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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsNaxi
Consapevoli del fatto che molti studiosi hanno trascorso tutta la propria vita per raccontare anche soltanto una piccolissima parte della storia della Cina e delle sue etnie, ci stiamo impegnando a mettere il nostro tempo e la nostra... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureChina
Wushu ed arte rupestre cinese. Appunti di studio delle evidenze artistico-rupestri cinesi relazionabili alla storia ed alle iconografie del Wushu. Questa raccolta di appunti è inerente allo studio delle evidenze rupestri dei siti della... more
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      HistoryAsian StudiesArt HistoryTibet
This book is a study of European-language translations of Naxi ritual manuscripts, the ritual literature of a small ethnic group living in southwest China’s Yunnan Province. The author discusses the translations into European languages... more
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      Oral TraditionsTranslationNaxiDongba
Stefano Zamblera, 2018: "A Dongba Pictographs Dictionary with Iconographic Index Plates" Dictionary of Dongba pictographs implemented in categories sorted by iconographic index plates of BASIC pictographs. Iconographic and graphic... more
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      Chinese StudiesWriting systemsPetroglyphs and PictographsChinese minorities
纳西语的描写研究和历史语言学研究均开展较早。已有的描写研究以西部方言为主,东部方言近年来受到关注。在类型学框架下的全面描写和专题讨论是今后的研究趋势。纳西语历史语言学研究中的重要问题是纳西语的历史地位。学者们先后提出了声调的创新演变、声韵调全面对应、综合考虑语音、语法、词汇的相似等标准。近年来基于多个方言的层级比较研究初步构拟了原始纳西语,为深入讨论纳西语历史地位问题打下了基础,也是进一步研究的方向。语言研究是文化研究的基础,纳西语言研究有利于推动纳西文化研究的深入。... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsNaxiNaish Languages
Actes du colloque Collège de France Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Paris 24-25 janvier 2008
édités par N. Beaux,  B. Pottier et N. Grimal
AIBL-Soleb 2013
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      EgyptologyWriting systemsNaxi
Abstract: Laze is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the county of Muli, in Sichuan, by a population of less than 1,000. The article proposes a synchronic account of Laze phonology, supplemented by a list of about 1,400 words in the... more
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      PsychologyLanguage DocumentationLinguisticsSyllable Structure
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      LexicographySino-Tibetan LinguisticsNaxiNaish
Elise Scharten (1876–1965) was a pioneering Dutch missionary who translated texts into and out of the language of the Naxi people, a Chinese minority group living in the Himalayan foothills of Yunnan province. She was the first to... more
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      Translation StudiesMissionary LinguisticsYunnanMinority languages and translation
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      Language DocumentationSino-Tibetan LinguisticsNaxiYongning Na
Wushu ed arte rupestre cinese. Appunti di studio delle evidenze artistico-rupestri cinesi relazionabili alla storia ed alle iconografie del Wushu. Questa raccolta di appunti è inerente allo studio delle evidenze rupestri dei siti della... more
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      HistoryAsian StudiesArt HistoryRock Art (Archaeology)
The Tenth Karmapa Chöying Dorjé (1604–1674) was both a famous artist and leader of the Karma Kagyü School of Tibetan Buddhism during a formative period in Tibetan history. The religious and institutional shape of modern Tibet was decided... more
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      Asian StudiesArt HistoryTibetan StudiesBuddhist Studies
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This article is a pan-Himalayan story about how the turtle, as a cultural symbol within Sino-Tibetan divination iconography, came to more closely resemble a frog. It attempts a comparative analysis of Sino-Tibetan divination manuals, from... more
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      DivinationSino-Tibetan LinguisticsCultural TranslationNaxi
This paper will show the interplay between language and identity in the writing of Sinophone Chinese minority writers, who write what can be envisioned as a form of postcolonial literature. It is postcolonial in the sense that they are... more
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      Minority LanguagesSelf-translationSinophone LiteratureChinese minorities
Overview of the Naxi Dongba writing system, a special publication for the Naxi Manuscripts exhibition at the Museum of World Cultures (Barcelona).
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      Chinese minoritiesNaxiDongba
Laze is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the county of Muli, in Sichuan, by a population of less than 1,000. The article proposes a synchronic account of Laze phonology, supplemented by a list of about 1,400 words in the Appendix. A... more
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      Language DocumentationSyllable StructureNaxiNaish
Tibetan author Alai's Chinese essay, Yi di shui jingguo Lijiang (一滴水经过丽江 [A drop of water passes through Lijiang]) is a piece of travel writing that describes the city of Lijiang (home to the Naxi minority of Yunnan province) and its... more
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      Travel WritingTranslation StudiesMinority LiteratureMinority languages and translation
This essay considers the orality of ritual texts written in the Naxi dongba script from southwest China. Historically, the inherent orality of these texts has been largely ignored in favor of seeing them as a kind of visual... more
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      Oral TraditionsNaxiDongba
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsPhonetic TranscriptionNaxiPhonemic Analysis
Dongba pictographs dictionary with Index Plates. Third category of pictographs - C: Anthropomorphic deities. Stefano Zamblera, 2018: "A Dongba Pictographs Dictionary with Iconographic Index Plates" Dictionary of Dongba pictographs... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryChinese StudiesTibetan Studies
There is a well-documented history of translation between India, Tibet and China beginning in the seventh century and continuing for almost a millennium. The transmission of the Buddhist canon that took place during this time has been... more
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      Tibetan StudiesCultural TranslationSino-Tibetan RelationsTibetan Studies, Bon
A script can be a window into a language and all the culture contained within it. China’s minority peoples have a multitude of scripts, but many are in danger of falling out of use, a decline spurred by the adoption and promotion of... more
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      Language revitalizationMinority LanguagesWriting systemsNaxi
Two unusual characters appear in the closing lines of Ezra Pound’s Canto CXII (from his “Drafts and Fragments”), characters that may offer up the most complete example of Pound’s much-discussed “ideogrammic method”. The characters... more
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      Ezra PoundPetroglyphs and PictographsNaxiDongba
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesChinaPetroglyphs and Pictographs
Comparison of English with two Asian tone languages (Naxi and Vietnamese) suggests that lexical specifications (phonemic contrasts and lexical accentuation) and intonation stand in a relationship of resource-sharing: the former provide... more
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      IntonationVietnamese LanguageNaxiProsodie
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      ArchaeologyIconographyArt TheoryChinese Studies
This is a presentation of the state of the art of research on languages of the Naish subgroup of Sino-Tibetan, referred to as “Naxi dialects” in Chinese scholarship.
