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Round goby Neogobius melanostomus, common sole Solea solea, rusty blenny Parablennius sanguinolentus, tentackled blenny Parablennius tentacularis, peacock blenny Salaria pavo and annular seabream Diplodus annularis collected by angling in... more
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      Fish ParasitesMyxosporidia on fishesFish ParasiteFish Parasitology
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      Fish DiseasesCnidariaSkin DiseasesMyxosporea Fish
A member of the Sparidae family, the goldline sea bream Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from the Gulf of Tunis and the Bay of Bizerte in Northeast Tunisia, Western Mediterranean, were examined for the myxozoan parasites. During the... more
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      Marine BiologyMolecular ParasitologyFish Pathology, ParasitologyMarine Biology and Fisheries
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    • Myxosporea Fish
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      ParasitologyAquacultureFish FarmingBryozoan
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      Medical MicrobiologyBiologyBrazilRivers
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesBiological SciencesBiomedical Research
Ortholinea orientalis (Schulman and Schulman-Albova, 1953) is reported from the urinary bladder of the fish hosts Alosa tanaica (Clupeidae) and Mullus barbatus ponticus (Mullidae) from the Black Sea. Infection prevalence is 33.3% and 2.5%... more
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      Fish ParasitesMarine fish parasitesMyxosporea FishFish Hosts-parasite Relationship
Chloromyxum thymalli infects the gall bladder of fishes belonging to the genus Thy- mallus. Here, we provide morphological, histological, and molecular data to complete the original description. Rounded plasmodia measured from 25 to 30 µm... more
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    • Myxosporea Fish
Ortholinea orientalis (Schulman and Schulman-Albova, 1953) is reported from the urinary bladder of the fish hosts Alosa tanaica (Clupeidae) and Mullus barbatus ponticus (Mullidae) from the Black Sea. Infection prevalence is 33.3% and 2.5%... more
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      Fish ParasitesMarine fish parasitesMyxosporea FishFish Hosts-parasite Relationship
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      ParasitologyExperimental parasitologyFish ParasitesParasites
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyExperimental parasitologyFish Parasites
Ortholinea orientalis (Schulman and Schulman-Albova, 1953) is reported from the urinary bladder of the fish hosts Alosa tanaica (Clupeidae) and Mullus barbatus ponticus (Mullidae) from the Black Sea. Infection prevalence is 33.3% and 2.5%... more
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      Fish ParasitesMarine fish parasitesMyxosporea FishFish Hosts-parasite Relationship
Distribution and prevalence of a myxosporean parasite, Myxidium rhodei Leger, 1905, infecting two cyprinid fish, a roach Rutilus rutilus and Siberian dace Leuciscus leuciscus baikalensis, have been studied in water bodies of the Lake... more
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      ParasitologyMyxosporea Fish
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyFish ParasitesParasites
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyExperimental parasitologyParasites
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyExperimental parasitologyFish Parasites
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      ParasitologyParasite EcologyFish ParasitesParasitologia
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      ParasitologyAquacultureFish FarmingBryozoan
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      ParasitologyBryozoanMyxosporea Fish
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    • Myxosporea Fish