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Mine associated wastewater is characteristically elevated in metals and other contaminants and has been conventionally treated with costly chemical applications. The development of passive treatment systems such as wetlands, which employ... more
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      Passive TreatmentMine WaterEcological Niche ModelingFood web
mine operations in the early 1970s. For example, the West Virginia legislature passed a law in 1971 requiring Acid-base accounting (ABA) is an analytical procedure that promine operators to show in the permit "the presence of vides values... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyWater qualityAcid Mine Drainage
This paper presents the results of a study on stream and mine waters in the area of the largest porphyry copper deposit in the Apuseni Mountains (western Romania), the Rosia Poieni ore deposit. The research was focused on two aspects of... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyMine WaterMining
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      Mine WaterEnvironmental ChemistryMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental Sciences
During the 1990s, passive treatment technology was introduced to the United Kingdom (UK). Early hesitancy on the part of regulators and practitioners was rapidly overcome, at least for net-alkaline mine waters, so that passive treatment... more
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      Passive TreatmentMine WaterWater TreatmentUnited Kingdom
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      GeochemistrySpeciationKineticsMine Water
Acid mine waters have the potential to seriously impair the environmental quality of aquatic systems long after mining activities have ceased. This detailed study of dissolved and particulate metal fluxes from adits, drains and streams in... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryCatchment ManagementMine Water
In the match factor, mining activity between the haulers and loader equipment dramatically affects each fleet's production. The purpose of this study is to simulate the sufficient number of transportation uses as an effort to achieve... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMining EngineeringFleet management systemsMine Water
This paper outlines various analytical techniques for mine water inflow estimation incorporating several refinements such as finite boundary conditions, linear, fracture and turbulent flow conditions to pumping wells and underground... more
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      Mining EngineeringCivil EngineeringMine WaterTurbulent Flow
The Hoya de Baza stands out for having several underground galleries that, in some cases, were designed as qanāt-s. They usually have small dimensions and were built for different purposes. They are often dug in soft marls areas, without... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMine WaterAncient Technology (Archaeology)Al-Andalus archaeology
Three acidophilic enrichment consortium were developed from mine water sample of copper mine site at Khetri, India were compared for their copper leaching efficiency. Out of these one was mesophilic (35°C) and two were moderately... more
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      WaterMine WaterMiningMultidisciplinary
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      GeochemistryMine WaterApplied GeochemistryRiver water
 Contaminative mine drainage waters have become one of the major hydrogeological and geochemical problems arising from mankind's intrusion into the geosphere. Mine drainage waters in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom are of three main... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyAcid Mine DrainageMine Water
Europe was once the most important mining region in the world and nearly every European country has remnants of historic and even pre-historic mining sites. Though the importance of mining activities in most European countries declines,... more
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      Mine WaterCzech RepublicBosnia and HerzegovinaCase Study
Editorial handling by Dr. R. Fuge a b s t r a c t Acid mine drainage represents a major source of water pollution in the Lousal area. The concentrations of trace metals and the rare earth elements (REE) in the host rocks, stream sediment,... more
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      GeochemistryAcid Mine DrainageMine WaterTrace Metals
Algae Fungi Bioremediation Natural alkalinity generation Carbon source a b s t r a c t Passive remediation of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a popular technology under development in current research. Roles of algae and fungi, the natural... more
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      WaterBioremediationAcid Mine DrainageMine Water
In a qualitative assessment of mine water from the Raniganj coalfield, 77 mine water samples were analyzed to assess water quality and suitability for domestic, industrial, and irrigation uses. The pH of the mine water ranged from 6.5 to... more
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      Water qualityMine WaterTrace MetalsDrinking Water
The last decade has witnessed a plethora of research related to the hydrogeochemistry and microbiology of acid mine waters and associated tailings and waste-rock waters. Numerous books, reviews, technical papers, and proceedings have been... more
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Estimation of water inflow to a surface mining operation is a necessary requirement for mine drainage design.
