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This presentation offers a new vision of how linguistic mediation can be implemented in the classroom and help students not only gain language proficiency, but also acquire other skills they will need in their future professional lives.
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      English for Specific PurposesSoft SkillsLinguistic Mediation
La presente obra aborda la formación en comercio exterior desde una perspectiva novedosa, por cuanto, además de los conceptos temáticos desarrollados, presta especial atención a la mediación lingüística y cultural e incluye actividades... more
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      Cultural mediationForeign TradeLinguistic Mediation
Est-ce qu’un linguiste envisage la médiation de la même façon qu’un juriste ou un didacticien ? Est-ce que la médiation cognitive a quelque chose à voir avec la médiation interculturelle et la médiation institutionnelle ? Est-ce que le... more
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      MediationMediation (Law)Family mediationCultural mediation
Emergent bilingual students are often navigating new cultural landscapes and social norms with inappropriate or little to no support. Educators can play an important role in facilitating the formation of new social support networks for... more
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      Multicultural EducationContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Linguistic Mediation
The year 2001 represented a starting point for the teaching of languages all over Europe, with the publication of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). One of the major contributions of the Council of Europe... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLinguistic Mediation
The current paper deals with the concept of mediation within the framework of second language acquisition, focusing on teaching and learning Romanian as a foreign and as a second language. Although the concept was introduced and discussed... more
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      MediationRomanian LanguagePlurilingualismCEFR
Des de la perspectiva de la docència del català en un Departament de Traducció i Interpretació fora del domini lingüístic, volem aprofundir en les possibilitats i avantatges de les diferents tècniques translatòries a les classes de L2,... more
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      Translation StudiesCatalan LanguageGerman LanguageKnowledge Transfer
Soft skills are essential skills needed in the workplace today. However, there are studies that show that students lack some of these skills when they graduate and start their first job. It is our duty as educators to prepare students not... more
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      English for Specific PurposesSoft SkillsLinguistic Mediation
Este taller se centra en el concepto de la mediación lingüística y su aplicación tanto en la enseñanza como en la evaluación de lenguas. Tras una introducción teórica en la que se presentarán los distintos tipos de mediación establecidos... more
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    • Linguistic Mediation
While linguistic mediation appeared in the initial work of the Council of Europe in 2001, it is now that it is receiving more attention after the publication of the Companion Volume in 2017. In addition to cross-linguistic mediation, the... more
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      Bilingual EducationLinguistic Mediation
Benjamin Brüe was a dragoman who accompanied the Ottoman army to Morea and Hungary. Yet he was far from being just a translator, in fact, Brüe was one of the most important actors in the French-Ottoman relations. He managed and at times... more
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      Translation StudiesMediterranean StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesOttoman Empire
Cet article propose une approche des notions de «malaise linguistique» et de «souveraineté linguistique», dont la prise en compte pourrait déboucher, d’une part sur la reconfiguration du rôle et du médiateur et du linguiste de terrain, et... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLinguistique FrançaiseLinguistique appliquéeAnthropologie linguistique
Giovanni AGRESTI (2014), « Nous sommes tous minoritaires! Besoins de médiation et malaise linguistique ». Comunicazione presentata al Convegno internazionale Médiation et droits linguistiques, a cura di Michele De Gioia e Giovanni... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyMediationLanguage rights
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      PhilosophyPragmatismMarxismHerbert Marcuse
Présentation des coordinateurs Le présent numéro est issu d’une journée d’étude internationale qui s’est tenue en mars 2010 à l’Université Paris-Est Créteil, journée organisée par l’Institut des mondes anglophone, germanique, et roman... more
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      SociologyTranslation StudiesLanguage TeachingTraductologie
Giovanni AGRESTI (2014), « Nous sommes tous minoritaires! Besoins de médiation et malaise linguistique ». Comunicazione presentata al Convegno internazionale Médiation et droits linguistiques, a cura di Michele De Gioia e Giovanni... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyMediationLanguage rights
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      DialogueCultureMediationIntercultural dialogue