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Pre-print. Septiembre 2020 (Versión reducida de la versión en inglés: “Sign Bilingualism or Language Deprivation”). Resumen En este trabajo damos cuenta de los resultados de la investigación etnográfica realizada en la zona de Barcelona,... more
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      Sign BilingualismDeaf EducationLanguage Deprivation
The main issue addressed in this paper is practical application of signed language in early development support for deaf and hard of hearing children in Poland. This discussion is set in a broad cultural, linguistic, psychological and... more
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      Sign LanguageLanguage DevelopmentCochlear ImplantSpoken language
This paper reports on the results of ethnographic research carried out in the Barcelona area (in 2018-19), on the situation of deaf education as a result of the continuous complaints from the families of deaf bilingual pupils about the... more
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      Deaf EducationLanguage Deprivation
Traditionally, language deprivation was associated with extreme social situations in which very specific individuals lived their childhood disconnected from social life (the so-called "wild children"), and they could not develop a first... more
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      Sign BilingualismDeaf EducationLanguage Deprivation
En aquest article argumentem que el factor principal de variació lingüística en la població amb sordesa prelocutiva és el tipus d’intervenció exclusivament oral que es realitza majoritàriament en l’actualitat. El fet de no exposar els... more
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      Early InterventionSign LanguagesDeafness and Hearing LossLanguage and Deafness
During an evening lull at the Association of College Educators – Deaf and Hard of Hearing conference, I walked to the shore. Chicago lay behind me, glittering in swank neon. Lake Michigan yawned in front where bare lights limned icy black... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDeaf studiesDeaf EducationMultimodality
Designing inclusive education for deaf learners is a complex dilemma affecting multiple spheres and agents. In the US and Canada, despite considerable work by students, parents, educators, school administrators, curriculum developers, and... more
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      Curriculum StudiesDeaf EducationCurriculum and InstructionDeafness and Hearing Loss
The main issue addressed in this paper is a practical application of sign language in early development support for deaf and hard of hearing children in Poland. This discussion is set in a broad cultural, linguistic, psychological and... more
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      PsychologySign LanguageLanguage DevelopmentCochlear Implant