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This thesis reports an exploratory and contrastive corpus study examining two phenomena in postgraduate academic writing: expressing commitment/detachment and signalling authorial presence in dissertations. More specifically, the overall... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisRhetoricGenre studies
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      Metadiscourse and HedgingInteractional metadiscourseInterpersonal metadiscourse
Acquiring proficiency in academic writing is becoming increasingly important for academics, irrespective of the academic discipline, given that publications in highly rated, peer-reviewed international journals have a profound impact on... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHigher EducationAcademic WritingLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
The role of English as a lingua franca in the affairs of the world’s nations is currently unquestioned. The multi-faceted character of this role not only facilitates wider communication in a variety of fields and their constituent... more
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      MalaysiaWorkplace StudiesLanguage and IdentityConceptual metaphors
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      Metadiscourse and HedgingSFL
The purpose of this study is to compare the usage of metadiscourse in English and in Chinese research articles (RAs) published in applied linguistics journals and to investigate how metadiscourse may contribute to knowledge construction... more
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      Discourse and Metadiscourse of TranslationMetadiscourse and Hedging
Expressing an authorial stance in contextually valued ways may be especially challenging for English as a Second Language (L2) writers (in addition, certainly, to many L1 writers), as the subtle ways that writers in the disciplines go... more
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      English for Academic PurposesAcademic WritingSecond Language WritingAcademic discourse
This paper reports on the findings of a study that aimed to identify the linguistic items which act as hedges in the speeches of King Abdullah II of Jordan, as well as to examine the pragmatic functions of these devices. Twenty-five... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisMetadiscourse and HedgingHedges and Boosters in academic writing
From a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspective, this paper reports on the findings of an exploratory study examining the features of the academic texts produced by three groups of postgraduates: native speakers of Turkish (TL1),... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsAcademic WritingEnglish language teaching
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoricGenre studiesEnglish language
The present study aims to examine cultural variations in the use of metadiscourse between Iranian mining engineerings' research articles and their English counterparts. Hyland's (2005) taxonomy was adopted as a framework and the corpora... more
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      MetadiscourseMetadiscourse and HedgingMETADISCOURSE MARKERS
We are happy to announce that an open-access special issue on #Metadiscourse, edited by Erdem Akbas and Ciler Hatipoglu, is now relased by Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice! Please see the editorial and table of contens of the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGenre studiesAcademic WritingTeaching of Foreign Languages
Üstsöylem (metadiscourse), yazarların okuyucu ile ilişki kurmak için kullandıkları araçlardır. Bu araçlar; söylemi düzenlemeye, okuyucuyu metne dahil etmeye ve yazarın tutumunu okuyucuya aktarmaya yardım etmektedirler (Zarei, 2011).... more
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      Academic WritingMetadiscourseMetadiscourse and HedgingMETADISCOURSE MARKERS
This study explores interactional metadiscourse resources in master’s dissertations (introductions and conclusions) of Turkish students written in Turkish and English. Interactional resources were identified according to Hyland and Tse’s... more
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      Academic WritingSecond Language WritingLearner corporaCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyGenre studiesAcademic Writing
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      EAPMetadiscourse and Hedging
Within the system of modality, modalization builds an area of uncertainty. It is an intermediate point between positive polarity (it is) and negative polarity (it is not), which has various degrees of indeterminacy (Halliday and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsAlbanian StudiesAcademic WritingEnglish
Como ocurre con la mayor parte de los elementos pragmáticos, la cortesía verbal cumple una función esencial en la elusión de los efectos no deseados de los actos amenazadores de la imagen, lo cual permite que se establezca una... more
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      EvaluationEvaluaciónVerbal politenessMetadiscourse and Hedging
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      Academic WritingSecond Language WritingMetadiscourseMetadiscourse and Hedging
Abstract The purpose of this study is to compare the usage of metadiscourse in English and in Chinese research articles (RAs) published in applied linguistics journals and to investigate how metadiscourse may contribute to knowledge... more
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      English for Academic PurposesLinguisticsDiscourse and Metadiscourse of TranslationMetadiscourse and Hedging
Slides of presentation given at Corpora and Discourse International Conference (Sibol Group), Siena July 1 2016
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMetadiscourse and HedgingCorpus Annotation
Postgraduate students most often are required to have a seminar class which enables them to be exposed to some of advanced academic writing. One of the things they need to write is an abstract. This is a way of condensing and packing a... more
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      AbstractMetadiscourse and HedgingSeminar
Farklı akademik konular üzerinde çalışan akademik yazarların ilgili söylemsel topluluğa yönelik bilimsel bir metni nasıl üreteceği konusunda farkındalığı olması gerekir. Okuyucuların metin içinde karşılaştıkları ifadeler, gerçekte yazarın... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAcademic WritingCorpus LinguisticsAcademic discourse
Grice’s maxim of quality (1989, pp.26-27 [1975, p.45]) includes the statement: “Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence”. In academic communication what we mean by “adequate evidence” in support of statements about knowledge... more
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      LiteracyTeaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingAcademic Writing
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsAcademic WritingEnglish language teaching
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate current EAP textbooks in terms of pedagogy of transition markers. Transition markers, e.g. moreover, therefore, are interactive metadiscourse devices which facilitate the reader’s understanding of... more
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      Academic WritingAcademic discourseTEFLMaterials development
MAG 2017, CYPRUS The topic of Metadiscourse and related notions (authorial stance, hedging , citation practices and so on) have received a great deal of attention and there are quite various investigations all over the world exploring... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoricEnglish for Specific PurposesTeaching English as a Second Language
This paper reports on the findings of a study that aimed to identify the linguistic items which act as hedges in the speeches of King Abdullah II of Jordan, as well as to examine the pragmatic functions of these devices. Twenty-five... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryCritical Discourse AnalysisMetadiscourse and Hedging
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      Academic WritingSecond Language WritingMetadiscourseteaching academic writing to ESL or L2 students
The present article investigates the use of everyday academic language in German history writing. The starting point is a brief discussion of the two conceptual tools used in this study: alltägliche Wissenschaftssprache and metadiscourse.... more
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      German StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsGermanic linguistics