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This article considers the contradictory relationship that Luis Borges had with the work of H. P. Lovecraft. For this reason, the literary features of the argentinian writer will be analyzed through his there are more things tale and it... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureJorge Luis BorgesH.P. Lovecraft
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      German StudiesConservative RevolutionScience FictionPhilosophy of History
Comment Lovecraft utilise les dernières découvertes de la mécanique quantique de son époque, notamment dans sa nouvelle "La Maison de la sorcière" (sfmag No 106)
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      H.P. LovecraftLovecraftian HorrorLovecraft StudiesLovecraft
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to place Borges' short story "There are More Things" (TMT) as a pastiche that includes Lovecraft's technique to write supernatural horror. Its originality resides in identifying the sources of... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyH.P. Lovecraft
This paper suggests how the ‘weird fiction’ of H.P. Lovecraft might be mobilised within secondary English classrooms to examine aspects of visual literacy, literary style, narrative form and intertextuality. The approach that is outlined... more
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      Critical TheoryLiteracyEnglish LiteratureRomanticism
Esta é uma tradução autorizada que tem como principio discutir as acusações praticamente infundadas sobre o racismo nas obras de H.P. Lovecraft
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      English LiteratureLiteratureRace and RacismGothic Fiction and the horror film
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      American LiteratureScience FictionScience Fiction and FantasyH.P. Lovecraft
Paper presented at The Third Biennial Dr. Henry Armitage Memorial Scholarship Symposium, a mini-conference within the overall convention framework of NecronomiCon Providence: The International Festival of Weird Fiction, Art, and Academia.... more
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      Comics StudiesMedievalismContemporary MedievalismArthurian Studies
A Lovecraft no le bastó el amplio universo bibliográfico real y legendario representado en libros emblemáticos del saber antiguo de las sociedades que crearon esos libros o manuscritos, universo del que pudo tener conocimiento, noticia o... more
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      BibliografíasBibliotecariosLiteratura norteamericanaLovecraft Studies
Compilación de artículos sobre simbolismo, espiritualidad y mitología.
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      MitologiaRené GuénonAlquimiaReligiones comparadas
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      The BodyMonsters and Monster TheoryH.P. LovecraftHorror Literature
Ici, la définition du symbole va dans le sens où, si le symbole peut être un objet, une image, il peut aussi être un mot écrit, qui représente quelque chose d'autre que ce qu'il est dans sa nature propre. Le mot comme symbole permettant à... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureH.P. LovecraftLes mots et les chosesLittérature Fantastique
Bien qu'elle soit désormais largement admise comme fantaisiste, la thèse selon laquelle l'auteur américain de « fictions surnaturelles » (supernatural fictions) Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1880 – 1937) aurait eût de l'intérêt pour... more
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      Popular CultureOccultureThelemaOccultism
This article tackles the concept of "weird biology," which designates representations of specific nonhuman life forms in speculative fiction. Within the wider category of speculative fiction, there is a large number of literary works... more
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      PosthumanismAnimal StudiesScience FictionEcocriticism
The present essay proposes to trace a profile of Shub-Niggurath – one of the terrifying deities conceived by Howard Phillips Lovecraft – through the Moon Archetype. The first part illustrates that the double sexuality of Shub-Niggurath –... more
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic StudiesHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Anglo-American literature
I propose to analyse the vivid resemblance between the literary works of the Russian poet-Symbolist Alexander Blok and HP Lovecraft from the perspective of their mythopoetics. Such an approach is entirely original; although scholars have... more
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      Comparative LiteratureCultural Theory20th Century American LiteratureThe Russian Silver Age
The Decadent movement of the late 19th-early 20th century has evolved from different sources, it has had a variety of forms and reflections, it has gone through several phases, but there are two things that connect them all: • Validation... more
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      English LiteratureGothic Literature20th Century Russian LiteratureH.P. Lovecraft
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      American LiteratureClassical ArchaeologyEnglish LiteratureScience Fiction
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      H.P. LovecraftHorror LiteratureH P LovecraftLovecraftian Horror
The paper discusses spatial and racial constructions of liminality and otherness in narrations of H. P. Lovecraft which are connected to the so-called "Cthulhu-myth".
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      Space and PlaceLiminalityH.P. LovecraftOtherness
A survey of the coin and paper money denominations that appear in H. P. Lovecraft's, "The Terrible Old Man," The Dunwich Horror," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," and "Ibid."
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      NumismaticsScience FictionRhode Island HistoryHorror Literature
Cari amici, cari colleghi, vi ricordo che il 20 aprile scade la call for papers del seminario “All’Ombra di Innsmouth. Religioni e Miti nell’Opera di Howard Phillips Lovecraft” (Ariccia, 7-9 luglio 2022). Terzo seminario sulle “Religioni... more
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      Fantasy (Film Studies)Comics StudiesHorror FilmComics
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      H.P. LovecraftAdventure GamesLovecraft StudiesLovecraft
Lunceford, Brett. Review of Sex and the Cthulhu Mythos by Bobby Derie. Popular Culture Studies Journal, 3, no. 1&2 (2015): 555-559.
