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ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ Εισαγωγή. Τι είναι ο μαρξισμός; Τι, πως και γιατί ερευνά; Ιστορική προσέγγιση του γίγνεσθαι της διαλεκτικής-υλιστικής αντίληψης της ιστορίας. -Εισαγωγικές επισημάνσεις. -Κριτήρια επιστημονικής περιοδολόγησης του μαρξισμού και... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsHistorical SociologySocial Sciences
Email: Abstract: The present article discusses certain works of the great Central Asian scientist-encyclopedic Abu Reikhan Mohammed ibn Ahmed Biruni which are becoming more and more accessible to scientists of various... more
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      Social SciencesPhilosophical AnthropologyHistory of PhilosophyMaterialistic Worldview
The present article discusses certain works of the great Central Asian scientist-encyclopedic Abu Reikhan Mohammed ibn Ahmed Biruni which are becoming more and more accessible to scientists of various specialties and the figure of our... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHistory of PhilosophyMaterialistic WorldviewPhilosophical Analysis and Critical Theory