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      Mine WaterFinite element methodMathematical ModellingBoundary Element Method
Hand-pump wells in the Tarkwa gold mining district and the geologically similar Bui area were chemically analysed and compared in an effort to determine whether groundwaters in the Tarkwa area have been affected by mining. Significant... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyWater qualityWater Availability
The Hoya de Baza stands out for having several underground galleries that, in some cases, were designed as qanāt-s. They usually have small dimensions and were built for different purposes. They are often dug in soft marls areas, without... more
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      Mine WaterAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)Irrigation Water Management (Archaeology)Al-Andalus archaeology
Constructed wetlands are an established treatment technology for a diverse range of polluted effluents. There is a long history of using wetlands as a unit process in treating acid mine drainage, while recent research has highlighted the... more
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      WetlandsWater qualityBioremediationAcid Mine Drainage
Acidic mine water draining from the West Rand Mining Basin first daylighted in late-August 2002. Initial estimates of the decant volume ranged between 7 ML/d in winter and 12.5 ML/d in summer. Recent estimates put the rate of decant... more
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      Acid Mine DrainageMine WaterIron
A review of existing legislation in the light of recent major dam failures (Aznalcóllar, Spain, 1998; Baia Mare, 2000, Romania) highlights the need to develop appropriate regulations at the regional, national, and European Union (EU)... more
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      Environmental policySustainable DevelopmentMine WaterEuropean Union
Anlass dieser Zusammenstellung von Reinigungsverfahren für Grubenwasser war das Deutsch-Tschechische Gemeinschaftsprojekt VODAMIN. Dieses hatte sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Auswirkungen der Bergbauaktivitäten auf die Wasserqualität von... more
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      Mine WaterBrine and Mine water treatment
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j h y d r o l
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      HydrologyIrrigationGroundwaterStable Isotopes
Unlike the majority of the water in the flooded mine complex of Butte Montana, which includes the highly acidic Berkeley pit lake, groundwater in the flooded West Camp underground mine workings has a circum-neutral pH and contains at... more
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      GeochemistryMine WaterStable IsotopeAquatic
The mining industry uses large amounts of explosives and a part of them remains undetonated. Since most commercial blasting agents contain ammonium nitrate, there is a direct relationship between explosives use and the ammonium and... more
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      EngineeringMine WaterFiltrationWater Pollution
The Ervedosa Mine, in north-eastern Portugal, has Sn-bearing quartz veins containing cassiterite and sulphides that cut Silurian schists and a Sn-bearing muscovite granite. These veins were mined for Sn and As 2 O 3 until 1969.... more
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      GeochemistryInclusionArsenicAcid Mine Drainage
Coal mining is one of the core industries that contribute to the economic development of a country but deteriorate the environment. Being the primary source of energy coal has become essential to meet the energy demand of a country. It is... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemistryWater quality
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      GeologyGeochemistryMine Water
Standard reference water samples (SRWS) were collected from two mine sites, one near Ophir, CO, USA and the other near Redding, CA, USA. The samples were ®ltered, preserved, and analyzed for rare earth element (REE) concentrations (La,... more
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      GeochemistryMine WaterRobust StatisticsApplied Geochemistry
Acid mine drainage (AMD) from the Zn-Pb(-Ag-Bi-Cu) deposit of Cerro de Pasco (Central Peru) and waste water from a Cu-extraction plant has been discharged since 1981 into Lake Yanamate, a natural lake with carbonate bedrock. The lake has... more
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      GeochemistryAcid Mine DrainageMine WaterPeru
Pencegahan air asam tambang (AAT) dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan upaya covering material yang berpotensi membentuk AAT (Potentially Acid Forming/PAF) dengan menggunakan material yang tidak berpotensi (Non Acid Forming/NAF). Sehingga... more
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      Acid Mine DrainageMine WaterFly Ash
Surface mine development and underground mine working below piezometric level invariably change the hydraulic gradient, thus affecting ground and surface water flow and water quality. The presence of water in mining sites creates a range... more