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      Sino-Tibetan LinguisticsPetroglyphs and PictographsNaxiYongning Na
Dongba pictographs dictionary with Index Plates. Firts category of pictographs - A: man and his occupation. Dictionary of Dongba pictographs implemented in categories sorted by iconographic index plates of BASIC pictographs.... more
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      Ancient HistoryIconographyChinese StudiesTibetan Studies
Stefano Zamblera, 2018: "A Dongba Pictographs Dictionary with Iconographic Index Plates" Dictionary of Dongba pictographs implemented in categories sorted by iconographic index plates of BASIC pictographs. Iconographic and graphic... more
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      Chinese StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesChinese Language and Culture
Translating across scripts does more than raise the issue of what constitutes writing; it can expose bias and prejudice against writing systems. This article suggests that the first translation into a western language of a ritual text... more
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      Jacques DerridaMinority languages and translationScriptsNaxi
This article sets out a phonemic and tonal analysis of the second author’s native language: the (heretofore undescribed) Naxi dialect spoken in the village of Pianding (Dadong County, Lijiang Municipality, Yunnan). A distributional... more
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      Tone systemsRhoticsPhonological SystemsNaxi
RÉSUMÉ En naxi, langue à tons parlée en Chine, il existe deux types de redoublement des adjectifs, verbes et noms: un redoublement avec changement de ton, et un redoublement à l'identique, sans changement de ton.
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      Speech ProsodyIntonationReduplicationNaxi
Naxi is a Sino-Tibetan language close to the Burmese-Yi subgroup; its precise genetic affiliation is still a matter of debate. After a short review of some earlier publications on Naxi, this paper offers new data (the syllabic inventory... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsPhonetic TranscriptionNaxiPhonemic Analysis
The Western dialect of Naxi has four lexical tones: High, Mid, Low and Rising; the latter is rare in the lexicon. Rising contours on monosyllables are frequent in connected speech, however, as a result of a process of syllable reduction:... more
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      Tone systemsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsNaxiLevel Tones
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      NaxiPhonemic AnalysisPhonological Neutralization纳语组
本文依据第一手调查介绍云南省香格里拉县(前中甸县)三坝乡东坝村次恩丁自然村纳西语的音系。通过对这个方言的研究,可以得到关于纳西语比较构拟的新知识。/ This is a phonemic analysis of the Naxi dialect of Ciending hamlet (Sanba township, Zhongdian prefecture; now renamed 'Shangri-la prefecture'). An appendix offers... more
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      PhonologySino-Tibetan LinguisticsDescriptive Linguistics, Language Documentation, Indigenous Languages, Sociolinguistics, Field LinguisticsNaxi
Musiche e danze Naxi Lijiang ha da sempre offerto uno splendido e variegato paesaggio musicale creato attraverso l’interazione di una moltitudine di realtà e di fattori etnici, religiosi, economici, politici, tecnologici. Nell’area di... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinese ReligionsChinese ArtChinese Language and Culture
This article investigates public textual inscriptions in China’s Naxi minority region and the role they play in projecting power. Cliff inscriptions in Chinese minority areas may be an attempt to enforce the hegemonic project of the... more
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      AnthropologyLinguistic AnthropologyNaxiDongba
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      Islam in ChinaIslamic StudiesChinaChina studies
Créature Mythiques Animales Ecriture et signes figuratifs
ISBN: 978-2-84279-554-2

Créatures mythiques animales dans les manuscrits Naxis
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      IconographyChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Religions
This paper is focused on giving a short description of Naxi language sounds panorama with a grammar and phonetic sketch. It is moreover oriented into the definition of a Naxi – Dongba system of romanization with IPA annotation according... more
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      PhoneticsChinese StudiesTibetan StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Speech ProsodyVietnamese LanguageTone systemsTamang
A pictographic writing system is a symbolic system that represent words by pictures. It combines language and image, auditory and visual senses, and typically embodies the contradictory unity of language thinking and image thinking.... more
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      Word and Image StudiesWriting systemsChinese WritingEgyptian Hieroglyphs
The British Library holds a modest but important collection of religious texts from a lesser-known people: the Naxi of the Himalayan foothills in southwest China. Among China's officially-recognised ethnic minorities, the Naxi are a... more
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      Speech ProsodyIntonationTone systemsLexical Tone