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Vincent Broqua, Dirk Weissmann (dir.), Sound / Writing : traduire-écrire entre le son et le sens, Homophonic translation – traducson – Oberflächenübersetzung, Paris, éditions des archives contemporaines, 2019, 356 p., ISBN :... more
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      American LiteratureFrench LiteratureGerman LiteratureEnglish Literature
CALL FOR PAPERS [French and German Version: see PDF] Sound / Writing: On Homophonic Translation International Conference, Paris, November 17-19, 2016 Organizers: Vincent Broqua (University of Paris at Saint-Denis) and Dirk Weissmann... more
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      American LiteratureGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
Er(r)go…, fiasko mowy – prosimy zachować ciszę, bo cisza jest skarbnicą dźwięków, ich nasyceniem, kumulacją brzmień. A dalej: cisza aktywna, energia ciszy, cisza dźwięków, język poetycki jako muzyka ciszy, pejzaż dźwięku, milczenie... more
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      PerformativityJacques LacanMaurice BlanchotGeorges Bataille
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      Adaptation StudiesLiterature and SoundAudio BookAudiobook
More Than Meets The Ear: Sound & Short Fiction, Conference in Affiliation with the European Network for Short Fiction Research, University of Vienna, September 19–21, 2019 (Lecture).
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      American LiteratureReligionAmerican StudiesHebrew Bible
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      American LiteratureWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
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      William WordsworthHenry FieldingLiterature and SoundBritish theatre
In der Reihe der Handbücher zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Philologie 1 darf ein Band zum Thema Audiokultur nicht fehlen. Es schließt an verschie-dene Publikationen zum Thema bzw. verwandten Themen an, die in den letzten Jahren erschienen... more
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      Sound studiesLiterature and SoundRadio DramaRadio Drama / Hörspiel / Sound Art
Modern Languages Association Conference January 7-10, 2021 Toronto, Canada Sounding Resistance in Modern Austrian Literature and Culture From the dissonant melodies of Grillparzer’s “Poor Musician,” to the cacophonous... more
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      Film Music And SoundSound studiesAustrian LiteratureLiterature and Sound