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Борисюк-Дудкіна А.С., Шевченко Т.М. // Археологія та давня історія України. Вип.1 (18). К., 2016 – С. 145—149 Published is a Classical period protome kept in the Scientific Funds of the IA NASU from the excavations at Olbia in 1956... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient Greek and Roman ArtTerracotta FigurinesAphrodite
Очередной выпуск «Херсонесского сборника» посвящён памяти Мирона Ильича Золотарёва, многие годы работавшего в музее-заповеднике «Херсонес Таврический», жизнь и творчество которого было тесно связано с Херсонесом. Исследования и публикации... more
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      Scythian archaeologyBlack Sea StudiesByzantine SigillographyThe Crimea under Russian Imperial Rule
Основу двадцатого выпуска «Херсонесского сборника» составляют статьи, которые касаются находок, открытий и древностей, связанных с Крымом и, в первую очередь, с территорией древнего города Херсонеса Таврического и его округи. Ряд статей... more
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      Ancient HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyByzantine Archaeology
A summary article about the bone tablets from Olbia Pontica.
I suggest that the tablets were used in sacred rituals of writing.
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      DionysusOrphismMystic CultsBone Tablets
Four terracotta busts of a woman with unique attributes were unearthed in Olbia during excavations of 1936 and 1959. The attributes include a cone-shaped bowl on the head, corymbs in the hair, a taenia on the forehead and floral décor.... more
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      IconographyHellenismAncient Arts And IconographyCult of Demeter and Kore
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      Olbia PontikeEuergetismEvergétismeAncient Greek Economy
The finds of the fragments of bronze vessels of the second half, in particular, possibly the third quarter of the 6th century BC, in the North Pontic area: Berezan, Olbia, Pantikapaion and Mirmekion – are very rare and are represented by... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyArchaeology of Southern ItalyEtruscan ArchaeologyScythian archaeology
This study examines local and imported terracottas discovered in Olbia Pontike depicting the Mother of the Gods seated on a throne. Two of these were produced in a west Pontic centre from a single mould imported from northwestern Asia... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient ReligionGreek ReligionMysteries (Greek Religion)
Late Archaic terracottas with movable limbs made in Corinth are analyzed in the article. The series includes finds from Olbia, its chora, and Berezan kept in the scien-tific funds of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ReligionAncient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman ArmySarmatiansRoman military equipment
Bust thymiateria, or images of goddesses with almost half a figure and with cups on their heads, are quite common in the Ancient Greek centres of the Black Sea area in the Hellenistic period. Despite their origin in other regions, large... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassical ArtTerracotta FigurinesAphrodite
The new data that have become available in the last two decades show that the Scythian Kingdom with its capital in Neapolis Scythica, which existed in the Crimea in the 2nd century BC, was much closer to Hellenistic states ruled by... more
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      Greek EpigraphyBosporan KingdomBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyScythians
Maryna Rusiaieva. On Ancient Greek Thymiateria and Their Purpose. The paper looks at the ancient Greek thymiateria and aims at finding data in literary, epigraphic and visual sources that would cast light on the use of thymiateria in... more
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      PhanagoriaBosporan KingdomBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
Dans ce court article, l'auteur recherche les origines de ces pré-monnaies au forme étrange (dauphins et pointes de flèches) et tente de faire une mise à jour des écrits sur la période d'émission de ces pré-monnaies.
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      CurrencyPontus EuxinusOlbia Ponticamonnaie pré-monnaie grecque
The cult of Apollo Ietros, testified by many Olbian inscriptions, in Archaic and Classical periods is attested to only in several Milesian colonies of the Black Sea coast and nowhere else in the Greek world. Contrary to the common opinion... more
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      Greek EpigraphyApolloOlbia Pontica
Елліністичні глиняні півфігури з Ольвії // Археологія та давня історія України. Вип.1 (18). К., 2016 – С. 43—50 Published here are half-figured terracotta female depictions of the Hellenistic period from the collection of excavations by... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek and Roman ArtHellenistic art
=Бойко-Гагарін А. Античні та східні монети з колекції Владлена Анохіна в експозиції Музею грошей Національного банку України. Науковий вісник Ізмаїльського державного гуманітарного університету: збірник наукових праць. Серія: Історичні... more
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      Islamic NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsAncient NumismaticsOlbia
Dedicatory graffiti from the excavations of the Southern temenos in Olbia undoubtedly testify to the existence in the area not only of an Aphrodite’s temenos but also a local hero Angelos’ sanctuary synchronous with the earliest... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology)Black Sea Studies
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      NumismaticsAncient Greek NumismaticsAncient NumismaticsAncient Coins
Two fragments of a lapidary epigram with a mention of tyrannicide(s) found in Olbia Pontica in 1970 and 1985 have been joined and published by J.G.Vinogradov in his “Political history of Olbia” (1989). Vinogradov interpreted the stone as... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAthenian ImperialismAncient Greek HistoryOlbia Pontike
This article publishes the terracotta thymiateria (incense burners) from Olbia Pontica which represent busts of Aphrodite with Erotes on her shoulders. They were used probably in activities related to Aphrodite's cult for diffusing... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt
This article publishes the terracotta thymiateria (incense burners) from Olbia Pontica which represent busts of Aphrodite with Erotes on her shoulders. They were used probably in activities related to Aphrodite's cult for diffusing... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ReligionAncient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)
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      Ancient Greek ReligionBlack Sea StudiesGreek sanctuariesBlack Sea Region Archaeology
The inscription SEG 30: 977, known as the calendar graffito, is one of the most interesting documents from Olbia and attracts scholarly attention for more than forty years. It contains a dedication to the god Apollo with several... more
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      Greek EpigraphyCalendarsApolloOlbia Pontica
The author of the paper gives a new edition of two Greek curses, which are situated now in France and Belgium. There are some new suggestions and corrections proposed.
