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      Russian NationalismBaltic Sea Region StudiesNational IdentityEast-Central European History
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      Commemoration and MemoryGerman NationalismEast PrussiaCultures of remembrance
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    • Lithuanian Nationalism
This monograph examines previously unstudied issues of Lithuanian exile in East Siberia, namely in the Buryat-Mongolian republic east of Lake Baikal. The case study of Lithuanian deportees in Buryat-Mongolia sheds light on many aspects of... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisHistory and MemoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)
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      Soviet HistoryIdentity (Culture)NationalismCommemoration and Memory
Pasitelkus šiuolaikines istoriografines koncepcijas ir teorines prieigas, monografijoje analizuojama Lietuvos regiono Prūsijoje erdvinių vaizdinių kaita nuo XVI iki XX amžiaus. Tyrimas fokusuojamas į su šiuo regionu susijusių erdvinių... more
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      History of IdeasGerman HistoryBaltic StudiesIdentity (Culture)
German summary of the monograph „Nacionalinių erdvių konstravimas daugiakultūriame regione: Prūsijos Lietuvos atvejis“ (Vilnius, 2015) published as a separate paper in „Annaberger Annalen“ (vol. 24/2016). The monograph is also available... more
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      History of IdeasGerman HistoryBaltic StudiesIdentity (Culture)
Book Review: Літоўская палітычная думка, канец ХІХ – пачатак ХХ стст. Анталогія / укладанне: Андрэй Казакевіч; навук. рэдактар: Томаш Блашчак, Мінск: Медисонт, 2013, 320 с.+[6] л. іл. [серыя «Гісторыя палітычных ідэй»]
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      Lithuanian HistoryLithuanian Nationalism
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      Identity (Culture)NationalismNational IdentityCommemoration and Memory