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This is presentation of the part 1 of the open public lecture "The Samanids - First Local Islamic Dynasty in Central Asia" given at 24 October 2019 in the Historical Channel of the Uzbekistan TV. This part is devoted to the question of... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses ethnic filiation of the ruler described on the silver dirham of the Samanid amir Mansur ibn Nuh minted in 358 AH in Bukhara.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses the ethnic situation in Central Asia in the reign of the Samanids.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This book is devoted to research of some unknown aspects of the history of Central Asia in the period of the Samanids dynasty, such as origin of the Samanids, their administration, legal status, ethnic situation, rise of New Persian... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is presentation of the part 3 of the open public lecture"The Samanids - First Local Islamic Dynasty in Central Asia" given at 26 October 2019 in the Historical Channel of the Uzbekistan TV. This part is devoted to the question of... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is textbook of the special course "Medieval Arabic and Persian sources on the history of Central Asia" for MA students of the Departments of History of the Tashkent State Institiute of Oriental Studies and Tashkent State Pedagogical... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is the textbook of the lecture "The Samanids: History of statehood of Uzbekistan in the 9th - 10th centuries" of the special course "Actual problems of the historiography of the Central Asian history" for MA students of the... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This book contains the Russian translation of the parts related to the history of Central Asia in the "al-Kamil fi-Ta'rikh" ("The Complete book of History") by Ibn al-Athir (early 6th c, A.H. / early 13th c. A.D.), written in Arabic. The... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is 3rd part of Russian translations of the "Surat al-Ard" ("Configuration of the Earth") by Ibn Hawqal (3rd c. A.H./10th c. A.D.) written in Arabic. This book contains the Russian translation of the part related to Ma wara' al-nahr.... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This book contains the Turkic text, faxcimile, transcription and commentary of the document given by Amir Temur to the descendants of Abu Muslim in Khwarazm. The Turkic text translated and commented by Gulsara Ostonova in cooperation with... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses legal status of the local dinasties of Central Asia in the period of the 9th - early 13th centuries.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is Uzbek translation of the geographical and historical parts of the "Fada'il-i Balkh" ("Merits of Balkh") by Safi al-Din Abu Bakr 'Abd Allah ibn 'Umar ibn Muhammad ibn Dawud al-Wa'iz al-Balkhi written in 610/1213-14 in Balkh with... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper, written in cooperation with Bashir Barakat (al-Quds), discusses the history of the Uzbek Cloister in al-Quds (Jerusalem) established in 16th century by Uzbek Sufies form Turkistan.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses data of medieval sources on the historical geography and history of science in the Farab region which id present day Turkistan region in the south of Kazakhstan. It was presented during the conference dedicated to... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is a commentary to the article «The Samanids: The First Islamic Dynasty of Central Asia» by Luke W. Treadwell (2011).
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper informs about new studies on the Samanids in Uzbekistan.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is a commentary to the paper "Persian Legends on Islamic Coins: from Traditional Arabic to the Challenge of Leadership" by V.N.Nastich published in The 2nd Simone Assemani Symposium on Islamic Coins [Polymnia. Numismatica antica e... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is a commentary to the chapter named “The Coming of Islam to Balkh” by Arezou Azad and Hugh Kennedy in the book “Authority and Control in the Countryside from antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (Sixth – Tenth... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is newly adopted version of the book "Kitab al-ansab" by al-Sam'ani (12th c.)as a source on the history and history of culture of Central Asia" published in 1993 with additions.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is a commentery to the book-review of L.Boymatov "The Critics of the monography "Origin of the Samanids" (Saarbruchen: LAP, 2018).
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses data of "al-Qand fi dhikr 'ulama' Samarqand" by Abu Hafs 'Umar ibn Muhammad al-Nasafi (12th c.) on the markets of the medieval Samarqand.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses history of the cloister of the Uzbek Sufies in Jerusalem established in the 9th century AH/16th century AD.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This book contains the Turkic text, faxcimile, transcription and Russian translation of the document given by Amir Temur to the descendants of Abu Muslim in Khwarazm. The Turkic text translated and commented by Gulsara Ostonova in... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This is presentation of the paper presented in the The Sixth Islamic Manuscript Conference: Central Asian Islamic Manuscripts and Manuscript Collections (July 8 - 10, 2010), Queen’s College, University of Cambridge, UK. You can find... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This paper discusses origin of Fa'iq al-Khassa, the fameus political figure of the period of the Samanids.
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
This book is devoted to research of some unknown aspects of the history of Central Asia in the period of the Samanids dynasty, such as origin of the Samanids, their administration, legal status, ethnic situation, rise of New Persian... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia
The article discusses the use of the term “Uzbek” and the toponym “Uzbekistan” in medieval textual sources. The name Uzbek is first mentioned in the sources of the 12th century; this name used by some of the Turkic rulers of the Near and... more
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    • Medieval History of Central Asia