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      Lion FeuchtwangerStalinMoskauer ProzesseKommunismus
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      AntisemitismLion FeuchtwangerArnold Zweig
This essay foregrounds music, radio, and sound in the novels of the German exile author Lion Feuchtwanger. Specifically, it analyzes the narrative techniques in Feuchtwanger’s "Waiting Room Trilogy," a collection of novels written from... more
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      German StudiesMusic HistoryMusicologyJewish Studies
This essay begins with a critique of several arguments against the possibility of cosmopolitan thought and practice, and therefore, of a “cosmopolitan identity”. In the first part, it takes as a historical example various aspects of the... more
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      CosmopolitanismPaul RicoeurMagical RealismNarrative and Identity
The commonsense opposition between the country of origin and the country of reception has become increasingly problematic in recent exile studies. Many critics have fastened upon ideas of displacement or deterritorialization to abandon... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesExile LiteratureLion Feuchtwanger
A closer look at the literary works, essays, letters and diaries of important German exile writers and anti-Nazi dissidents during National Socialism leads to an important observation: that is the increase of references to classical topoi... more
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      Exile LiteratureBarbariansNationalsocialismLion Feuchtwanger
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      NationalismDiaspora StudiesIsraeli LiteratureFlavius Josephus
SOMMARIO: La storia degli amori tra Alfonso VIII di Castiglia, detto il nobile, e una giovane ebrea di Toledo, originata da una minuta notazione storica, ha dato luogo a una fioritura di testi di vario genere e qualità, in cui la trama... more
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      Lope de VegaFranz GrillparzerLion FeuchtwangerEbrei
Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Erforschung des Antisemitismus sind in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer stärker auch dessen literarische Ausdrucksformen untersucht worden. Dabei haben die Diskussionen um Rainer Werner Fassbinders Stück „Der... more
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      ShakespeareHeinrich HeineThomas MannAntisemitism
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      HistoryGerman LiteratureLiteratureFeuchtwanger
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      Bertolt BrechtDefamiliarization (Distancing) Effect of Bertolt BrechtAlfred DöblinLion Feuchtwanger
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentErnst CassirerLeo StraussAufklärung
Die Studie unternimmt am Beispiel des deutschsprachigen Exilromans zur Zeit des ‚Dritten Reichs‘ den Versuch, die Ästhetik des Komischen als Teil einer modernen Exilpoetik zu etablieren. Sie berücksichtigt dabei das gesamte Spektrum... more
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      HumorMelancholyBertolt BrechtAlfred Döblin
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)ModernismAustrian LiteratureGerman Modernism
In the late 1930s, two prominent European writers, the French André Gide and the German Lion Feuchtwanger published books about their recent trips to the Soviet Union. Both writers belonged to minorities – Gide as a homosexual,... more
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      History of the USSRLion FeuchtwangerAndré Gide (1869-1951)
Announcement of  Presentation of I Came, Saw, I Will Write. Lion Feuchtwanger in Moscow in 1937 (Wallstein Verlag, 2017),
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      TheatreFeuchtwangerLion Feuchtwanger
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      Lion FeuchtwangerErich Kästner
Práca má za cieľ charakterizovať postavu Josepha Flavia v diele Liona Feuchtwangera a v iných historických prameňoch, predovšetkým v jeho vlastnom diele Židovská vojna. Praktickou úlohou bolo nájsť miesta konkrétne opisujúce konanie... more
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      Flavius JosephusLion Feuchtwanger
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      Law and LiteratureWeimar RepublicHeinrich MannAlfred Döblin
In Germany at the turn of the century, Buddhism transformed from an obscure topic, of interest to only a few misfit scholars, into a cultural phenomenon. Many of the foremost authors of the period were profoundly influenced by this rapid... more
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      BuddhismGerman StudiesJewish StudiesGerman History