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      ClassicsGreek EpigraphyClassical philologyAncient Greek Religion
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)Black Sea StudiesGreek sanctuaries
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)Black Sea StudiesGreek sanctuaries
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      Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology)Black Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
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      Ukrainian StudiesGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)
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      Ukrainian StudiesAncient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)Black Sea Studies
В статията се установява връзката между три теракоти, изобразяващи Великата майка на боговете на трон. Две от тях, съдейки по фрагментите им, са направени в един и същ калъп в северозападната част на Мала Азия, а третата – в Олбия Понтика... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek and Roman ArtHellenistic Pottery
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      Greek ColonisationBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeologyAncient Greek Colonies of the Northern Black Sea Shore
The article presents a set of terracottas kept in the scientific funds of the Institute of Archaeology of NASU, from excavations undertaken in 1940—1960-s, selected by formal feature: existence of special hanging holes made predominantly... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
In: Археологія. 2014. № 3. С. 32—44 In the article, the relation between three terracottas depicting the Mother of the gods on the throne is determined. Fragments of two of them were made in one of the West Pontic centres in a single... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek ReligionMysteries (Greek Religion)Ancient Greek Religion
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      Greek EpigraphyBlack Sea regionHistory of ArchaeologyTyras
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)Black Sea StudiesGreek sanctuaries
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      Greek EpigraphyLatin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyBlack Sea region
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      Ancient HistoryGreek coinageBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBosporan Kingdom
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      Greek Oracles and DivinationOlbia PontikeAncient Greek MagicOlbia Pontica
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      Greek EpigraphyOlbia PonticaDefixiones
В работе впервые публикуются и анализируются клейма эллинистического времени из поселения Викторовка-I и кургана у с. Кривая Балка на правобережье Южного Буга. Пять оттисков из зольника № 2 поселения Викторовка-I позволяют констатировать... more
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      ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoryархеологияSettlement
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryGreek religion (Classics)Black Sea Studies
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryGreek religion (Classics)Scythian archaeology
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      Ukrainian StudiesBlack Sea StudiesBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
Analysed is a series of bust thymiateria with handmade details: stephanes, earrings, and buttons fastening chiton on shoulders. Handmade cups on their heads were not the headdress, but the functional details, and were probably used in... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionTerracotta FigurinesDionysus
Icthyological material, including 988 fish bones from excavation of the antique town of Olbia (1-3rd centuries AD) in the year of 2011, is presented. These bones were compared with those from the excavation of the more ancient parts of... more
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      ArcheozoologyOlbia PonticaNorthern Black Sea antiquity
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      Ancient Greek ReligionGreek religion (Classics)Black Sea StudiesGreek sanctuaries
Strong links between the cults of apoikiai and metropoleis, forging the Hellenic identity of the colonists, have long been recognised. It becomes increasingly clear that in addition, the mental world of the population of colonies was... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryBlack Sea StudiesApollo
Colloque international organisé par le pôle de recherche "Etudes Bosporanes" à l'Université de Lausanne, jeudi 13 et vendredi 14 décembre 2018. La cité grecque d’Olbia, fondée sur les rives du Boug au début du VIe siècle av. J.-C., a... more
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      Roman LimesLate ScythiansLimes SarmatiaeOlbia Pontica
Kotenko Viktoriia Relations between Chersonesos and Olbia on the analysis of Hellenistic tableware The issue of relations between Chersonesos and Olbia on the archaeological sources at Hellenistic period a long time has been considered... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Hellenistic PotteryBlack Sea Region Archaeology