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      Water qualityIT ManagementMine WaterSlope Stability
Measurements of ambient radiation doses and determination of radionuclide concentrations in mining waste and soils were performed in 60 areas of former radium and uranium mining. In several places, mining waste and low-grade uranium ore... more
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      WaterMine WaterEnvironmental MonitoringRadiobiology of Ionizing Radiation
A water resource development study has been carried out for a proposed lignite mining area at Bhavnagar district of Gujarat state in India. This work is essentially a case study that uses standard methodology already applied in earlier... more
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      Mine WaterWater Resources ManagementMultidisciplinaryGroundwater recharge
This study covers the geochemical investigations on water and stream sediments to evaluate the influence from the abandoned Kalecik Hg mine. The groundwater samples (S5, S8, S9, WW10) are neutral, slightly alkaline waters which have pH... more
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      Mine WaterMultidisciplinaryDrinking WaterSurface Water
The chemical characteristics of surface, groundwater and mine water of the upper catchment of the Damodar River basin were studied to evaluate the major ion chemistry, geochemical processes controlling water composition and suitability of... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyMine WaterWater Chemistry
Editorial handling by J. Gray a b s t r a c t Acid mine drainage, downstream transport of metal-rich water and sediment runoff adversely effect the environment surrounding the Halıköy Hg mine. This study focuses on the environmental... more
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      GeochemistryAcid Mine DrainageMine WaterApplied Geochemistry
A review of existing legislation in the light of recent major dam failures (Aznalcóllar, Spain, 1998; Baia Mare, 2000, Romania) highlights the need to develop appropriate regulations at the regional, national, and European Union (EU)... more
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      Environmental policySustainable DevelopmentMine WaterEuropean Union
Benzene-1,3-diamidoethanethiol (BDETH 2 ) is an exceptional precipitant for removing soft heavy metals from water. The present work will detail the bonding arrangement of BDETH 2 to the metals Cd, Hg, and Pb, along with the full... more
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      Water qualityMine WaterWater TreatmentMercury Pollution
It is predicted that vast volumes of impacted mine water will be produced by mining activities in the Mpumalanga coalfields of South Africa. Irrigation provides for a novel approach to the utilisation and disposal of mine water, under the... more
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      Water qualityMine WaterSouth AfricaCoal Mining
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      Mine WaterPb isotopesSr isotopes
Carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) as a water-soluble metal-binding polymer in combination with ultrafiltration (UF) was used in a hybrid approach for selective removal and recovery of copper from water. In the complexation-UF process the... more
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      EngineeringMine WaterDesalinationCopper
Arsenic sulfide (AsS (am), As2S3 (am), orpiment, and realgar) oxidation rates increase with increasing pH values. The rates of arsenic sulfide oxidation at higher pH values relative to those at pH˜2 are in the range of 26 4478, 3 17, 8... more
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Phyllite powders of the fraction 63-200 µm, predominantly composed of quartz, chlorite, muscovite, and albite, were measured with transmission mössbauer spectroscopy (TMS) before and after conducting batch sorption experiments. The TMS... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsLaser SpectroscopyWater
This paper presents results from in vitro flask and flume experiments using freshwater biofilms sourced and cultivated from a mine-impacted stream in North Yorkshire, UK. Flask experiments showed the rapid uptake of Zn from the water... more
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      BiofilmsEnvironmental RemediationMine WaterZinc
The coal mining industry has to dispose of millions of litres of water every day. This water forms main source of various water supplies in the thickly populated coalfields. In this study, water samples from major coalfields were... more
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      Water qualityAcid Mine DrainageMine WaterWater Supply
Joint research between economists and hydrologists increasingly contributes to optimising the economic value gained from water, while safeguarding its social and environmental values. The application of hydro-economic analysis to mining... more
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      Catchment ManagementMine WaterWater Resources, Resource Economics, Hydropolitics