il sistema di valori che è alla base della filosofia... more
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      United NationsUnescoSport for Development and PeaceOlympism
The article examines instances of the impact of international relations and politics on the Olympic movement and sport in view of the so-called Syndrome of the 25-year Recurrence. The recurrence of developments directly related to... more
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      International RelationsPoliticsOlympics and OlympismSport politics
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      History of SportsOlympismOlympic MovementSpor Tarihi
Olympic Games and its values were the most influential sporting phenomenon in western civilization, impacting in the development of democracy and health. The cult of physical effort in harmony is one of the numerous ideas inherent to... more
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      Physical EducationPhysical Education Sport and Exercise ScienceOlympic EducationOlympism
The investment for the World Military Games hosted in Rio de Janeiro started in the Brazilian Armed Forces without consolidated basis. The connection among local federations, national Olympic Committee and Military Leagues was main... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryPublic AdministrationBrazil
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      PhilosophyPostmodernismIndústria CulturalCultural Industry
This text aims to examine the relationship between School Paralympics Games and Olympism in Portuguese-language academic-scientific publications. To this end, a survey was carried out in national journals, in the databases Scielo, Lilacs,... more
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      SociologyDisabled PeopleSports CultureOlympism
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      EducationTeacher EducationProject ManagementHigher Education