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      American LiteratureSex and GenderLiteraturePopular Culture
Partindo da leitura de três contos de H. P. Lovecraft – "Ar frio" (1926/1928), "Sonhos na Casa da Bruxa" (1932/1933) e "O assombro nas trevas" (1935/1936) – procurou-se tecer algumas considerações a respeito da representação do... more
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      American CatholicismStereotypes and PrejudiceGothic LiteratureGothic Studies
Ensayo de divulgación con un panorama sintético de la influencia de Edgar Allan Poe en la literatura universal contemporánea, concentrándose en ciertos géneros y autores: la poesía y Baudelaire, en la obra de Herman Melville, en Julio... more
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      The American Gothic NovelArthur Conan DoyleWilliam FaulknerH.P. Lovecraft
Cari amici, cari colleghi, vi trasmetto la call for papers del seminario “All’Ombra di Innsmouth. Religioni e Miti nell’Opera di Howard Phillips Lovecraft” (Ariccia, 7-9 luglio 2022). Terzo seminario sulle “Religioni Fantastiche” promosso... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistory of ReligionScience FictionHistory of Religions
Artículo publicado en Karate Press, nº1 (septiembre de 2015)
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      Mythology And FolkloreNationalismWeird FictionLovecraft Studies
Selon Todorov, le fantastique naît de l’incertitude quant au caractère surnaturel d’un fait. Le rêve en est un ressort classique, qui soit crée ou prolonge cette incertitude (lorsqu’on ignore si l’on rêve), soit la résorbe (lorsqu’il est... more
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      American LiteratureImaginaryLovecraft Studies
En esta reseña nos proponemos analizar una nueva edición y traducción de una de las obras más conocidas del maestro del terror y uno de los padres de la ciencia ficción: H. P. Lovecraft. De la misma forma, intentaremos abordar brevemente... more
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      H.P. LovecraftH P LovecraftThe Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H.P. LovecraftSufi Motifs in H. P. Lovecraft
On November 3, 1927, H. P. Lovecraft sent a letter to his friend Wandrei. He related a dream that had impressed him with its vivacity, about a threat haunting the mountains of the Vascones. Lovecraft as a quaestor, the provincial... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryReception StudiesAudience and Reception Studies
This essay, published in Dead Reckonings #23, compares and contrasts the various versions of Gary Myers' short story "The House of the Worm."
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      Science Fiction and FantasyH.P. LovecraftHorror LiteratureNew Weird Fiction
ABSTRACT: Abstract: The aim of this article is to analyze the epistemological and aesthetic grounds for Lovecraft’s theory of cosmic horror. In order to make sense of the celebrated epithet applied to Lovecraft, describing him as «a... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of LiteraturePhilosophy of CultureH.P. Lovecraft
One among H. P. Lovecraft’s most renowned and remarked thematic points are his peculiar and unique monsters. Cthulhu, for example, is one of the highlighted monsters in pop culture of the 20th and 21th centuries. However, the critics... more
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      H.P. LovecraftCthulhuMonsters and the MonstrousLovecraft Studies
La influencia de H. P. Lovecraft y de los Mitos de Cthulhu ha trascendido de la propia literatura a otros ámbitos culturales, como el cine. En concreto, los intentos de adaptación no han resultado muy acertados, ante la dificultad de... more
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      Spanish CinemaHorror CinemaH.P. LovecraftSpanish cinema (Film Studies)
O presente artigo procura analisar a obra de H. P. Lovecraft e suas diversas investidas em outras mídias após sua morte. O autor experimentou nos últimos dez anos, uma espécie de renascença cultural, que começou a legitimá-lo como artista... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesH.P. LovecraftH P Lovecraft
The Theology, Religion, and Pop Culture series examines the intersection of theology, religion, and popular culture, including, but not limited to television, movies, sequential art, and genre fiction. In a world plagued by rampant... more
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      LiteratureH.P. LovecraftLovecraft Studies
H. P. Lovecraft (1890 – 1937), the most important American author of Weird Fiction, is known best for creating the Cthulhu mythos: an alternative universe, reigned by monstrous Gods, in which humanity eventually became meaningless. A... more
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      Game studiesGame DesignGothic StudiesAdaptation (Literature)
This article considers the different ethical effects of extra-terrestrial forces entering the milieu of the Earth in H. P. Lovecraft’s 1927 story “The Colour out of Space” and Alex Garland’s 2018 film Annihilation. The article first... more
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      EthicsMarxismScience FictionEcocriticism
[Cosmos and Contagion: Traces of H. P. Lovecraft in Contemporary Japanese Cinema]
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      Literature and cinemaJapanese CinemaHorror CinemaH.P. Lovecraft
Published November 2017 in the anthology "Horror in Space Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre". Looks at meteorite-horror films, such as The Blob, Monolith Monsters, Slither, Deadly Spawn, etc - how HP Lovecraft's The Colour out of... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisHorror FilmConsumerism
Cet article vise a expliquer le lien privilegie entre la mythologie lovecraftienne et le jeu d’aventure. Au prealable, le « jeu d’aventure » est defini comme un genre videoludique permettant la reconstitution d’un recit pre-ecrit grâce a... more
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      LoadingAdventure GamesH P LovecraftLovecraft Studies