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"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsEvolutionary PsychologyMusic
Indian literature has a long history since the Vedic-period. Different social and political changes have influenced this literary history from time to time and these changes have given rise to different literary genres. The last two... more
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      FolkloreContemporary PoetryLiterary Theories
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      Creative WritingCultural StudiesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
Although New-Historicism and Reader-response literary theories suggest different attempts in the generation of meaning, in fact, they exist in separate domains. However, the connection between them is a matter of the existence of a text.... more
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      New HistoricismReader-Response TheoryRobinson CrusoeLiterary Theories
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      English LiteratureLiterary TheoriesComparative literature, postcolonial literatures and literary theory, world literature, contemporary literature, intersections among Latin American and Arabic literatures, liberation movements, and translation studies
In postmodern philosophy, desire is often considered as a positive liberating force that ought not to be seized or controlled. Actually, the postmodernist thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari disprove Freud's negative perception of... more
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      Gender StudiesTheatre of the AbsurdLiterary TheoriesModern British drama
Cultural Criticsm and Feminism are literary theories that have been employed in the critical analysis here in the generation of meaning in Mariama Bâ's So Long a Letter. In exploring this investigation, the argument here is hinged on the... more
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      Feminist TheoryCultural CriticismLiterary TheoriesMariama Ba
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryGreek Literature
Les frontières entre fait et fiction, réalité et imaginaire, ont la répu-tation d'être désormais brouillées. Pourquoi les défendre ? Parce qu'elles sont une nécessité cognitive, conceptuelle et politique ; parce que leur disparition... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryParadoxes
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
This book participates in the ongoing debate about the alleged “death of theory” and the current post-theoretical condition, arguing that the “finitude” of theoretical projects does not mean “end”, but rather contingency and... more
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      Critical TheoryComparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismTextual Criticism
Le livre décrit la réalité trouvée aux Antilles avant, pendant et après l’esclavage/la colonisation. La réalité de la position subalterne des individus qui ne se reconnaissent plus. Un peuple qui a perdu leur identité. Ce livre a le but... more
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureAfrican LiteratureCaribbean Literature
The present research aims to explore the struggle of the marginalized community for a free nation, where individuals try to regain their culture. Gerald Vizenor's The Heirs of Columbus has depicted their longing for survival and cultural... more
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      American LiteratureSouth Asian LiteratureLiterary Theories
« Histoire, s.f. c’est le récit des faits donnés pour vrai; au contraire de la Fable, qui est le récit des faits donnés pour faux. » Le projet de cet article est d’étudier cette définition que donne Voltaire, dans l’Encyclopédie, de... more
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      The NovelLiterary TheoryNovelGenres
The rationale behind teaching English as a second language is to impart English language skills and to enhance the communicative competence of learners. Though the objectives of the curriculum clearly reflect the rationale, the success of... more
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      Cultural StudiesTeaching English as a Second LanguageFilm StudiesVisual Literacy
English is taught as a second language in India for every Indian has his own mother tongue. Second language is a language used by people as a language of communication when they are ignorant of each other's mother tongues. In India... more
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      Creative WritingLiterary TheoriesResearch paper on different genres of English Literature
This article mainly covers the last of Regīna Ezera’s short fiction collection “Dragon’s Egg” (Pūķa ola). From it, four stories have been selected for analysis – “Journeying of Souls” (Dvēseļu ceļošana), “Satanic Story” (Sātanisks... more
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      ArtAnimal StudiesLiterary TheoriesLatvian Literature