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      EpistolographyLoyalists- American RevolutionLoyalismLetter-writing
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      British HistoryBritish PoliticsFrench RevolutionPopular radicalism
«Une entreprise de médiatisation de littérature conservatrice en Grande-Bretagne : l’Association de la Couronne et de l’Ancre (1792-1793) », dans La Médiatisation du littéraire dans l'Europe des XVII et XVIIIe siècles, dir. Florence... more
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      PropagandaHistory Of PropagandaPopular LiteratureHistory of Conservatism
The Institute of Volunteers, which was first created in Cuba in 1855, and extended to Santo Domingo in 1861, Puerto Rico in 1864, and the Philippines in 1896, represents one of the most unexplored phenomena of the Spanish imperialism.... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryColonialismCuban HistoryAtlantic history
Most recent studies of Loyalism in Northern Irelandhave focussed on the nature and development of Loyalist paramilitaries and their methods, ideologyand attitudes to the peace process. This article argues that the nature of Loyalist... more
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      Standpoint feminist theoryNorthern IrelandLoyalism
... composition and political behavior are analyzed below for the first time.15 15. Janice Potter, The Liberty We Seek Loyalist Ideology in Colonial New York and Massachusetts (Cam bridge, Mass., and London, 1983). See also a review of... more
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      ProsopographyAmerican RevolutionLoyalists- American RevolutionMassachusetts
The ongoing research which underpins this paper explores the role that social libraries played in the formation of political loyalties during the American Revolution. Through a close reading and sustained analysis of surviving library... more
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      Book HistoryLibrary historyLoyalists- American RevolutionLoyalism
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesLiberalismPeruvian HistoryCortes de Cádiz